Liberals in the Catholic Church are taking a baseball bat and beating people out of the pews...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
1,255 we have the Archbishop of Malta, the Pope's point man on sexual abuse, saying that homosexuality is part of God's plan and there's nothing wrong with it.

What that means is that the Catholic Church has been teaching error for 2000 years...

...or it means one of the Pope's most trusted men is a heretic.

It's bad either way.

What's a lay Catholic to do in the face of so much chaos within the ranks fo our clergy?

Do we attend Mass faithfully, put the money in the basket, and ask no questions?

What exactly are we supposed to do when the Catholic Church is turned topsy-turvy?
해외한ì¸ìž¥ë¡œíšŒ ì´íšŒ - The Korean Presbyterian Church Abroad

PCUSA 2010 meeting of relations and exchange with the KPCA. Those PCUSA Liberals brought 2 African women, 1 African man, 1 white man , and 1 white woman, that represents their 98% white demographic caucus as of 2010. You remember the time the Black Panthers came up and down the aisle in the 60's?

The PCUSA likes to lie about the Christianity they once preached, how embarrassing. Its embarrassing to not be a Liberal, but cover up the black and white text that actually happened with alternate conservations. I like to celebrate 100 years of history of a predecessors attempt to hand out liberty, anti-sexism, and to the minute ultra-democrat aged white northern Presbyterian buzz words to the letter.


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Homosexuality is not "sinful." Never has been. Heterosexuality is not sinful or virtuous. But monogamous heterosexuality is the paradigm on which the human race thrives.

Homosexual sodomy is seriously sinful. Fornication is sinful. Adultery is sinful.'

Nothing said above and attributed to the Archbishop of Malta contradicts any of this.

It is no more sinful for a homosexual to WANT TO copulate with another man than it is for a married man to WANT TO copulate with his neighbor's wife. Or daughter. Don't obsess on it ("lust"), but we can't overcome our inclinations, and they are not sinful in and of themselves.

Why is this so difficult to understand?
Ya? Then how come a Christian man ever made a ceremony out of it? One man and One Woman is going to be the rallying cry of 1000 years of Europeanism against the historical wider world, whom only pretend to go along until they're free of westernism, the Arab Sheiks, and the far Eastern hedonists, and the African tribals.
Once they're free there probably will not be a publicly celebrated two-person relationship in this world and neither any Christianity-without-borders.

See if the "ministers" of the US Presbyterians want to Amendment-10A Rewrite Europe's Marriages, and rewrite what was supposed to happen when we first introduced it, I Vote to replace Rite of Marriage with Rite of Spring, see you sacrifice virgins to bring out the plants in 500 AD Novgorod Rus'. That's kind of why 1900 Missionaries came out to Pagan Barbarians was to make the life or slaughter decision to make this ritual Known. we have the Archbishop of Malta, the Pope's point man on sexual abuse, saying that homosexuality is part of God's plan and there's nothing wrong with it.

What that means is that the Catholic Church has been teaching error for 2000 years...

...or it means one of the Pope's most trusted men is a heretic.

It's bad either way.

What's a lay Catholic to do in the face of so much chaos within the ranks fo our clergy?

Do we attend Mass faithfully, put the money in the basket, and ask no questions?

What exactly are we supposed to do when the Catholic Church is turned topsy-turvy?

Well maybe it should open your eyes and make you realize that you've been taken in all these years. Just like all the demodummies out there.
Homosexuality is not "sinful." Never has been. Heterosexuality is not sinful or virtuous. But monogamous heterosexuality is the paradigm on which the human race thrives.

Homosexual sodomy is seriously sinful. Fornication is sinful. Adultery is sinful.'

Nothing said above and attributed to the Archbishop of Malta contradicts any of this.

It is no more sinful for a homosexual to WANT TO copulate with another man than it is for a married man to WANT TO copulate with his neighbor's wife.

Well now, there is that "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife" business.

Just mentioned in passing. I've no dog in this hunt.
interesting title - recognition there is nothing liberal in the 4th century christian bible, Br may not be a complete moron afterall.
Homosexuality is not "sinful." Never has been. Heterosexuality is not sinful or virtuous. But monogamous heterosexuality is the paradigm on which the human race thrives.

Homosexual sodomy is seriously sinful. Fornication is sinful. Adultery is sinful.'

Nothing said above and attributed to the Archbishop of Malta contradicts any of this.

It is no more sinful for a homosexual to WANT TO copulate with another man than it is for a married man to WANT TO copulate with his neighbor's wife. Or daughter. Don't obsess on it ("lust"), but we can't overcome our inclinations, and they are not sinful in and of themselves.

Why is this so difficult to understand?
You LIE!
I don't believe he lies. He is basically saying that acting on homosexual urges is the sin (or missing the mark of ideal sexuality). Having homosexual urges but not acting on them is not a sin. Sure, everyone wants to watch their thoughts, that makes perfect sense. Having a thought and pushing it aside does not constitute wrong-doing.
I don't believe he lies. He is basically saying that acting on homosexual urges is the sin
That I agree with. That's not what he said. Homisexuals dont have special permission to ACT on their lists in the eyes of God. They are free to marry (the OPPOSITE SEX), but acting on their list is SIN.
If a person commits a "sin," it is nobody else's business. According to the Christian narrative, an individual has to account to the Supreme Being only. It makes no sense to emphasize or criticize one "sin" over another, and certainly not in matters of civil public policy. This entire anti-LGBT thing is a hoax brought to us all by people who seek to abuse religion to justify their own sexual insecurities at someone else's expense.

An individual who has sex before he or she is married, or with someone other than his or her spouse, or divorces and marries another while the first spouse is still alive will, according to the Christian narrative, be judged in the afterlife, as will people who commit "sins" that have nothing to do with sex.

BTW: Wow. I didn't realize that Ratzinger (Benedict) and Timmy Dolan, the American Council of Bishops, and their ilk were "liberals." I'm glad I got out of the RC Church when I did so long ago, and before I learned what the RC hierarchy did during WWII and the disgraceful treatment of women in Ireland and elsewhere.
I don't believe he lies. He is basically saying that acting on homosexual urges is the sin
That I agree with. That's not what he said. Homisexuals dont have special permission to ACT on their lists in the eyes of God. They are free to marry (the OPPOSITE SEX), but acting on their list is SIN.
There is no such thing as "sin". What is this cultist nonsense....? Grow up, people.
There is no such thing as "sin".
Are you arguing there is no such thing as missing a target, a deadline, or meeting at ideal? Are you one who believes no child should win/lose a game, everyone should get the reward, that no one ever gets lost?

The definition of sin is simply missing the mark or the ideal. If the mark is missed the first time around, try again, achieve the ideal, and 'sins' are wiped out as if they never happened. Unlike golf. A hole in one does not wipe out the bigger scores in the rest of the game. we have the Archbishop of Malta, the Pope's point man on sexual abuse, saying that homosexuality is part of God's plan and there's nothing wrong with it.

What that means is that the Catholic Church has been teaching error for 2000 years...

...or it means one of the Pope's most trusted men is a heretic.

It's bad either way.

What's a lay Catholic to do in the face of so much chaos within the ranks fo our clergy?

Do we attend Mass faithfully, put the money in the basket, and ask no questions?

What exactly are we supposed to do when the Catholic Church is turned topsy-turvy?
The Catholic Church also changed its tune when it changed its view of the solar system from geocentric to heliocentric.

Like Protestantism and mainstream Christianity in general, the church tends to teach tradition before it teaches scripture.

Here's a kicker. Who were the sinners? Are they you and me, or were they the children of the House of Israel in the first century (and earlier)? Are they you and me, or were they the people subject to the law and who could therefore violate the law? With Christ, things changed. With Christ, “The times of ignorance God overlooked,” Luke said (Acts 17:30).

Paul expounded on Luke, saying that from then on (after the resurrection), God reconciled His people to Himself and stopped counting their trespasses against them (2 Cor 5:16-19). Creation’s failure to worship the one living God no longer condemned it; through the blood of the sacrificial Lamb, it is reconciled to God (Rm 5:10). In His divine forbearance, God had passed over former sins (Rom 3:25) and implemented a new age with His kingdom the new Holy City Jerusalem. The Messiah had delivered God’s people from that present evil age (Gal 1:4). When Paul wrote, the present evil age was the first century.

Read the Old Testament loosely and haphazardly if it helps, but certainly read the New Testament critically and thoroughly. Others may still sin, for according to St. Paul a law is written on their hearts just the same, that they may violate. However, they are not the sinners that the New Testament writers refer to. That's just what tradition teaches.

That new Archbishop may be perverse, but does he teach error? Maybe, maybe not; I'm not his judge. But perhaps he is not bound to tradition like his contemporaries are.
Are you arguing there is no such thing as missing a target, a deadline, or meeting at ideal? Are you one who believes no child should win/lose a game, everyone should get the reward, that no one ever gets lost?
No. I think the concept of "sin" is magical and stupid and for children. Grow up, ya weirdos. we have the Archbishop of Malta, the Pope's point man on sexual abuse, saying that homosexuality is part of God's plan and there's nothing wrong with it.

What that means is that the Catholic Church has been teaching error for 2000 years...

...or it means one of the Pope's most trusted men is a heretic.

It's bad either way.

What's a lay Catholic to do in the face of so much chaos within the ranks fo our clergy?

Do we attend Mass faithfully, put the money in the basket, and ask no questions?

What exactly are we supposed to do when the Catholic Church is turned topsy-turvy?

Keep following Jesus

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