Liberals for generations have given a complete pass to other liberals for sex crimes etc....


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Harvey Weinstein is a fantastic example.
When it was cool and okay to like him, Hollywood elites and actors poured affection and gratitude to this man for years. YEARS.
Openly and gushingly thanking him when receiving awards... invited him to dinners, parties - all the while they all knew what he was. UNTIL - it went public. And then look out... these very same people lambasted him.
There is a looooooooong list of Hollywood elites, politicians etc. that liberals just love to death despite even convictions of sex crimes.

But wait... Trump. Now they are outraged!! He is sick!! Pervert!! Rapist!!

What's the difference?
Harvey Weinstein is a fantastic example.
When it was cool and okay to like him, Hollywood elites and actors poured affection and gratitude to this man for years. YEARS.
Openly and gushingly thanking him when receiving awards... invited him to dinners, parties - all the while they all knew what he was. UNTIL - it went public. And then look out... these very same people lambasted him.
There is a looooooooong list of Hollywood elites, politicians etc. that liberals just love to death despite even convictions of sex crimes.

But wait... Trump. Now they are outraged!! He is sick!! Pervert!! Rapist!!

What's the difference?

Winestein was exposed... So was Bill Cosby. What the hell is wrong with you?
Winestein was exposed... So was Bill Cosby. What the hell is wrong with you?

Winestein was exposed... So was Bill Cosby. What the hell is wrong with you?
The truth about Weinstein was an open secret. They even openly joked about him at the Oscars.

But that did not stop them from praising him continually despite this well known fact.

Conversely, once Cosby was exposed they trashed him immediately.

So what the hell is wrong with them and yourself?
Even if this were true, why are you being a person of god and someone that believes in right & wrong give Trump a pass?

The truth about Weinstein was an open secret. They even openly joked about him at the Oscars.

But that did not stop them from praising him continually despite this well known fact.

Conversely, once Cosby was exposed they trashed him immediately.

So what the hell is wrong with them and yourself?

I'm not in Hollywood. Like Trump's assaults people are afraid of rich powerful men who can crush you and your career.
The truth about Weinstein was an open secret. They even openly joked about him at the Oscars.

But that did not stop them from praising him continually despite this well known fact.

Conversely, once Cosby was exposed they trashed him immediately.

So what the hell is wrong with them and yourself?

They trashed Cosby solely because he told black youth to pull up their pants and take care of their children.
Did Woody Allen ever see a day in prison? No?

Here, just take the time to listen to this conversation.

Meryl Streep hollywood "royalty" praising convicted pedophile roman polansky

Say what does
Roman polansky
Woody Allen
Jeffrey Epstein
Harvey weinstein
Philip Roth
Hugh Hefner

all have in common?

Amazing isn't it? Ever see how Hugh Hefner was protected, worshiped and praised till the day he died and went to hell by the world Hollywood elites?

Ever see the stories that have been bubbling out and also kept under wraps during his life being praised and worshiped?

Hefner fed “his girls” quaaludes—or “thigh openers,” as he liked to joke. He controlled their financial and social lives, imposed curfews and screamed if they violated his cult-like standards of dress and appearance; needless to say, plastic surgery was “compulsory.”

Oh other than being "jewish" they were also staunch leftists corrupting America.

Spielberg has been linked also to that Epstein island.

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