Liberals 'Don’t Understand What’s Happening in the Country'


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
She's clueless like the dumbocrats...

Liberals 'Don’t Understand What’s Happening in the Country'
By Christopher Chantrill
April 25, 2017

In the bonfire of the vanities that is the aftermath of Hillary Clinton’s campaign of 2016 one quote from Shattered, the book of the week, stands supreme.

[C]lueless Hillary Clinton... to a close friend, “I don’t understand what’s happening in the country.”

People like Hillary Clinton won’t understand what is happening to the country until they carve out the cataracts in their eyes that prevent them from seeing what their politics hath wrought. And it is pretty obvious that the same applies to the rest of elite liberaldom.

The political movement that built the welfare state and the administrative state and the liberal cultural hegemony is going on the rocks, and liberals can’t believe it.


Today, in America at least for now, an Ann Coulter can tell University of California, Berkeley, that she is coming to speak there irregardless, because “I have constitutional rights,” and a Milo Yiannopoulos can announce that he is coming to Berkeley for his own “Free Speech Week” that might turn into Free Speech Month if the authorities don’t cooperate. For now.


Read more: Articles: Liberals 'Don’t Understand What’s Happening in the Country'
Liberal understand quite well "what's happening" in the U.S. and in the world. Whether one is liberal or conservative is, however, inconsequential to the matter of how one, as an individual, should handle "what's happening." What matters is that one act rationally, sagely (1) by remembering the opening of Serenity Prayer, and (2) then saying to oneself, "Okay. I see what's coming. How can I fashion/position myself to be on the "winning" side of things when "it" gets here?"

The reality is that being reactively analytical, as compared to/with being proactively analytical, about "what's coming" produces far less rewarding outcomes. Sometimes, even, once "it" arrives, there's nothing of notable value one can do except try to merely survive. But whose fault is it that one didn't act in time so one could "ride the crest of the wave?" I'll tell you. For people who were not expressly and directly prohibited from preparing for what is to come, it's nobody's fault but their own. Very, very few people (proportionately speaking) were thus impeded or denied the chance to take responsibility for themselves and their thriving futures and prepare themselves for what was coming.

You see the approach to thriving in the U.S. is in many ways like being a successful pearl producer/seller. A pearlman can, without question scour the seas looking for an oyster, clam, scallop, etc. that has naturally grown the "mother of all pearls," or they can start an oyster farm and "seed" the creatures to make them grow a pearl which the pearlman can then harvest.

One can easily see that the thing to do is make a plan for thriving and then act on it, adjusting and tweaking "here and there" as matters warrant. The U.S. is set up to to yield the greatest rewards to people who make things "happen" for themselves, though the nation is blessed with enough people who do just that, that it also can provide a "safety net" for people who -- for whatever reason -- don't "grow pearls" and instead, wait for them to "fall in their lap."

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
-- Reinhold Niebuhr, "Serenity Prayer"

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