Racist Obama Caused Dems' Downfall, Not Hillary


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
Obama was/is and will always be a racist...

Racist Obama Caused Dems' Downfall, Not Hillary

By Karin McQuillan
April 25, 2017

The press is starting to pile on Hillary Clinton for losing to President Trump, but the real cause of the Democrats' defeat is never discussed. It is Obama himself.


Obama thinks Democrats should continue to write off those red voters. They don’t have long to wait for the demographics of immigration to turn America's majority non-white. Obama is unfazed because he dreams about this: we already have a non-white majority among Americans under age 5. Obama foresees a permanent Democratic government, based on minority immigration rates, coupled with ginning up racial and gender divisiveness.


Obama’s polices didn’t even work well for Obama, as the Gallup Poll shows, but they served the purpose of his radical takeover of the party. Eight years is a long time. Obama abused federal funding and threats of lawsuits to yank campus culture hard left. He forced the black community left by purposely inflaming racial grievances in Florida and Ferguson, Missouri, and from there across the country. It was Obama who awarded the Marxist Black Lives Matter power and legitimacy. Hillary was stuck with them. Obama even promoted pro-jihadi Islamists to positions of power and influence.

As president, Obama started a private foundation, which he calls Organizing for Action, which trained 30,000 millennial street activists, as many as half from immigrant families. He funneled his campaign experts and donors to this left-wing army, leaving normal liberal politicians on their own. Most of them went down to defeat, but Obama never changed course. He was not interested in building the Democrat Party, but in taking it over.


Read more: Articles: Racist Obama Caused Dems' Downfall, Not Hillary

I suspect the Democratic party will splinter within the next few years as the different political ideologies and minorities vie for leadership.



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