Liberalism’s Real Appeal

One more time.

I'll take you guys seriously on your concern with fetuses when you stop trying to take food away from real children to pay for billionaire tax cuts.

In the US food is readily accessible and fairly cheap. You’re an idiot and an antisemite for those that don’t know you, Joey.

now I know that you are just another russian dipshit.

No, no, PC is a weird experiment of taking a mail-order bride from wherever they are coming from this year, locking her in a house to listen to hate radio all day, and then letting them loose on the internet.

So she plows ahead with her number pointed crazy pretending to take an academic approach to issues, when any junior college would have ripped her to shreds.

"....any junior college would have ripped her to shreds."

It appears we have an admission that you have yet to attend even a junior college.

Good to see you unburden yourself.
Fetuses aren't babies.. Nobody really considers them babies.

I've known women who've had miscarriages and women who've lost actual babies.

Nobody considers a miscarriage as big of a deal.

Now, would it be nice to have less abortions? Sure it would. It's an unpleasant procedure from what I've heard.

But you don't get there by screaming "Jesus" in people's faces.

While I am pro choice, miscarriages are a big deal
And very traumatic for women. What an asshole you are, Joey. Honestly just a terrible person.
One more time.

I'll take you guys seriously on your concern with fetuses when you stop trying to take food away from real children to pay for billionaire tax cuts.

In the US food is readily accessible and fairly cheap. You’re an idiot and an antisemite for those that don’t know you, Joey.

You've been here such a short time, yet have described ErroneousJoe perfectly.

He knows this:

a. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.
How Poor Are America's Poor? Examining the "Plague" of Poverty in America

b. ".... 96 percent of poor parents say that their children were never hungry at any time in the preceding year because they could not afford food."


The Unfinished Work of Welfare Reform

He is a typical Liberal...

“It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.”

― Ronald Reagan
And, yet another post from the history-challenged chump.

He fails to understand the danger in allowing subjectivity to prevail over morality, the Judeo-Christian morality that impelled Western Civilization.

Dennis Prager writes:

Again, who cares. A LOT OF STUFF caused what we laughingly call "Western Civilization", including slavery, racism, imperialism and outright genocide.

Stop posting stuff from like PRager and TRY THINKING FOR YOURSELF.

the Morality you talk about also included crusades, inquisitions, religious wars, burning witches and other stuff we should be rightfully ashamed of now.

You can use the bible to rationalize any bad behavior, and evil men throughout history have.

Which has nothing to do with whether or not women consider a kidney-bean sized fetus a baby...
In the US food is readily accessible and fairly cheap. You’re an idiot and an antisemite for those that don’t know you, Joey.

Yet we still have children that go to bed hungry at night. But we got to make sure the rich get their tax cuts.

Oh, the reason why food is readily accessible and cheap, is because farming and food production is heavily subsidized by the government.
And, yet another post from the history-challenged chump.

He fails to understand the danger in allowing subjectivity to prevail over morality, the Judeo-Christian morality that impelled Western Civilization.

Dennis Prager writes:

Again, who cares. A LOT OF STUFF caused what we laughingly call "Western Civilization", including slavery, racism, imperialism and outright genocide.

Stop posting stuff from like PRager and TRY THINKING FOR YOURSELF.

the Morality you talk about also included crusades, inquisitions, religious wars, burning witches and other stuff we should be rightfully ashamed of now.

You can use the bible to rationalize any bad behavior, and evil men throughout history have.

Which has nothing to do with whether or not women consider a kidney-bean sized fetus a baby...

You are truly an asset to my threads.

I often write how education-averse you dolts are......and you go right ahead and respond to education thus:

"Again, who cares. "
a. As a group, America's poor are far from being chronically undernourished. The average consumption of protein, vitamins, and minerals is virtually the same for poor and middle-class children and, in most cases, is well above recommended norms. Poor children actually consume more meat than do higher-income children and have average protein intakes 100 percent above recommended levels. Most poor children today are, in fact, supernourished and grow up to be, on average, one inch taller and 10 pounds heavier than the GIs who stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.

Wow, this is kind of retarded. Um, yeah, the reason why the guys who stormed Normandy were stunted was because they grew up during the Great Depression. My dad was one of those guys. He was shorter than his father (A German immigrant) by about an inch, because there just wasn't that much food available in the GD. Farmers were literally destroying their crops because they couldn't sell them until the New Deal programs kicked in.

But that we still have kids that go to bed hungry in 2019 America is a disgrace on so many levels.
While I am pro choice, miscarriages are a big deal
And very traumatic for women. What an asshole you are, Joey. Honestly just a terrible person.

No, they really aren't. Not to most people, because they don't consider a fetus to be a person.

It appears we have an admission that you have yet to attend even a junior college.

Good to see you unburden yourself.

Actually, Bachelor of Science in History, UIC, class of 1985.
While I am pro choice, miscarriages are a big deal
And very traumatic for women. What an asshole you are, Joey. Honestly just a terrible person.

No, they really aren't. Not to most people, because they don't consider a fetus to be a person.

It appears we have an admission that you have yet to attend even a junior college.

Good to see you unburden yourself.

Actually, Bachelor of Science in History, UIC, class of 1985.

I'm sure that it is clear to readers that you cannot compete with my documented, linked and sources posts.

You've been helpful, as a cautionary tale....but now you're boring me.

You've served the purpose you were born to, leave.
8. Here, a succinct description of the Liberal, Leftist, misunderstanding of America’s heritage: “…please stop quoting Bible scriptures to me, our government has no business crafting foreign policy based off bible scriptures...this is not a theocracy.” Jews and Democrats….Oil and Water

There is no accurate description of American history without including the influence of the Bible. Slavery was ended due to Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

Prior to the Franklin Roosevelt presidency, the inspiration for out nation mirrored the experience developed over millennia….the Bible and its Judeo-Christian basis. In fact, our founding documents are largely based on the Bible.

The French Revolution, the impetus for Bolshevism, and Nazism, was based on substituting science and reason for religion and morality.

Our revolution produced documents and a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government, the beliefs of Classical Liberals, or what we call 'conservatives' today. Its template was the amalgam of Judeo-Christian biblical tradition and Anglo-Saxon Common Law.
It is for this reason that America did not become the abattoir, the slaughter house, that France became.

But Franklin Roosevelt's infatuation with Joseph Stalin led the Democrat Party to this: infanticide

“New York passes law allowing abortions at any time if mother's health is at risk” New York passes law allowing abortions at any time if mother's health is at risk

1. Hussein Obama supported infanticide.

2. Obama named Peter Singer, champion of infanticide, as his 'science adviser.'

3. The Democrat administration in Virginia offered a law favor of....infanticide....stopped by Republicans.

4. The Democrat governor of Virginia agreed with the bill for infanticide.

5. "New York abortion law changes allow infanticide"
New York abortion law changes allow infanticide

6. "Anti-infanticide bill blocked by Senate Democrats"
Anti-infanticide bill blocked by Senate Democrats

Infanticide is mainstream Democrat policy. It couldn’t be further from our Judeo-Christian roots.
I'm sure that it is clear to readers that you cannot compete with my documented, linked and sources posts.

You've been helpful, as a cautionary tale....but now you're boring me.

You've served the purpose you were born to, leave.

Do you really act like this in real life? I hope not.

Anyway, duly noted you can't really cope with the real world... much too scary for you.
9. By now, most know- whether they will admit it or not- that abortion is basically the savage’s method of birth control.

Never mind the bogus 'incest, and rape' ....
The concept that there are "cases of rape or incest" is a chimera.
They really don't exist.....well, the fact is that 98.5% of abortion don't involve either abhorrent event.

The cases in which abortion is for rape, 1%; and .5% incest.

The overwhelming basis used for killing the unborn is convenience.
Convenience, as in having your groceries delivered rather than having to walk across the street to pick them up.....this level of effort in deciding to execute the child you've created.

And, that is the raison d'être of Planned Parenthood.

a. "According to its 2016-2017 annual report, Planned Parenthood performed 321,384 abortions but only 3,889 adoption referrals.

b. Planned Parenthood also provided 7,762 prenatal services in 2016-2017, down from 9,419 in 2015-2016.

c. The abortion giant’s excess revenue increased from $77.5 million in 2015 to $98.5 million this past year,

d. ...and received $543.7 million in taxpayer dollars in 2016."
5 Key Numbers From Planned Parenthood’s New Annual Report

10. For the truly lazy, and cowardly, who regularly mouth the self-serving “both parties are the same,”…..

Trump administration bars clinics that provide abortions or abortion referrals from federal funding
Planned Parenthood, which stands to lose $60 million a year, is calling on courts and Congress to block the rule
The move represents “decisive action to disentangle taxpayers from the big abortion industry led by Planned Parenthood,”

One is the party of abortion and infanticide....the other opposes same.
While I am pro choice, miscarriages are a big deal
And very traumatic for women. What an asshole you are, Joey. Honestly just a terrible person.

No, they really aren't. Not to most people, because they don't consider a fetus to be a person.

It appears we have an admission that you have yet to attend even a junior college.

Good to see you unburden yourself.

Actually, Bachelor of Science in History, UIC, class of 1985.

UIC is a 2nd rate school. You’re an old fool. And yes women cry over it. It is very traumatic you idiot
In the US food is readily accessible and fairly cheap. You’re an idiot and an antisemite for those that don’t know you, Joey.

Yet we still have children that go to bed hungry at night. But we got to make sure the rich get their tax cuts.

Oh, the reason why food is readily accessible and cheap, is because farming and food production is heavily subsidized by the government.

Since when do you care? You said miscarriages are just bleh? What a waste of space you are.
I'm sure that it is clear to readers that you cannot compete with my documented, linked and sources posts.

You've been helpful, as a cautionary tale....but now you're boring me.

You've served the purpose you were born to, leave.

Do you really act like this in real life? I hope not.

Anyway, duly noted you can't really cope with the real world... much too scary for you.

Joeys real world = all Jews are evil, miscarriages are no big deal, all poor people are starving and it’s all Trumps fault. LMAO. Y:asshole:
…is you can do whatever feels good at the moment. Nothing else matters.

1.Or, to put it another way, one can pursue a life having no greater morality than that designed by any lower organism. Plato was credited with the quote, "An unexamined life is not worth living,” yet that is exactly what Liberals, Leftists, yearn to do: live without considering the consequences to any other person, or society in general. No matter how degrading, insane or counterproductive….Liberals, Progressives, Democrats….they’re on board with that.

At some point, the West gave up that which made it dominant: morality, religion, and a belief in the sanctity of human life. Now the mantra is ‘who are you to tell me….’

2. “Teen Vogue tells young girls, having an abortion is ‘safer than giving birth.’ Teen Vogue, a popular online magazine targeted at teenage girls, told their young readers this month, abortion procedures are safer than giving birth.

“Abortion is actually very safe,” the magazine stated in a piece titled 5 Abortion Myths and the Truth About Them. “In fact, it’s a safer procedure than getting a colonoscopy, and it’s safer than giving birth.”

The U.S. based publication also linked young readers to a study which claimed the risk of death associated with childbirth is approximately 14 times higher than that with abortions.

What the article fails to mention is that every successful abortion results in someone’s death.” Teen Vogue tells young girls, having an abortion is 'safer than giving birth.' · Caldron Pool

3. Championing the slaughter of the most innocent and the most defenseless comes from this view:
"We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life." Leon Trotsky

…and leads to this:

"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic."

Joseph Stalin

…a repudiation of this: “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27

It certainly relieves one of difficult decision-making, doesn’t it.
I guess liberals think there is more to being human than just possessing a protein.
Let's cut to the chase.....that "holy book" is the basis for our nation, and referenced in our founding documents.

So what? They also defecated in chamber pots, thought bleeding was a valid medical treatment, and owned other human beings as property. I think we should stop citing them as an authority on much of anything.

So in your quest for government small enough to fit in a lady's who-ha, the real practicality is women will have abortions no matter what the law is. They aren't difficult to perform, and no jury would ever convict a woman of having one.

"...and owned other human beings as property."

I'll post about the Democrats next time.
You mean the southern white supremaciat Democrats who are now all Republicans?

That the best you have, cut and paste Queen?
One more time.

I'll take you guys seriously on your concern with fetuses when you stop trying to take food away from real children to pay for billionaire tax cuts.

In the US food is readily accessible and fairly cheap. You’re an idiot and an antisemite for those that don’t know you, Joey.

Provide proof that your first sentence is true.

Have you ever been hungry and not had a dime in your pocket?

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