Liberal rag The Atlantic blames black under-performance at math on WHITENESS


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
To liberals black failure at everything other than sports is always "explained" by a giant conspiracy among white people.!! So why is it asians do fine at math?

How Does Race Affect a Student's Math Education?

april 25 2017 Lately, much of the discussion of race in math education has centered on the persistent underperformance of certain student groups, particularly black, Latino, and indigenous youth, and their disparate access to honors, gifted, and advanced mathematics courses. Yet a new paper disrupts those narratives by examining an unaddressed element of the equation—namely, the ways in which “whiteness” in math education reproduces racial advantages for white students and disadvantages historically marginalized students of color.

Dan Battey, an associate math professor at the Rutgers University Graduate School of Education, said he set out to synthesize for math educators the research literature from sociology, history, and other disciplines on whiteness—defined in the paper as “the ideology that maintains white supremacy, valuing one racial group over others.” He also sought to expose how whiteness operates in classrooms and schools, leaving black, Latino, and indigenous students disenfranchised mathematically.
Yes, that math stuff just screams 'racism', doesn't it? Their own politicians are responsible for their being butt stupid and not getting real educations, by dumping AA in favor of quotas; quotas eliminated the need for the education establishment to actually provide educations and now they're sniveling about the results of being given exactly what they demanded. Democrats must be proud of their achievements, since it got them a solid base of idiots to vote for them no matter what. Most of them choose 'Stoopid!!!' entirely on their own anyway.
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To liberals black failure at everything other than sports is always "explained" by a giant conspiracy among white people.!! So why is it asians do fine at math?

How Does Race Affect a Student's Math Education?

april 25 2017 Lately, much of the discussion of race in math education has centered on the persistent underperformance of certain student groups, particularly black, Latino, and indigenous youth, and their disparate access to honors, gifted, and advanced mathematics courses. Yet a new paper disrupts those narratives by examining an unaddressed element of the equation—namely, the ways in which “whiteness” in math education reproduces racial advantages for white students and disadvantages historically marginalized students of color.

Dan Battey, an associate math professor at the Rutgers University Graduate School of Education, said he set out to synthesize for math educators the research literature from sociology, history, and other disciplines on whiteness—defined in the paper as “the ideology that maintains white supremacy, valuing one racial group over others.” He also sought to expose how whiteness operates in classrooms and schools, leaving black, Latino, and indigenous students disenfranchised mathematically.

Asians are not lazy and take education very serious...liberals are keeping blacks stupid
Its parents. It all comes down to parents. Achieving children have parents that encourage and work with their children.
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The Atlantic is wrong...Read the Bell curve to learn the real reason and then look at test scores between the races.

And i'm sure the atlantic knows they are wrong. The evidence that blacks are mentally inferior is overwhelming.
They say "math is a universal language". Even aliens from other planets are expected to understand it.
To liberals black failure at everything other than sports is always "explained" by a giant conspiracy among white people.!! So why is it asians do fine at math?

How Does Race Affect a Student's Math Education?

april 25 2017 Lately, much of the discussion of race in math education has centered on the persistent underperformance of certain student groups, particularly black, Latino, and indigenous youth, and their disparate access to honors, gifted, and advanced mathematics courses. Yet a new paper disrupts those narratives by examining an unaddressed element of the equation—namely, the ways in which “whiteness” in math education reproduces racial advantages for white students and disadvantages historically marginalized students of color.

Dan Battey, an associate math professor at the Rutgers University Graduate School of Education, said he set out to synthesize for math educators the research literature from sociology, history, and other disciplines on whiteness—defined in the paper as “the ideology that maintains white supremacy, valuing one racial group over others.” He also sought to expose how whiteness operates in classrooms and schools, leaving black, Latino, and indigenous students disenfranchised mathematically.

No no no it's obviously the fault of "yellowness," since Asians consistently outperform whites. I'm so sick of this race baiting n!gger bullshit. BLM and the never ending claims of the all inclusive "white privilege," have turned me into a racist, at least against the spics and n!ggers, still a big fan of the Jews and Asians though.
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They say "math is a universal language". Even aliens from other planets are expected to understand it.

Libs say no. They claim there is a black mathematics and schools need to teach that!!!

Fact is blacks are lost around numbers or abstract thinking. Most can't even tell time. That's why they can't keep appointments.
This is true. When I was in school my teacher would tell all the white kids that 5+5=10. She'd then tell the black kids, who were all of course segregated into the back of the room, that 5+5=8. She'd then turn to the white kids and wink. It was one big conspiracy.

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