Liberal Racists Piling On Carson


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
Liberal Democrat HATE soon to be SOCIALIST liberal democrat hate is on display right now. See it in the news and see it here. Here you have one of the most highly educated people in the world in his field AND he has not one but TWO degrees.

A worlds leading brain surgeon and liberals call him stupid because he does NOT buy into global warming. Folks the people these liberals are listening to is a broke down ambulance chaser named Al Gore who could not cut it as a lawyer and NEVER argued a case of any merit.

So it has to be the FACT that Ben Carson is a Negro, there is NO other excuse. And he is NOT a fake Negro like Socialist democrats have pushed the last 8 years. Obama is 1/4 Arab 1/4 Negro and 1/2 White. If democrats HAD to tell the truth he {Obama} is NOT a Negro. He's white trash.

So then you look at their backgrounds. Carson grew up poor and worked HARD in school. Obama went to a school where he smoked pot snorted coke and was a full fledged slacker. And do socialist democrats defend the HARD work? No they defend the pot smoking coke snorting slacker. It HAS to be race because it sure as hell is not merit.

In summation Ben Carson's life is what you get via hard work, study and ethics.
Obama is the result of smoking pot and snorting coke and being a slacker.
That IS the socialist democrat reward system.

Liberal Democrat HATE soon to be SOCIALIST liberal democrat hate is on display right now. See it in the news and see it here. Here you have one of the most highly educated people in the world in his field AND he has not one but TWO degrees.

A worlds leading brain surgeon and liberals call him stupid because he does NOT buy into global warming. Folks the people these liberals are listening to is a broke down ambulance chaser named Al Gore who could not cut it as a lawyer and NEVER argued a case of any merit.

So it has to be the FACT that Ben Carson is a Negro, there is NO other excuse. And he is NOT a fake Negro like Socialist democrats have pushed the last 8 years. Obama is 1/4 Arab 1/4 Negro and 1/2 White. If democrats HAD to tell the truth he {Obama} is NOT a Negro. He's white trash.

So then you look at their backgrounds. Carson grew up poor and worked HARD in school. Obama went to a school where he smoked pot snorted coke and was a full fledged slacker. And do socialist democrats defend the HARD work? No they defend the pot smoking coke snorting slacker. It HAS to be race because it sure as hell is not merit.

In summation Ben Carson's life is what you get via hard work, study and ethics.
Obama is the result of smoking pot and snorting coke and being a slacker.
That IS the socialist democrat reward system.
Obamas father is pure Nigerian and his mother has Black ancestors. How do you continue to fuck up your threads with easily researched lies? BTW whats wrong with being a socialist? It seems you think its a bad thing. Also are you claiming all you need to become POTUS is to smoke pot and be a slacker?
Liberal Democrat HATE soon to be SOCIALIST liberal democrat hate is on display right now. See it in the news and see it here. Here you have one of the most highly educated people in the world in his field AND he has not one but TWO degrees.

A worlds leading brain surgeon and liberals call him stupid because he does NOT buy into global warming. Folks the people these liberals are listening to is a broke down ambulance chaser named Al Gore who could not cut it as a lawyer and NEVER argued a case of any merit.

So it has to be the FACT that Ben Carson is a Negro, there is NO other excuse. And he is NOT a fake Negro like Socialist democrats have pushed the last 8 years. Obama is 1/4 Arab 1/4 Negro and 1/2 White. If democrats HAD to tell the truth he {Obama} is NOT a Negro. He's white trash.

So then you look at their backgrounds. Carson grew up poor and worked HARD in school. Obama went to a school where he smoked pot snorted coke and was a full fledged slacker. And do socialist democrats defend the HARD work? No they defend the pot smoking coke snorting slacker. It HAS to be race because it sure as hell is not merit.

In summation Ben Carson's life is what you get via hard work, study and ethics.
Obama is the result of smoking pot and snorting coke and being a slacker.
That IS the socialist democrat reward system.
Do you make every decision, every judgment, every question by looking through your personal extreme racist prism? You are blatantly projecting your own warped racist attitudes here.

Ben Carson may be a brilliant Doctor. He may be an admirable figure for his rise through our system. But those attributes do not endow him with intellectual infallibilty.

And his complexion has nothing to do with his political opposition. The Conservatives use race as a metric for assessing the character of others. Liberals make their assessments of character from listening and observing. Try that sometime and even a ham handed racist like you might be amazed at the truth rather than your preconceived notions.
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I DO think being a socialist is a bad thing and I would love to go into detail to educate you but the site seems to be doggy today and suffering from re-directs SO we may have to wait for the techs to fix the bugs.

As far as "my claims" they are NOT my claims, they ARE things Obama has admitted to in HIS book. Takes them from claims to FACT unless YOU are saying HIS book written by HIM is a lie.
I DO think being a socialist is a bad thing and I would love to go into detail to educate you but the site seems to be doggy today and suffering from re-directs SO we may have to wait for the techs to fix the bugs.

As far as "my claims" they are NOT my claims, they ARE things Obama has admitted to in HIS book. Takes them from claims to FACT unless YOU are saying HIS book written by HIM is a lie.
It would be interesting to see how illogical your thoughts are about socialism.

Show me where it says in his book he is 1/4 caucasian Arab and 1/4 Negro. I need a link.

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Yeah, any time a black gets "uppity" or leans right the left loons call them an Uncle Tom...then wonder why they get labeled a racist.
Liberals tend to be racist at least as much as anyone else. The OP is as well.
Socialist democrats simply want to block his advancement and we HAVE seen that before as democrats block entry into schools for Negro's.

Socialist democrats are the same old racists they just have better teeth now.
Yeah, any time a black gets "uppity" or leans right the left loons call them an Uncle Tom...then wonder why they get labeled a racist.
No one calls General Collin Powell an uncle tom. There is a reason that you as a white person wouldnt understand.

I don't take anything you say serious, Goober. Nothing, you run around trying to impress people and don't realize you're being laughed at. Oh and you're one of the biggest racist assholes on this forum....proving the OP correct. Now shuck and jive...that means pound sand
I see I have made you so emotionally distraught you cant address my post. Why do Black people call Carson a uncle tom but not Colin Powell? Hint

If democrats were NOT racist you would expect them to celebrate a bright spot in Negro culture. But instead they punish it. Is that not CLEAR evidence of racist thinking and practice?
It's fucking hilarious to watch the tables turned on the left. They are saying about Carson, many of the things we said about Obama and they called us racist. Yet they deny they are racist. Liberals are just the worst of humanity.
What other reason the bigotry would socialist democrats have for trying to destroy a bright Negro mind? Other then they have a history of doing that.

What you ARE seeing with the attack on Ben Carson is REAL racist thinking not that load of trash they have been selling. And if you truly look at what they have done is they HAVE tried their best to destroy ANY Negro being president no matter how bright how talented.
It's fucking hilarious to watch the tables turned on the left. They are saying about Carson, many of the things we said about Obama and they called us racist. Yet they deny they are racist. Liberals are just the worst of humanity.
Calling someone an uncle tom is not racist. It just means the Black person being called an uncle tom is dancing for his white handlers.
What other reason the bigotry would socialist democrats have for trying to destroy a bright Negro mind? Other then they have a history of doing that.

What you ARE seeing with the attack on Ben Carson is REAL racist thinking not that load of trash they have been selling. And if you truly look at what they have done is they HAVE tried their best to destroy ANY Negro being president no matter how bright how talented.
If you were even a little bit intelligent you would realize no one can destroy your mind unless you let them.

Still waiting for you link to prove your claim in the OP. Stop stalling.
If democrats were NOT racist you would expect them to celebrate a bright spot in Negro culture. But instead they punish it. Is that not CLEAR evidence of racist thinking and practice?
They would celebrate black, African or Africa American culture but since only ignorant racist tiny dicks use the term negro it would be celebrating racism.

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