Liberal "mindfull stupidity" blamed for Measles outbreak


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
I'm sure that for every liberal anti-vaccer there is a Michelle Bachmann.
Only liberals are stupid enough to resurrect a serious disease that had been conquered in this country. Yeah, let's invite all those third world kids into the country and force our schools to expose them to our kids without telling anyone they were at risk and threatening doctors with charges if they warned anyone. Stupid assholes.
these people deny scientific facts therefore they are conservatives

William Jennings Bryan? The Luddites? It would be more apropos to say that present day Social-Conservatives are the inheritors of Paleo-Progressivism.
I don't think it's a Liberal/Conservative thing. I know several Conservatives who are anti-vaccination. Thankfully, none of them now has young kids.

There is a very outspoken chiropractor in Pittsburgh (Dr James Winer, D.C.) who has more than 30 hours of call-in radio programming each weak on several different radio stations, and he tells his listeners that they are crazy if they have their children vaccinated. He gives them detailed instructions on how to force school officials to accept their kids without the "required" proofs of vaccinations.
Only liberals are stupid enough to resurrect a serious disease that had been conquered in this country. Yeah, let's invite all those third world kids into the country and force our schools to expose them to our kids without telling anyone they were at risk and threatening doctors with charges if they warned anyone. Stupid assholes.

Wow...first you call liberals stupid- and yes- those liberals who don't vacinate their kids are stupid- and then you go all stupid blaming 'third world kids' for measles- when there is absolutely no evidence that this outbreak is the result of 'third world kids'.
Only liberals are stupid enough to resurrect a serious disease that had been conquered in this country. Yeah, let's invite all those third world kids into the country and force our schools to expose them to our kids without telling anyone they were at risk and threatening doctors with charges if they warned anyone. Stupid assholes.

Wow...first you call liberals stupid- and yes- those liberals who don't vacinate their kids are stupid- and then you go all stupid blaming 'third world kids' for measles- when there is absolutely no evidence that this outbreak is the result of 'third world kids'.
You make my case for me.

Undocumented Immigrants bringing diseases across border - ABC15 Arizona

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