Liberal LOONS get owned again-CAUGHT making up stores about Russia having dirt on the Donald

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Trump voters are snowflakes, yes everyone is said to be different, but they melt and disinigrate, melt, are no more, disa
The only GOOD news from all this shame is that NOW the lefties might appreciate why bypassing APPROVED, SECURE communications and making yourself vulnerable to BLACKMAIL by foreign Intel Ops is a terrible sin.

If you think TRUMP is vulnerable to blackmail and embarrassment, think about how much compromised shit Hillary exposed herself to with her vain and selfish ignorance of security protocols.. .

In the same light, the Trumpster needs to put down his mighty tweeter toy, and start using the PROPER channels to communicate.

Has it ever occurred to you that Trump is the liar, he is short on ethics and has been lying since day one , a moral man he is not. Just google Psychological projection

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.[1] For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting.

According to some research, the projection of one's unconscious qualities onto others is a common process in everyday life.[2]

Gee thanks for your "rationale" for becoming a dupe and believing stuff that satisfies your pre-existing bias. Now I understand.

Being a liar seems to be a PREREQuisite for anybody in political office. You know ANY that dont???
How does the appendix then go to the allegations of Trump having whores doing golden showers in a BUGGED Russian hotel room? Just because Obama and wife once slept in that room? That's the tabloid crap that is in the politics forum right now. And it makes no sense to anyone who knows any about state intelligence.

Now SOME of this could be interesting. But the tabloid dump today just destroys any underlying credibility to this scandalous laugh piece that circulating Wash.

Wait and watch, your man is going away in handcuffs, and it will not be soon enough.

ROFLMAO Yea sure... :booze:Whatever you say ya fucking lush.. LOL 4 YRS to go Snowflake and after today, pretty much guaranteed 4 more after that.. Enjoy♥

I'm a baby boomer, if you voted for trump you are the snowflake.

Sorry SNOWFLAKE, you liberal piggies don't get to steal our slogans.. Shows how utterly boring you people are.. Get your own lines dummy.

You are calling me a liberal piggy. You may be fat and a liberal, but I am not, but that's ok, I understand people when they reflect themselves onto others. Its like Trump calling everyone a liar, why ? Because he is.

Do you understand? If not I can explain it further.

AddledMudSlinger is completely lost in space. Has no idea who anyone is or where anyone is. Can't even articulate her own topic here. Several of us flushed hours down the crapper last night trying to figure her out. The cheese is way off this cracker.
Trump voters are snowflakes, yes everyone is said to be different, but they melt and disinigrate, melt, are no more, disa
The only GOOD news from all this shame is that NOW the lefties might appreciate why bypassing APPROVED, SECURE communications and making yourself vulnerable to BLACKMAIL by foreign Intel Ops is a terrible sin.

If you think TRUMP is vulnerable to blackmail and embarrassment, think about how much compromised shit Hillary exposed herself to with her vain and selfish ignorance of security protocols.. .

In the same light, the Trumpster needs to put down his mighty tweeter toy, and start using the PROPER channels to communicate.

Has it ever occurred to you that Trump is the liar, he is short on ethics and has been lying since day one , a moral man he is not. Just google Psychological projection

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.[1] For example, a person who is habitually rude may constantly accuse other people of being rude. It incorporates blame shifting.

According to some research, the projection of one's unconscious qualities onto others is a common process in everyday life.[2]

Gee thanks for your "rationale" for becoming a dupe and believing stuff that satisfies your pre-existing bias. Now I understand.

Being a liar seems to be a PREREQuisite for anybody in political office. You know ANY that dont???

With him , remember he is not a politician, its a way of life, natural , that is why he does it so well.
Wait and watch, your man is going away in handcuffs, and it will not be soon enough.

ROFLMAO Yea sure... :booze:Whatever you say ya fucking lush.. LOL 4 YRS to go Snowflake and after today, pretty much guaranteed 4 more after that.. Enjoy♥

I'm a baby boomer, if you voted for trump you are the snowflake.

Sorry SNOWFLAKE, you liberal piggies don't get to steal our slogans.. Shows how utterly boring you people are.. Get your own lines dummy.

You are calling me a liberal piggy. You may be fat and a liberal, but I am not, but that's ok, I understand people when they reflect themselves onto others. Its like Trump calling everyone a liar, why ? Because he is.

Do you understand? If not I can explain it further.

AddledMudSlinger is completely lost in space. Has no idea who anyone is or where anyone is. Can't even articulate her own topic here. Several of us flushed hours down the crapper last night trying to figure her out. The cheese is way off this cracker.
Psychological projection - Wikipedia

If you go to the bottom of the page he is many of the things listed in blue. He has so many psychological issues its hard to separate them and lets just say he has a lot of baggage in his mind.
This shit is better than going to the movies!!:party:

Even Wiki has come out and said it was all a fake story now.. LMAO Bwhahahahahahahahahaha
Certainly we can believe what the giant Cheeto says because he never lied.

Like making fun of a disabled reporter
You don't get "interviews" with "russian agents" telling you the results of Kremlin bugging of hotel rooms without some kind of covertly acquired human intelligence.

You obviously didn't read the report.

Again, the report does not claim that the information came from Russian agents. It only speculates that Russia is holding blackmail over Donald Trump based on the intel collected. Seriously, read the god damn report and stop sounding like such an idiot.

How does the appendix then go to the allegations of Trump having whores doing golden showers in a BUGGED Russian hotel room? Just because Obama and wife once slept in that room? That's the tabloid crap that is in the politics forum right now. And it makes no sense to anyone who knows any about state intelligence.

Now SOME of this could be interesting. But the tabloid dump today just destroys any underlying credibility to this scandalous laugh piece that circulating Wash.
This shit is better than going to the movies!!:party:

Even Wiki has come out and said it was all a fake story now.. LMAO Bwhahahahahahahahahaha

You guy is a loser and a liar. He can't help himself but lie.

Wait and watch, your man is going away in handcuffs, and it will not be soon enough.

ROFLMAO Yea sure... :booze:Whatever you say ya fucking lush.. LOL 4 YRS to go Snowflake and after today, pretty much guaranteed 4 more after that.. Enjoy♥

I'm a baby boomer, if you voted for trump you are the snowflake.

This illustrates that you don't even know what a Snowflake is, so stop embarrassing yourself. A Snowflake ISN'T a Millennial per se, there are PLENTY of Baby Boomer Snowflakes as illustrated when Hillary didn't win.

I'm a Millennial, I was born in 1990 and I'm not a Snowflake.

Which side Right or Left are the following (Leftists are exclusively Snowflakes be they Millennials or Baby Boomers):

Demand Safe Spaces to protect their feelings because they emotionally cannot cope.

Are offended by EVERYTHING.

Have Political Correctness as their oxygen substitute.

Cannot handle anyone having a different opinion than them, when someone has a different opinion they call them "racist", "bigot", "intolerant" etc.

Are prone to whining, cry-babying and bedwetting on a daily basis.

If something doesn't go their way they demand the rules are changed somehow so it can go the way they emotionally and psychologically need it to.

Threaten to shut down debate because any opposing viewpoint isn't Free Speech it's offensive to their Politically Correct World.

Need Play Doh and puppies to stroke and crayons and colouring books because Hillary Clinton lost.
You obviously didn't read the report.

Again, the report does not claim that the information came from Russian agents. It only speculates that Russia is holding blackmail over Donald Trump based on the intel collected. Seriously, read the god damn report and stop sounding like such an idiot.

How does the appendix then go to the allegations of Trump having whores doing golden showers in a BUGGED Russian hotel room? Just because Obama and wife once slept in that room? That's the tabloid crap that is in the politics forum right now. And it makes no sense to anyone who knows any about state intelligence.

Now SOME of this could be interesting. But the tabloid dump today just destroys any underlying credibility to this scandalous laugh piece that circulating Wash.
You guy is a loser and a liar. He can't help himself but lie.

Wait and watch, your man is going away in handcuffs, and it will not be soon enough.

ROFLMAO Yea sure... :booze:Whatever you say ya fucking lush.. LOL 4 YRS to go Snowflake and after today, pretty much guaranteed 4 more after that.. Enjoy♥

I'm a baby boomer, if you voted for trump you are the snowflake.

This illustrates that you don't even know what a Snowflake is, so stop embarrassing yourself. A Snowflake ISN'T a Millennial per se, there are PLENTY of Baby Boomer Snowflakes as illustrated when Hillary didn't win.

I'm a Millennial, I was born in 1990 and I'm not a Snowflake.

Which side Right or Left are the following (Leftists are exclusively Snowflakes be they Millennials or Baby Boomers):

Demand Safe Spaces to protect their feelings because they emotionally cannot cope.

Are offended by EVERYTHING.

Have Political Correctness as their oxygen substitute.

Cannot handle anyone having a different opinion than them, when someone has a different opinion they call them "racist", "bigot", "intolerant" etc.

Are prone to whining, cry-babying and bedwetting on a daily basis.

If something doesn't go their way they demand the rules are changed somehow so it can go the way they emotionally and psychologically need it to.

Threaten to shut down debate because any opposing viewpoint isn't Free Speech it's offensive to their Politically Correct World.

Need Play Doh and puppies to stroke and crayons and colouring books because Hillary Clinton lost.

I kinda like this definition Oosie. It's still a label and suffers from that binary fallacy but at least it refers to psychology instead of politics. Baby steps I guess. (There's actually a thread just started trying to claim "conservatives", whatever that might mean, are better looking/richer than "liberals" whatever that's supposed to mean, so collectively we're still in the knuckledragger stage).

This entire affair continues to be an enigma wrapped in a mystery surrounded by a thin sixteen millimeter shell stuffed into a paper bag. Of recurring interest is this "Play Doh" reference. That's at least three times I've seen it in the last 12 hours. Anyone have a clue what the connection is?

Trump just said that the golden showers story is a lie "believe me". That means that the golden showers story is true, because Trump only says "believe me" when he's lying.

This is NEVER GOING AWAY. Karma truly is a bitch.

"I will release next Tue or Wed evidence only I have that Russia didn't hack DNC" - BELIEVE ME.

Wed two weeks later:

You obviously didn't read the report.

Again, the report does not claim that the information came from Russian agents. It only speculates that Russia is holding blackmail over Donald Trump based on the intel collected. Seriously, read the god damn report and stop sounding like such an idiot.

How does the appendix then go to the allegations of Trump having whores doing golden showers in a BUGGED Russian hotel room? Just because Obama and wife once slept in that room? That's the tabloid crap that is in the politics forum right now. And it makes no sense to anyone who knows any about state intelligence.

Now SOME of this could be interesting. But the tabloid dump today just destroys any underlying credibility to this scandalous laugh piece that circulating Wash.
You guy is a loser and a liar. He can't help himself but lie.

Wait and watch, your man is going away in handcuffs, and it will not be soon enough.

ROFLMAO Yea sure... :booze:Whatever you say ya fucking lush.. LOL 4 YRS to go Snowflake and after today, pretty much guaranteed 4 more after that.. Enjoy♥

I'm a baby boomer, if you voted for trump you are the snowflake.

This illustrates that you don't even know what a Snowflake is, so stop embarrassing yourself. A Snowflake ISN'T a Millennial per se, there are PLENTY of Baby Boomer Snowflakes as illustrated when Hillary didn't win.

I'm a Millennial, I was born in 1990 and I'm not a Snowflake.

Which side Right or Left are the following (Leftists are exclusively Snowflakes be they Millennials or Baby Boomers):

Demand Safe Spaces to protect their feelings because they emotionally cannot cope.

Are offended by EVERYTHING.

Have Political Correctness as their oxygen substitute.

Cannot handle anyone having a different opinion than them, when someone has a different opinion they call them "racist", "bigot", "intolerant" etc.

Are prone to whining, cry-babying and bedwetting on a daily basis.

If something doesn't go their way they demand the rules are changed somehow so it can go the way they emotionally and psychologically need it to.

Threaten to shut down debate because any opposing viewpoint isn't Free Speech it's offensive to their Politically Correct World.

Need Play Doh and puppies to stroke and crayons and colouring books because Hillary Clinton lost.

Believe me I'm not a snowflake but I am a realist. I do love to play with children, and I will color with them as well.

Now Hillary lost, I'm use to loosing , after all John McCain didn't win nor did Gore or Kerry, but Trump. Am I crying , hardly. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.

This man who has put down everyone and even our Pres. over his birth cert, is not going to get my nod of approval ever , never. Like I said I'll be happy to see him leave Washington in the shameful way he got there.
Saying 4Chan is a trust worthy site is like using USMessageBoard for your news. 90% of you idiots never heard of 4Chan before yesterday.

4chan is a troll site. Just like cnn.

Ok now we're getting somewhere. So 4Chan isn't to be trusted.

No more than any other MSM source these days.

Just because you don't like the news, doesn't mean it's fake.

What to you is a credible news organization? Who do you trust generally?
Saying 4Chan is a trust worthy site is like using USMessageBoard for your news. 90% of you idiots never heard of 4Chan before yesterday.

4chan is a troll site. Just like cnn.

Ok now we're getting somewhere. So 4Chan isn't to be trusted.

No more than any other MSM source these days.

Just because you don't like the news, doesn't mean it's fake.

What to you is a credible news organization? Who do you trust generally?

Your un-Trumpian, constructive thought pattern is really annoying!
Buzzfeed’s Trump report takes ‘fake news’ to a new level | New York Post

"There is literally no evidence on offer in these memos or from BuzzFeed that any single sentence in these documents is factual or true. What’s more, we know most major news organizations in America had seen them and despite their well-known institutional antipathy toward Trump, had chosen not to publish them or even make reference to them after efforts to substantiate their charges had failed."

"BuzzFeed tells us that “the document was prepared for political opponents of Trump by a person who is understood to be a former British intelligence agent.” Indeed, the memos are designed to read as though they were cables sent from the field to the home office. And they should set off the bull detector of every rational person who reads them."

Fake news will become more sophisticated, and fake, ambiguous, and spun-up stories will spread widely,” warned an important American editor at the end of December 2016.
- His name: Ben Smith.
- His publication: BuzzFeed."
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