Liberal Effort To Kill Breitbart Working, 1250 Advertisers Gone

Juan de Fuca

Gold Member
May 24, 2016
I hope this means that Bannon will have to step down to return to the private sector to save his company. In the run up to the election Breitbart was doing quite well but from the graph from Alexa, you can see they have flattened out and now rank 241 worldwide down 41 pts. In the U.S. they rank 31.

"Another 100 companies have reportedly pulled their advertising from the far-right news site Breitbart, as the momentum builds behind a grassroots campaign calling on advertisers to boycott the site.

Audi, Visa, T Mobile and Lufthansa have joined the growing list of companies to withdraw, according to Sleeping Giants, the group behind the campaign, which claims that at least 1,250 advertisers no longer wish to be associated with it.

Campaigners have successfully encouraged Twitter users to name and shame companies who advertise on the site by posting screenshots of Breitbart ads."

Breitbart 'loses advertising deals with 1,250 companies'
Brought to us by the same sanctimonious buttpipes who howl about Cheeto Jesus barring CNN and others from a presser.

Bannon leave the folds of Trumps ass cheeks?

surely ye jest.

no pissant fake news company in the world could ever pry him away from the Bigly Show.
Brown shirt sociopaths. Pieces of shit like stalin, obozo, hitlery, mao and the kim dynasty would not exist if it wasn't for mindless drones like these who enable them.

Liberals aborting their genetic garbage or going queer is a GOOD THING.

Lets stop interfering with the weakest links naturally selecting themselves.

Brown shirt sociopaths. Pieces of shit like stalin, obozo, hitlery, mao and the kim dynasty would not exist if it wasn't for mindless drones like these who enable them.

Liberals aborting their genetic garbage or going queer is a GOOD THING.

Lets stop interfering with the weakest links naturally selecting themselves.


Reads too much Breitbart.
Although neonazi sympathizer sites like Breibart are in vogue these days with the alt right, they deserve to be eradicated off the map.
Although neonazi sympathizer sites like Breibart are in vogue these days with the alt right, they deserve to be eradicated off the map.
Yet you scream like a stuck swine when Trump won't let the lying msm in a conference.
Although neonazi sympathizer sites like Breibart are in vogue these days with the alt right, they deserve to be eradicated off the map.
Yet you scream like a stuck swine when Trump won't let the lying msm in a conference.
This dumb bitch knows nothing about history and despot regimes.
Probably never read the Constitution either like Trump.
Start at the first amendment and get back to us.
Maybe they can start up air America again...

I remember Air America, funniest damn radio show ever. The libs had this routine...they would start off calm, then get so worked up over Bush the rage would spew and they would foam at the mouth, then they would wrap up with a big loud Al Gore sigh. lol
Although neonazi sympathizer sites like Breibart are in vogue these days with the alt right, they deserve to be eradicated off the map.

That's why I support a neo-Pinochete.

Throw a few thousand of you parasites out of some helicopters and we could save millions from the purges you sociopaths would inflict.

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Look at your post. You are the quintessential sociopath.
Although neonazi sympathizer sites like Breibart are in vogue these days with the alt right, they deserve to be eradicated off the map.
Yet you scream like a stuck swine when Trump won't let the lying msm in a conference.
This dumb bitch knows nothing about history and despot regimes.
Probably never read the Constitution either like Trump.
Start at the first amendment and get back to us.
24,000 mental health professionals have signed a petition stating Trump is too batshit crazy to be president.
He's given a safe haven and brought out all the mentally disturbed people in this country over to his side.
does that number not strike anyone as unreal......I find it hard to believe they had that many to begin with......

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