Lib judge enables mentally ill person, gets gender changed to non binary

Californian becomes second US citizen granted 'non-binary' gender status

Does this liberal cocksucker also plan on declaring anorexics fat too?

Keenan was born intersex, with a condition known as Swyer Syndrome that prevents the body from producing sex hormones. When Keenan was a teenager and showed no signs of starting puberty, she was diagnosed and underwent a surgery to remove gonadal tissue—a process that she said was not fully revealed to her by her parents or doctors. Like most parents of babies born intersex, Keenan's mother and father chose her gender without consulting her in the process. After living her entire life as a woman, Keenan visited an endocrinologist seven years ago who confirmed her suspicions that she was born intersex.

Unlike “transgenderism”, which is purely a mental/moral disorder, intersex conditions, such as Swyer Syndrome, are real, and those who have these conditions genuinely are neither fully male nor fully female.
It seems to have had a generally successful life. These individuals have a very rare medical condition that should not be confused with the mental disease of transgenderism.
I want to be recognized as bi-species. I always felt like a bird. So I want a court order for human and avian rights. Silly, right? Imagine where we were just 10 years ago with this bullshit. Imagined 10 years hence. Still think it's silly?

Oh, BTW, the Brown family is going to have polygamy legalized in all 50 states using Obergefell as a citation. Their first technical brief is being reviewed right now by Justice Sotomayor of the USSC.

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