LGBTQ people drink water, too. Gonna boycott that next?/another question: why are men celebrated for being strong, but trans people attacked for it?

…why are men celebrated for being strong, but trans people attacked for it?

Nobody's attacking them for being strong.

We're attacking them for being batshit crazy, and for trying to force their madness on the rest of us. And really, we're not the ones who are attacking.

It is the forcing of their madness on us that is the attack, and we are defending against it.

I've not seen, nor heard, any evidence that Anheuser-Busch ever planned on releasing a single can of Bud Light to the general public with this persons face on the can. I think that they made this commemorative can for this person and this person alone. I cannot see A-B releasing this to the public, or ever planning on doing so.
...and yet, the public is aware of it. Reacting too.

Transgenderism Will Erase Women & Their Rights​

by Lil Tuttle
In what had to be one of the most frank discussions ever held as part of the Conservative Women’s Network, four politically and ideologically diverse women of the Hands Across the Aisle Coalition gave an eye-opening presentation on the transgender movement and its pursuit in eradicating women and women’s rights in culture, employment, sports, and law.
The presentation, moderated by Ryan Anderson, arranged and hosted by The Heritage Foundation and co-sponsored by CBLPI, occurred on the same day as the Trump administration reversed an Obama-era directive on transgender bathrooms in public schools and colleges.
Yet the progressive and conservative, lesbian and straight, religious and agnostic women on the panel left no doubt in the audience’s mind that radical transgender activists will not be dissuaded from their mission to erase all male and female sex distinctions in society. Women, they argued, must respond to this threat boldly and in unity, regardless of their political persuasion.
Miriam Ben Shalom is an activist who made history by being the first openly lesbian woman reinstated to the military.
Quoting Thomas Payne from Age of ReasonTo argue with a man who has renounced reason is like giving medicine to the dead – Ms. Shalom argued that the Gender Identity and transgender movement abandons all reason and scientific reality. It relies instead on intimidation and threats to advance its cause.
Mary Lou Singleton, a nurse midwife, self-labeled radical feminist and board member of the Women’s Liberation Front, told of her organization filing a lawsuit against the Obama administration to stop the arbitrary substitution of Gender Identity for sex and to restore Title IX rights to women and girls.
She called transgenderism part of the larger “global feminicide” against women and girls around the world.
Quoting Voltaire – Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities – and echoing a point made by Ms. Shalom, Ms. Singleton said the transgender movement is the railroading of complete insanity and a denial of the science of species and our sexual dimorphism.
“The cognitive dissonance is mind blowing,” she argued. “If we lose this battle, we [women] have lost everything in terms of our legal protections.”

Intelligent people long dead have noted the absurdity of wat is occurring in America today. Women fought equality and won only to have their rights negated by queer transgenders a minority by any stretch of imagination.
The following is logical and well said:
“Mrs. Zinos argued from the public school parent’s perspective. Subjective alternative realities of transsexuals should not take precedence over the objective reality of biological males and females, she said. Transgenderism is gender dysphoria and a false anthropology. “
“Public schools have a duty to serve all children, but a school cannot serve children and a totalitarian ideology all at once.”​
Here is the problem: You cannot analogize tranny “struggles” to other struggles, like the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s because trannyism (1) necessarily involves elements of emotional and psychological dysfunction, and (2) involves the pathological practice of self-mutilation. Trannyism is a unique fight that stands off by itself. It does not analogize well to anything.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what brand of water do they drink when there are so many to pick from?

God bless you always!!!


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