LGBTP loons force 3 y.o. kids in UK to pledge not to use transphobic language


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
The LGBTP crowd is made up of fascist control freak nuts and normal people need to say that.

School asks children 3 to promise not to use transphobic language Daily Mail Online

april 24 2015
Children as young as three are being asked to sign a contract pledging not to use transphobic language at school.

The pledge is contained in a ‘home-school agreement’ which all children must sign before they start at Turnham Primary School in September.

The infants must also promise to refrain from using homophobic and racist phrases and to be tolerant of people with different sexual orientations and lifestyles. Each child must print their name and provide a signature to confirm that they understand their ‘responsibilities’ while attending the school.


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