Let's talk about POOR U.S. CITIZENS no one else is this election year!

How nice, someone actually on topic!

Just because I am lean to the left does not mean I want anything less than a dollar's worth of effort for every tax dollar paid. Excluding verified disabled people, everyone who gets a check, should work, even if it is picking up trash in a park all day.

Just because I believe in government lending CITIZENS a helping hand, like unemployment, SNAP, or health care in tough times, does not mean I endorse freeloading.
Anyone gets a check, they must do some kind of work. This to me is non-negotiable.

I seriously doubt you are a true liberal. Probably more like most Americans, a Fiscal Conservative and a Social Liberal. True liberals believe the government should give them free food, free housing, free phones and free health care. No way in heck do they expect to work for it when they are supposed to get it for free.

Free costs the people that pay Federal Income taxes.

But wait...don't they have the right to have housing, food, phones, computers, cars, health care for free? How dare we conservatives deny them their basic human rights?

I have never belonged to a website where more people tell me what my politics are, and then attack me for their interpretation. This is simply incompetent.

The way to 'educate' conservatives is to cancel Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid for their family members. That is the quick slap they need.

Suddenly, we will have a Tea Party full of independent voters.

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Catalist, in order to be taken seriously it is imperative that you address the observations made in my post and in usmcstinger's

Also, you need to be aware that it was the Republican-controlled Congress that initiated and passed the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 for Clinton to sign. Conservatives do care about the poor and have been addressing their plight for decades.

Liberty and self-reliance, Catalist, have always been the first and best solutions. Post, 20th-Century entrenched poverty is nothing more than the result of squandered governmental largesse, passed out by leftist: not to solve a problem but to retain a dependent voting block of moochers. I say again: you have been deceived.

First, it is not "imperative" that I do anything you suggest. Second, problems relating to the poor have not been addressed adequately by either party in this election. Third, while I have held. and do hold some liberal ideas, I also have some conservative ones, as well as thoughts of my own. The best label for me these days is "independent," and even that is not accurate.

I do agree that self-reliance is the best solution to America's problems, but I have no problem in government providing a temporary safety net for our CITIZENS if they have earned it.

All I can say about moochers is I wish you were one of the 250,000 Americans whose unemployment ran out two weeks ago. How would you have felt if you lost your job through no fault of your own and now you are headed to the homeless shelter? What do you think, it would take about a week for your politics to catch up with reality? You live in a bubble that could soon burst.

I have few nice things to say about President Obama, but he made the right trade to extend unemployment insurance even though he had to extend the Bush tax cuts to do it. That took balls after his campaign promises.

Seriously, I would like to see you in a homeless shelter. I donate time in one. Guys like you spend the first couple days trying to impress everyone with who you were. And, no one cares, you are just another "down and outer." You would be in tears begging for help in less than a week. I have been known to take pleasure in certain cases such as yours. It is simple really, "what goes around comes around."
By the way, I think Mitt Romney has missed an important opportunity to appeal to middle class voters here. As members of the middle class slip into the low income category, Romney could have come up with alternatives not only to help the middle class, but help the poor build lives.

Not only would this have been good for the economy, and Romney's election chances, it would have been a chance to do something for someone beside the 1%. Everyone is tired of hearing about the 1% and their fictional problems.

I am sorry, but I don't see Romney worrying about me. When guys like me start turning to OWS and away from the Democratic Party, American has a problem. And, what is that you ask? Wall Street owns the Republicans, and rents the Democrats. Neither gives a damn about me. In 2009 and 2010 Democrats had the White House and Congress. We had the biggest financial crisis in history. No hearings were held, and no one went to jail.

The Tea Party has been obstructionist, and has accomplished nothing that helps the middle class. Nothing is getting done in Washington, and Americans blame the Tea Party. I predict this will be their last election. Out as fast as they came in. OWS says vote incumbents out, and so far, I agree! Americans are pissed and don't like anyone, but they are watching OWS.

Romney has addressed the middle class. You are clearly a ranting twit who is selective about what you 'hear' from politicians.

Try using your brain instead of getting your talking points from the MSM.

Your reputation precedes you. :bsflag:

Bill Clinton:
"When I signed the Welfare Reform Act in 1996, requiring able-bodied people who could work to do so, there was legitimate concern that there would not be jobs available for them because they tended to be under-educated and to have less experience, and tha when the economy slowed down, as it inevitably would, they would be the first laid off. While there have been some problems, welfare reform has been largely successful. The welfare rolls have dropped nearly 60%, more than 7 million people, by the time I left office, and have continued to drop since. In 2000, the percentage of Americans on welfare reached its lowest point in four decades. During the economic downturn of 2001, many of those who came off the welfare rolls were able to stay in the workforce in part due to policies designed to help them succeed",
Bill Clinton on Welfare & Poverty

In addition, Census Bureau data show that between 1993 and 2000, the percentage of low-income, single mothers with a job grew from 58 percent to nearly 75 percent, an increase of almost 30 percent.Welfare Reform in the United States Requires Welfare Recipients to Go to Work - 23k

In 1997 Obama opposed an Illinois welfare-reform bill, proposed by Republican senator Dave Syverson, which sought to move as many people as possible off the state welfare rolls and into paying jobs.
Obama's Voting Record and Policy Positions Prior to His Election As President - Discover the Networks

Despite its success, or perhaps because of it, President Obama and his allies are doing all they can to destroy welfare reform. Mr. Obama’s $862 billion stimulus package last February essentially abolished welfare reform by subsidizing the expansion of welfare rolls. The federal government now pays states 80 percent of the cost for each new family they add to their welfare rolls, a move that eliminates states’ incentive to push welfare recipients into the job force.
BAUER: Ending welfare reform - Washington Times

Partly as a consequence of the infusion of federal welfare funds, welfare rolls increased in 2009 for the first time since PRWORA was enacted, growing 5 percent as 200,000 more
Americans were added.
Welfare Reform Essays and Articles at eNotes

Why does this administration want to put more people on Welfare?

You make me yearn for George W. Bush. If his presidency had been challenged to solve the problems of the poor, he would have read your post and said, "Make it work," and walked off.

You're response is nonsensical. Welfare reform did work to advance the plight of the poor. Obviously. But I'm not sure I understand what your point is.

I would love to watch you waste half a day trying to get SNAP, it would be a hoot! :poke:
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More and more folks are beginning to understand what those of us who have been around understood from the beginning: Obama's hope and change was always about the hope of a mooching voting block and a change back to failed policies of the past. They also understand now that Obama never intended to cut the deficit at all, let alone by half by the end of his first term. LOL!

Obama is an utter disaster and a pathological liar.

True. Obama promised way more than he could deliver, and will be held accountable. Unfortunately, the Tea Party Republicans did exactly the same thing. The American people blame Congress as a whole, (9% Approval rating). The message is vote all incumbents out. I can live with Romney. America has proven many times it can live with a do-nothing Congress. Let's get back to business as usual. Debt ceiling talks are boring and a waste of time.
More and more folks are beginning to understand what those of us who have been around understood from the beginning: Obama's hope and change was always about the hope of a mooching voting block and a change back to failed policies of the past. They also understand now that Obama never intended to cut the deficit at all, let alone by half by the end of his first term. LOL!

Obama is an utter disaster and a pathological liar.

As an indy, I am beginning to believe that the only thing Republicans stand for is greed and tax breaks for the wealthy 1%. Can you name any legislation the Republicans have initiated since 2008 to help the middle class? I thought not. You are chasing us indys to Obama, and that is not where we want to go.

How many Jobs bills has the Republican held house passed that the Democrat held Senate refused to even look at? We can point fingers all day........

That's the second time, in this thread, this "Indy" has had this answer presented to him only to have it ignored.

At least he "thanked" your response, even if he still doesn't have a coherent response.
This Week in Poverty: Obama

No one, neither party, wants to talk about poor U. S. CITIZENS, yet we send bombers to Libya, troops to Afghanistan, and food to every international disaster. Why don't we take care of our own poor first?

Give them education, training, and opportunity. Prepare them for a world where we all make our own breaks. We should not allow a single immigrant into the United States until all of our CITIZENS have been given a REAL opportunity to improve themselves, (that is opportunity, not free lunch), We need to take care of our own first! Because when we do, we can tax them too!

I happen to be a liberal Democrat, but that is not the point. Neither party is addressing this issue. We need to turn our citizens who are liabilities into assets. This is not a political idea, this is an American concept. If we get everyone paying, everyone pays less! The only ones who should not have to work are the totally disabled. This is not a partisan concept, this is an American concept!


Yeah. Turning away from politics for revolutionary movements that desire to overthrow the government do cause problems.

However, I have to ask, what planet are the poor not talked about? How exactly do the poor not have opportunities? Education is free through Twelveth grade. We have public libraries available for everyone to educate themselves even further. There are jobs available for everyone, some that apparently we are "too good for" which is a bunch of nonsense if you ask me. No one is too good to do certain work.

You want to offer the best opportunity to people? Teach them the principles that create opportnity. Honesty, Charity, Industry, Hard work, Time management, Frugality, thrift, etc. And then get the heck out of their way.
More and more folks are beginning to understand what those of us who have been around understood from the beginning: Obama's hope and change was always about the hope of a mooching voting block and a change back to failed policies of the past. They also understand now that Obama never intended to cut the deficit at all, let alone by half by the end of his first term. LOL!

Obama is an utter disaster and a pathological liar.

True. Obama promised way more than he could deliver, and will be held accountable. Unfortunately, the Tea Party Republicans did exactly the same thing. The American people blame Congress as a whole, (9% Approval rating). The message is vote all incumbents out. I can live with Romney. America has proven many times it can live with a do-nothing Congress. Let's get back to business as usual. Debt ceiling talks are boring and a waste of time.

The Democrats and Republicans are like two drunks arguing over who's going to pay for the bar tab. At least the Republicans have finally started to admit that they have a drinking problem.

The Democrats have never admitted it.
More and more folks are beginning to understand what those of us who have been around understood from the beginning: Obama's hope and change was always about the hope of a mooching voting block and a change back to failed policies of the past. They also understand now that Obama never intended to cut the deficit at all, let alone by half by the end of his first term. LOL!

Obama is an utter disaster and a pathological liar.

True. Obama promised way more than he could deliver, and will be held accountable. Unfortunately, the Tea Party Republicans did exactly the same thing. The American people blame Congress as a whole, (9% Approval rating). The message is vote all incumbents out. I can live with Romney. America has proven many times it can live with a do-nothing Congress. Let's get back to business as usual. Debt ceiling talks are boring and a waste of time.

The Democrats and Republicans are like two drunks arguing over who's going to pay for the bar tab. At least the Republicans have finally started to admit that they have a drinking problem.

The Democrats have never admitted it.

Hell, the majority of Repubs are even willing to go to AA.

Dems can't even admit the existence of alcohol!!

As an indy, I am beginning to believe that the only thing Republicans stand for is greed and tax breaks for the wealthy 1%. Can you name any legislation the Republicans have initiated since 2008 to help the middle class? I thought not. You are chasing us indys to Obama, and that is not where we want to go.

How many Jobs bills has the Republican held house passed that the Democrat held Senate refused to even look at? We can point fingers all day........

That's the second time, in this thread, this "Indy" has had this answer presented to him only to have it ignored.

At least he "thanked" your response, even if he still doesn't have a coherent response.

Yet, with all your talk, you can not link us to a single legislative accomplishment of Republicans for the middle class, can you?
This Week in Poverty: Obama

No one, neither party, wants to talk about poor U. S. CITIZENS, yet we send bombers to Libya, troops to Afghanistan, and food to every international disaster. Why don't we take care of our own poor first?

Give them education, training, and opportunity. Prepare them for a world where we all make our own breaks. We should not allow a single immigrant into the United States until all of our CITIZENS have been given a REAL opportunity to improve themselves, (that is opportunity, not free lunch), We need to take care of our own first! Because when we do, we can tax them too!

I happen to be a liberal Democrat, but that is not the point. Neither party is addressing this issue. We need to turn our citizens who are liabilities into assets. This is not a political idea, this is an American concept. If we get everyone paying, everyone pays less! The only ones who should not have to work are the totally disabled. This is not a partisan concept, this is an American concept!


Yeah. Turning away from politics for revolutionary movements that desire to overthrow the government do cause problems.

However, I have to ask, what planet are the poor not talked about? How exactly do the poor not have opportunities? Education is free through Twelveth grade. We have public libraries available for everyone to educate themselves even further. There are jobs available for everyone, some that apparently we are "too good for" which is a bunch of nonsense if you ask me. No one is too good to do certain work.

You want to offer the best opportunity to people? Teach them the principles that create opportnity. Honesty, Charity, Industry, Hard work, Time management, Frugality, thrift, etc. And then get the heck out of their way.

If you ever took the time to read the Declaration of Independence you would realize the United States is the only country on the planet that permits a revolution to overthrow the government. You would also know that no where in our founding documents is Capitalism guaranteed. We can do whatever we want with our economic system.

I have no problem with your list of principles that create opportunity. I do not think any real American would disagree.

Bill Clinton:
"When I signed the Welfare Reform Act in 1996, requiring able-bodied people who could work to do so, there was legitimate concern that there would not be jobs available for them because they tended to be under-educated and to have less experience, and tha when the economy slowed down, as it inevitably would, they would be the first laid off. While there have been some problems, welfare reform has been largely successful. The welfare rolls have dropped nearly 60%, more than 7 million people, by the time I left office, and have continued to drop since. In 2000, the percentage of Americans on welfare reached its lowest point in four decades. During the economic downturn of 2001, many of those who came off the welfare rolls were able to stay in the workforce in part due to policies designed to help them succeed",
Bill Clinton on Welfare & Poverty

In addition, Census Bureau data show that between 1993 and 2000, the percentage of low-income, single mothers with a job grew from 58 percent to nearly 75 percent, an increase of almost 30 percent.Welfare Reform in the United States Requires Welfare Recipients to Go to Work - 23k

In 1997 Obama opposed an Illinois welfare-reform bill, proposed by Republican senator Dave Syverson, which sought to move as many people as possible off the state welfare rolls and into paying jobs.
Obama's Voting Record and Policy Positions Prior to His Election As President - Discover the Networks

Despite its success, or perhaps because of it, President Obama and his allies are doing all they can to destroy welfare reform. Mr. Obama’s $862 billion stimulus package last February essentially abolished welfare reform by subsidizing the expansion of welfare rolls. The federal government now pays states 80 percent of the cost for each new family they add to their welfare rolls, a move that eliminates states’ incentive to push welfare recipients into the job force.
BAUER: Ending welfare reform - Washington Times

Partly as a consequence of the infusion of federal welfare funds, welfare rolls increased in 2009 for the first time since PRWORA was enacted, growing 5 percent as 200,000 more
Americans were added.
Welfare Reform Essays and Articles at eNotes

Why does this administration want to put more people on Welfare?

You make me yearn for George W. Bush. If his presidency had been challenged to solve the problems of the poor, he would have read your post and said, "Make it work," and walked off.


You're response is nonsensical. Welfare reform did work to advance the plight of the poor. Obviously. But I'm not sure I understand what your point is.

Read the OP, it could not be simpler. The poor are not being discussed in this election cycle. The poor are a drag on the economy, we need to turn them into an asset by investing in them. Other than the disabled, if they refuse to work, cut off their checks. This is not rocket science. George Bush would have just said "Make it work," and it would have been done. What Obama is doing is anyone's guess.
True. Obama promised way more than he could deliver, and will be held accountable. Unfortunately, the Tea Party Republicans did exactly the same thing. The American people blame Congress as a whole, (9% Approval rating). The message is vote all incumbents out. I can live with Romney. America has proven many times it can live with a do-nothing Congress. Let's get back to business as usual. Debt ceiling talks are boring and a waste of time.

The Democrats and Republicans are like two drunks arguing over who's going to pay for the bar tab. At least the Republicans have finally started to admit that they have a drinking problem.

The Democrats have never admitted it.

Hell, the majority of Repubs are even willing to go to AA.

Dems can't even admit the existence of alcohol!!


Nothing I like better than constructive name-calling. It really helps me decide my November vote. :alcoholic:
The Declaration of Independence does not make our laws. Do not confuse it with the Constitution.

Archived-Articles: Progressives and the Declaration of Independence

"But the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress is the legal foundation for the Constitution that followed; subjects of King George lacked authority and jurisdiction to adopt a constitution. The Declaration was necessary to separate the Continental Congress and the United States from King George. Without it, they were only rebellious subjects. That is why it was done in God's name; His Authority was required to overrule the King's. The Declaration is the clear statement by the Founders of the principles they built upon."
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This Week in Poverty: Obama

No one, neither party, wants to talk about poor U. S. CITIZENS, yet we send bombers to Libya, troops to Afghanistan, and food to every international disaster. Why don't we take care of our own poor first?

Give them education, training, and opportunity. Prepare them for a world where we all make our own breaks. We should not allow a single immigrant into the United States until all of our CITIZENS have been given a REAL opportunity to improve themselves, (that is opportunity, not free lunch), We need to take care of our own first! Because when we do, we can tax them too!

I happen to be a liberal Democrat, but that is not the point. Neither party is addressing this issue. We need to turn our citizens who are liabilities into assets. This is not a political idea, this is an American concept. If we get everyone paying, everyone pays less! The only ones who should not have to work are the totally disabled. This is not a partisan concept, this is an American concept!


EVERYONE who is a U.S. Citizen has an opportunity. Some study hard, some drop out. Some work hard, some hardly work... Why? Because it's easy to be lazy and unproductive when the Government PROMOTES programs that encourage people to be "lazy and unproductive". The question people need to ask themselves, is do they want to live a good life through hard work, or sit around taking handouts bitching about those who DO live the good life.
How many Jobs bills has the Republican held house passed that the Democrat held Senate refused to even look at? We can point fingers all day........

That's the second time, in this thread, this "Indy" has had this answer presented to him only to have it ignored.

At least he "thanked" your response, even if he still doesn't have a coherent response.

Yet, with all your talk, you can not link us to a single legislative accomplishment of Republicans for the middle class, can you?

I can link you to the bills passed by the Republican House.

Nothing is getting 'accomplished' because your precious Dembulb Senate, of whom's ass you have your head firmly planted, will not allow them to get to the President's desk.

Imagine the things that could be added to Obama's "list of accomplishments" if he'd sign bills that created JOBS.

And by 'jobs' I don't mean government regulators or new agencies, either.
That's the second time, in this thread, this "Indy" has had this answer presented to him only to have it ignored.

At least he "thanked" your response, even if he still doesn't have a coherent response.

Yet, with all your talk, you can not link us to a single legislative accomplishment of Republicans for the middle class, can you?

I can link you to the bills passed by the Republican House.

Nothing is getting 'accomplished' because your precious Dembulb Senate, of whom's ass you have your head firmly planted, will not allow them to get to the President's desk.

Imagine the things that could be added to Obama's "list of accomplishments" if he'd sign bills that created JOBS.

And by 'jobs' I don't mean government regulators or new agencies, either.

Enough said.
If you ever took the time to read the Declaration of Independence you would realize the United States is the only country on the planet that permits a revolution to overthrow the government. You would also know that no where in our founding documents is Capitalism guaranteed. We can do whatever we want with our economic system.

I have no problem with your list of principles that create opportunity. I do not think any real American would disagree.

Im very much familiar with the Founding documents. Moreover, I'm familiar with their context. The Declaration of Independence was not something written lightly. In fact, it specifically states that revolution is not something to be done for transient reasons:

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

Oh, and you do realize that one of the many abuses cited in the Declaration was King George's refusal to allow free trade, right?

For cutting off our Trade with all parts of the world:

When you try to force people to do what you want with their money, you are only asking for trouble. Robbery is wrong and causes nothing but problems.
This Week in Poverty: Obama

No one, neither party, wants to talk about poor U. S. CITIZENS, yet we send bombers to Libya, troops to Afghanistan, and food to every international disaster. Why don't we take care of our own poor first?

Give them education, training, and opportunity. Prepare them for a world where we all make our own breaks. We should not allow a single immigrant into the United States until all of our CITIZENS have been given a REAL opportunity to improve themselves, (that is opportunity, not free lunch), We need to take care of our own first! Because when we do, we can tax them too!

I happen to be a liberal Democrat, but that is not the point. Neither party is addressing this issue. We need to turn our citizens who are liabilities into assets. This is not a political idea, this is an American concept. If we get everyone paying, everyone pays less! The only ones who should not have to work are the totally disabled. This is not a partisan concept, this is an American concept!


EVERYONE who is a U.S. Citizen has an opportunity. Some study hard, some drop out. Some work hard, some hardly work... Why? Because it's easy to be lazy and unproductive when the Government PROMOTES programs that encourage people to be "lazy and unproductive". The question people need to ask themselves, is do they want to live a good life through hard work, or sit around taking handouts bitching about those who DO live the good life.

Has it ever occurred to you that some people simply have never been exposed to self discipline? You can not do something you have never been shown how to do. This goes to the question of "opportunity" which is what America is all about.

Chicago is trying a very controversial program that is against the Democratic Party's own philosophy of vouchers and charter schools. But they did research and learned that of all the groups in their city, African American males are having the most difficult time of any getting ahead. So, in a bold move a special prep school has been created for African American males only. Chicago Urban Prep. Urban Prep AcademiesThese gifted and dedicated young people work from seven in the morning until eight at night on studies, plus weekends. The school has a 100% college acceptance rate.

This is what I call opportunity, yet their success depends on individual effort and American work ethics. The program is slated to be expanded.

Obviously, this is the contribution of Democrats to a problem of opportunity for our former slaves. It is by no means perfect, and has a ways to go. However, Democrats have done something, even as they choke on their own vouchers. What have Republicans contributed? :smoke:

I hear a lot of noise here about something in 1996, the year is 2012. Republicans have done nothing for the poor. Your ridiculous bravado of challenge is just empty talk.

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