Lets not forget the 500,000,000,000 in cuts to medicare.


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
The GOP should put out a commercial of Obama rolling grandma of a cliff.

Senior vote!

Obama is toast!
and that will give Obama the opportunity to explain you people are lying when you try to pretend its cuts in service
you should also mention how many times the GOP have proposed cutting Medicare before the courts rulling

True, and when we did-dems had Paul Ryan look alikes throwing old ladies off a cliff. One good turn deserves another.
The GOP should put out a commercial of Obama rolling grandma of a cliff.

Senior vote!

Obama is toast!

Let me be clear....

Health Savings
 The plan includes $320 billion in health savings that build on the Affordable Care Act to strengthen Medicare and Medicaid by reducing wasteful spending and erroneous
, and supporting reforms that boost the quality of care. It accomplishes this in a way that does not shift significant risks onto the individuals they serve; slash benefits; or undermine the fundamental compact they represent to our Nation’s seniors, people with disabilities, and low-income families. The plan includes $248 billion in savings from Medicare.
o Within this total, 90 percent of the savings, or $224 billion, comes from reducing overpayments in Medicare.
o Any savings that affect beneficiaries do not begin until 2017.
o The plan does not propose to change the eligibility age for Medicare benefits.
 Other health and Medicaid savings amount to $72 billion.
 Because of the structural nature of these reforms, health savings grow to over $1 trillion in the second decade.
 The President will veto any bill that takes one dime from the Medicare benefits seniors rely on without asking the wealthiest Americans and biggest corporations to pay their fair share.

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They can saying they're reducing waste all they want. The bottom line is the only thing old people care about is thier ss and medicare, and Obama is cutting it with a hachet.
They can saying they're reducing waste all they want. The bottom line is the only thing old people care about is thier ss and medicare, and Obama is cutting it with a hachet.

So, now suddenly, cutting waste and government spending is a bad thing? You Republicans really need to get your message straight.....
and that will give Obama the opportunity to explain you people are lying when you try to pretend its cuts in service

Lying? Like saying the mandate wasn't a tax? Like telling Americans that you would not tax anyone making under $250,000?
They can saying they're reducing waste all they want. The bottom line is the only thing old people care about is thier ss and medicare, and Obama is cutting it with a hachet.

So, now suddenly, cutting waste and government spending is a bad thing? You Republicans really need to get your message straight.....

Nothing to do with ideology or principle. Old people won't like the cuts, and they vote.
They can saying they're reducing waste all they want. The bottom line is the only thing old people care about is thier ss and medicare, and Obama is cutting it with a hachet.

So, now suddenly, cutting waste and government spending is a bad thing? You Republicans really need to get your message straight.....

Nothing to do with ideology or principle. Old people won't like the cuts, and they vote.

Old people...mostly Republican, won't like cutting wasteful government spending? Which Republican party do YOU belong to?
Oh yeah, I forgot about you hypocritical righties....


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