Let's NOT become a liberal police state.


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
There's a reason that we don't pay as much for the basics as Europe. The free market is allowed to work here a lot more than Europe.

Once the government gets into control they want to tell you what CAN and CAN'T do. They want to tax everything and pretty soon you're talking about a lot of money. Liberalism is idiocy and leads to a police state. NO George W BUSH WASN"T A CONSERVATIVE! And in fact Obama is way worse. Look at Britain or France where they're spending a lot more for gas and food. Let's not give a damn about ones ability to move upwards in the world...

They don't give a damn about ones freedom or privacy. We should be a society that promotes more freedoms and less government...One that relies on the laws of economics and holds a little bit of self responsibility.

Let's get the government out of our lives
Let's drill for oil!
Let's do things in a way that lowers prices and makes for competition. Competition makes for lower prices!

LET'S never allow our government to become like Britain or any other police state. We must be favorable towards businesses.

LOWER TAXES, Lower Regs, More freedom, Lower prices!
Let's NOT become a liberal police state.
You actually believe police-states are "liberal"??????


You're quite obviously not familiar with....

.....during the '80s.
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Telling me not to light off a firework=police state
Telling me to put down the pop=police state
Telling me to pay for parasites=police state
Telling me to support a third world shit hole through force=police state
There's a reason that we don't pay as much for the basics as Europe. The free market is allowed to work here a lot more than Europe.

Once the government gets into control they want to tell you what CAN and CAN'T do. They want to tax everything and pretty soon you're talking about a lot of money. Liberalism is idiocy and leads to a police state. NO George W BUSH WASN"T A CONSERVATIVE! And in fact Obama is way worse. Look at Britain or France where they're spending a lot more for gas and food. Let's not give a damn about ones ability to move upwards in the world...

They don't give a damn about ones freedom or privacy. We should be a society that promotes more freedoms and less government...One that relies on the laws of economics and holds a little bit of self responsibility.

Let's get the government out of our lives
Let's drill for oil!
Let's do things in a way that lowers prices and makes for competition. Competition makes for lower prices!

LET'S never allow our government to become like Britain or any other police state. We must be favorable towards businesses.

LOWER TAXES, Lower Regs, More freedom, Lower prices!

Let's not become a liberal police state. Ok. In fact, let's not become a police state at all. I don't wish to qualify it like you did.

Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force”

J.D. Longstreet
July 5, 2012

Four years ago this month—on July 2nd, 2008—Obama delivered a speech in Boulder, Colorado in which he promised the creation and establishment of a “Civilian National Security Force.” He further promised it would be “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded as the US Military.”

It is well known amongst dictators, the world over, that a private army is necessary to control the great unwashed masses over which they force their rule.

We have seen Obama steadily assume dictatorial powers over apathetic Americans in just three and a half years. He has all but hushed the people’s voice in government, the US Congress, by simply by-passing them and ruling by executive order—just like any other two-bit dictator. Some feel even the US Supreme Court has lost the steel from its collective spine under withering pressure from our budding domestic dictator, Obama.

Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force”

“Civilian National Security Force.”

There is no such thing as a "liberal police state." That's an oxymoron. Police states are, by definition, right wing governments.

How do you comport limited government with a police state? All dictatorships rely on a strong central government to exert control over the population.

While you and others here are wasting your time and energy trying to assign blame for the rise of the American Police State the very object of your conflict takes full advantage of your self-imposed diversion by slowly, quietly, and relentlessly growing in size and in political strength right before your eyes.


Growth of the police state is a problem which affects every ordinary American citizen regardless of political affiliation. And like any common enemy it must be confronted by unified civil resistance. Because where this issue is concerned, divided we surely will fall.

Go here for a closer look at the beast quietly growing as your attention is diverted by petty political concerns: Cato Map on SWAT Raids
Botched Paramilitary Police Raids

And keep this in mind:

"First they came for the Communists, and I did nothing. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did nothing. Then they came for the Catholics, and I did nothing. Then they came for the Jews, and I did nothing. And when they came for me there was no one left to do anything." (Pastor Martin Niemoeller)

Acknowledge that the rising police state is your enemy and accept anyone who opposes it as a friend, regardless of any other consideration.
There's a reason that we don't pay as much for the basics as Europe. The free market is allowed to work here a lot more than Europe.

Once the government gets into control they want to tell you what CAN and CAN'T do. They want to tax everything and pretty soon you're talking about a lot of money. Liberalism is idiocy and leads to a police state. NO George W BUSH WASN"T A CONSERVATIVE! And in fact Obama is way worse. Look at Britain or France where they're spending a lot more for gas and food. Let's not give a damn about ones ability to move upwards in the world...

They don't give a damn about ones freedom or privacy. We should be a society that promotes more freedoms and less government...One that relies on the laws of economics and holds a little bit of self responsibility.

Let's get the government out of our lives
Let's drill for oil!
Let's do things in a way that lowers prices and makes for competition. Competition makes for lower prices!

LET'S never allow our government to become like Britain or any other police state. We must be favorable towards businesses.

LOWER TAXES, Lower Regs, More freedom, Lower prices!

Nice parroting of right wing propaganda, fox would be proud.
There's a reason that we don't pay as much for the basics as Europe. The free market is allowed to work here a lot more than Europe.

Once the government gets into control they want to tell you what CAN and CAN'T do. They want to tax everything and pretty soon you're talking about a lot of money. Liberalism is idiocy and leads to a police state. NO George W BUSH WASN"T A CONSERVATIVE! And in fact Obama is way worse. Look at Britain or France where they're spending a lot more for gas and food. Let's not give a damn about ones ability to move upwards in the world...

They don't give a damn about ones freedom or privacy. We should be a society that promotes more freedoms and less government...One that relies on the laws of economics and holds a little bit of self responsibility.

Let's get the government out of our lives
Let's drill for oil!
Let's do things in a way that lowers prices and makes for competition. Competition makes for lower prices!

LET'S never allow our government to become like Britain or any other police state. We must be favorable towards businesses.

LOWER TAXES, Lower Regs, More freedom, Lower prices!

Too late! The tiny town just North of where I am, Lynwood WA is chock full of rw christian fascists and they have THOUSANDS of cameras EVERYWHERE! Several at every single intersection..This is the most paranoid little town in the state of Washington... and it's all newGOPers.
There's a reason that we don't pay as much for the basics as Europe. The free market is allowed to work here a lot more than Europe.

Once the government gets into control they want to tell you what CAN and CAN'T do. They want to tax everything and pretty soon you're talking about a lot of money. Liberalism is idiocy and leads to a police state. NO George W BUSH WASN"T A CONSERVATIVE! And in fact Obama is way worse. Look at Britain or France where they're spending a lot more for gas and food. Let's not give a damn about ones ability to move upwards in the world...

They don't give a damn about ones freedom or privacy. We should be a society that promotes more freedoms and less government...One that relies on the laws of economics and holds a little bit of self responsibility.

Let's get the government out of our lives
Let's drill for oil!
Let's do things in a way that lowers prices and makes for competition. Competition makes for lower prices!

LET'S never allow our government to become like Britain or any other police state. We must be favorable towards businesses.

LOWER TAXES, Lower Regs, More freedom, Lower prices!

I hear you, but I'm pretty sure the election of over a week ago, disagrees. Europe, here we come!
Shut your hole, Crack_Baby...You're all in for the police state, just as long as one of your socialist apparatchiks is running it.

Fucking sanctimonious dickweed.

That's real professional. Who the hell would let a radical right wing troll like you become a mod?
There is no such thing as a "liberal police state." That's an oxymoron. Police states are, by definition, right wing governments.

How do you comport limited government with a police state? All dictatorships rely on a strong central government to exert control over the population.

He’s not.

He’s noting the fact conservatives are no longer advocates of ‘limited government.’
Let's not become a liberal police state. Ok. In fact, let's not become a police state at all. I don't wish to qualify it like you did.

Exactly. Obama didn't start the warrantless wiretaps and waterboarding.

I don't want US citizens being able to be disappeared without due process.

And I don't want US citizens being asked for their papers when exercising their constitutional rights.

There are totalitarian tendencies literally emanating from right and left these days.

There is no such thing as a "liberal police state." That's an oxymoron. Police states are, by definition, right wing governments.
Total lie.

Stalin and Mao both had massive police/surveillance states....So does the good ole US of A.

BTW, who was it that reauthorized USAPATRIOT Act and signed the NDAA?

Stalin and Mao were effectively right wing dictators of nations that pretended to use socialism/communism as economic models. They actually were neither socialist nor communist--they were fascist governments using command economic systems, controlled by the government.

Socialist economies are run and controlled by the workers.

Communist economies require no governance (this is, essentially, a utopian economic and social order that probably cannot exist in the current world).

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