Lets get Behind Romney


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
It's all about beating Obama. Romney is the candidate by default, but if Obama is reelected, the country is over.
lol...the country isn't "over" if President Obama is re-elected.

It will actually improve.
lol...the country isn't "over" if President Obama is re-elected.

It will actually improve.

I think his policies are that bad..America can't afford him in office 4 more years, especially with no election to hold him back from doing this against the will of the country.
lol...the country isn't "over" if President Obama is re-elected.

It will actually improve.

I think his policies are that bad..America can't afford him in office 4 more years, especially with no election to hold him back from doing this against the will of the country.

The Romneycare vs Obamacare debates will be awfully boring too...

You're just still upset because you won't see a Palin / Obama debate.
AS much as I like Cain I think the nom will be Romney.

I won't have a problem voting for either of these two.

I also think that Reps will decide to vote for him since the alternative will be another 4yrs of Barry and his pack of idiots.

I could be wrong but somehow I don't think so.
I think his policies are that bad..America can't afford him in office 4 more years, especially with no election to hold him back from doing this against the will of the country.

The Romneycare vs Obamacare debates will be awfully boring too...

You're just still upset because you won't see a Palin / Obama debate.

I have seen Palin's performances in the past. Nothing to see here....

The most Conservative candidate possible that can also be elected. "We either all hang together or we'll all hang separately" The family lawyer tells me there are currently sixty plus detention camps up and waiting for inmates. Those will be one of the choices presented us, the others will be outright revolution or death.
The folks camped out on Wall Street, and in Cleveland, Boston and LA are part of a coordinated effort to overthrow the current system of American government and install a Communist regime. Van Jones, a bonafide Communist revolutionary on the order of Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin et al is there using George Soros money. Mr Soros, you'll recall, is famous for destroying national economies and national governments in the past. Barack Obama is there to orchestrate the present government's moves and provide the cover while the revolutionaries carry out their necessary work creating nationwide confusion, disorder, and distress. From the latest ABC polling results the revolutionaries window to operate won't be there for long, so they're going to have to speed up their tempo.
Fortunately the GOP has moved so far to the right that they will never win another Presidential Election as long as the loud minority radical rightwing tea partiers continue to run roughshod over the rest.
It's all about beating Obama. Romney is the candidate by default, but if Obama is reelected, the country is over.

He's a Mormon. The base of the GOP will never get behind a Mormon. See 2008 GOP ticket if you don't believe me....

What is the basis of this. You just need the Republican = bigot meme. Forget facts, forget anything other than just the bat crazy syllogism of bigot=evil, republican= evil therefore republican = bigot QED.

Romney has lots and lots of issues that many republicans don't like. He is guilty of designing the basis for Obamacare and he passed it in MA. That alone should make his candidacy DOA.
It's all about beating Obama. Romney is the candidate by default, but if Obama is reelected, the country is over.

He's a Mormon. The base of the GOP will never get behind a Mormon. See 2008 GOP ticket if you don't believe me....

Obama is a black man. Once upon a time it was said that the country would never get behind a black man.

It was once said that the country would never get behind a Catholic.

I like Romney, I hope he gets the nomination. Just read this morning that he's pulled back out in front of the pack, with Perry taking a nosedive. I'm not a big fan of Obama. But I think it's silly to say that the country is "over" if he get's reelected. That's like all the liberal wing nuts in 2004 saying the same about Bush getting re-elected. :lol:
lol...the country isn't "over" if President Obama is re-elected.

It will actually improve.

I think his policies are that bad..America can't afford him in office 4 more years, especially with no election to hold him back from doing this against the will of the country.

The Romneycare vs Obamacare debates will be awfully boring too...

What's boring is how people don't understand the difference between states' rights and federal rights.

What's annoying is how Obama wanted to inflict on the whole nation something which was still being tested and shown to have some flaws in Massachusetts.

A 50-state experiment to figure out (a) what works well and (b) what works best for each state might have been interesting. But not good enough for Obama who rushed on with his healthcare takeover plans when the rest of the nation was scared to death about their future employment.

But ... nevermind ... no one who isn't already favorably inclined toward Romney is interested in seeing (or able to see?) how different the Obamacare issue is from the Romneycare issue.
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AS much as I like Cain I think the nom will be Romney.

I won't have a problem voting for either of these two.

I also think that Reps will decide to vote for him since the alternative will be another 4yrs of Barry and his pack of idiots.

I could be wrong but somehow I don't think so.

Me too. And, like you, I like Cain a lot. He was on Brit tv earlier - dude is smart.

I'd like to see Romney pick Cain for the VP slot. That would be a nice ticket.... not my ideal but I can live with it.

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