Let's discuss why the world media does not relentlessly attack China for THE global WARMING.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Why do we suppose that is. Come on libs. Give us your very best guess.

All of them have broken out their laminated race cards.....jaws tightened. Teeth gnashing.....


Now, let's discuss why the world media does not attack China or India for THE global WARMING.

Why China Still Isn't Winning its War on Pollution

Seems that TRRRUUUUUMP was right (again) about China and that "Paris Accord" that was obviously designed as yet another globalist policy to take down western free markets (specifically the United States.)

China's rising emissions prove Trump right on Paris Agreement

Liberals are so fucking pathetic. As much as they collectively hate Trump and his supporters, trust this.

I despise them that much more.
Why do we suppose that is. Come on libs. Give us your very best guess.
Um, that's a tough one all right.

The countries with the largest cumulative CO2 emissions since 1750

Ranking as of the start of 2019:

1) US – 397GtCO2
2) CN – 214Gt
3) fmr USSR – 180
4) DE – 90
5) UK – 77
6) JP – 58
7) IN – 51
8) FR – 37
9) CA – 32
10) PL – 27

Interesting graphic here that you'll want to ignore...
Why do we suppose that is. Come on libs. Give us your very best guess.
Um, that's a tough one all right.

The countries with the largest cumulative CO2 emissions since 1750

Ranking as of the start of 2019:

1) US – 397GtCO2
2) CN – 214Gt
3) fmr USSR – 180
4) DE – 90
5) UK – 77
6) JP – 58
7) IN – 51
8) FR – 37
9) CA – 32
10) PL – 27

Interesting graphic here that you'll want to ignore...
You can show us the lab work linking these CO2 increases to temperature??
Why do we suppose that is. Come on libs. Give us your very best guess.

All of them have broken out their laminated race cards.....jaws tightened. Teeth gnashing.....


Now, let's discuss why the world media does not attack China or India for THE global WARMING.

Why China Still Isn't Winning its War on Pollution

Seems that TRRRUUUUUMP was right (again) about China and that "Paris Accord" that was obviously designed as yet another globalist policy to take down western free markets (specifically the United States.)

China's rising emissions prove Trump right on Paris Agreement

Liberals are so fucking pathetic. As much as they collectively hate Trump and his supporters, trust this.

I despise them that much more.

If Trump didn’t make racist comments, he wouldn’t be called a racist. If Klan members didn’t show up at right wing rallies, you guys wouldn’t be associated so closely with the Klan. If Neo-Nazis didn’t show up at right wing rallies, you guys wouldn’t be associated with them.

It has nothing to do with liberals…it has everything to do with your message.

As for China….I also am unaware of who won the Chinese cricket championship. I guess the media is anti-cricket?




Why do we suppose that is. Come on libs. Give us your very best guess.

All of them have broken out their laminated race cards.....jaws tightened. Teeth gnashing.....


Now, let's discuss why the world media does not attack China or India for THE global WARMING.

Why China Still Isn't Winning its War on Pollution

Seems that TRRRUUUUUMP was right (again) about China and that "Paris Accord" that was obviously designed as yet another globalist policy to take down western free markets (specifically the United States.)

China's rising emissions prove Trump right on Paris Agreement

Liberals are so fucking pathetic. As much as they collectively hate Trump and his supporters, trust this.

I despise them that much more.

If Trump didn’t make racist comments, he wouldn’t be called a racist. If Klan members didn’t show up at right wing rallies, you guys wouldn’t be associated so closely with the Klan. If Neo-Nazis didn’t show up at right wing rallies, you guys wouldn’t be associated with them.

It has nothing to do with liberals…it has everything to do with your message.

As for China….I also am unaware of who won the Chinese cricket championship. I guess the media is anti-cricket?
but he's never made racist comments
Until the Climate Change Community holds China, Russia and the rest of the world accountable with the same piss and vigor with which they hold US, it is a waste for the US to consider any bullshit Accord Agreements. To date, the only impact these things have had have been to restrain / hinder the US economy.
Until the Climate Change Community holds China, Russia and the rest of the world accountable with the same piss and vigor with which they hold US, it is a waste for the US to consider any bullshit Accord Agreements. To date, the only impact these things have had have been to restrain / hinder the US economy.

didn't get the memo again?....
China Meets 2020 Carbon Target Three Years Ahead of Schedule | UNFCCC


UN propaganda memo? What kind of bullshit goals and thresholds were those? Let’s see how well China complies now that they don’t have the tariff advantage they did previously.
Those people are "diverse" so they can pollute the planet as much as they like. "diverse" pollution is magically different than "white" pollution see...especially "white, American" pollution, especially "White, American Christian Republican" pollution.
A US company outsources production to China where labor is dirt cheap and they have no environmental laws. So they stole our jobs, polluted their host country and now they want the US to pay to clean it up. Eff off. The company who moved there should have to pay to clean up their own mess. Maybe that would serve as a deterrent to outsourcing. As far as the media goes, they will never go against anything their globalist advertisers want. Trump is right again. Free trade is a rigged system and the global accord is corporate welfare. Viva Trump
What kind of bullshit goals and thresholds were those?

The goals the whole world singed onto, 'cept TRump


Again, bullshit goals. But hey, you keep putting the whole world first. I will stick with US first. The whole world is envious of US and feels they collectively have the moral authority to judge us. The UN is a proven corrupt organization intent on restraining the US.
Why do we suppose that is. Come on libs. Give us your very best guess.

All of them have broken out their laminated race cards.....jaws tightened. Teeth gnashing.....


Now, let's discuss why the world media does not attack China or India for THE global WARMING.

Why China Still Isn't Winning its War on Pollution

Seems that TRRRUUUUUMP was right (again) about China and that "Paris Accord" that was obviously designed as yet another globalist policy to take down western free markets (specifically the United States.)

China's rising emissions prove Trump right on Paris Agreement

Liberals are so fucking pathetic. As much as they collectively hate Trump and his supporters, trust this.

I despise them that much more.

If Trump didn’t make racist comments, he wouldn’t be called a racist. If Klan members didn’t show up at right wing rallies, you guys wouldn’t be associated so closely with the Klan. If Neo-Nazis didn’t show up at right wing rallies, you guys wouldn’t be associated with them.

It has nothing to do with liberals…it has everything to do with your message.

As for China….I also am unaware of who won the Chinese cricket championship. I guess the media is anti-cricket?
Trump doesn't make racist comments, you just take them that way because you see race in every comment. And who crashes a party is not always the responsibility of the party maker. Besides you guys got the Black Panther, Antifa, and the BMP.

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