Let’s Arm Teachers. Yeah, That’s a Peachy Idea (Eye Roll)


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Whenever a mass shooting occurs, the first words out of the mouths of conservatives is, “We need more guns in the hands of civilians.” Or something like it.

It’s that unreasonable conservative mind-set, that forces them to believe the fairy tale that untrained civilians know instinctively, where the gunfire is located, immediately recognize the individual(s) doing the shooting, and have the steel nerves and iron will to confront and kill the shooter(s), without hesitation or concern for their own safety.

What so often proves this unreasonable mind-set of the conservatives to be a total fantasy is the choice by trained law enforcement officers to avoid exacerbating an already uncontrolled situation. This can be seen no better than in the shooting incident last week at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

In addition to the school resource officer from the Broward County Sheriff’s office Scot Peterson, Coral Springs police officers arriving at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, found three additional Broward County Sheriff’s Deputies who had not yet entered the building.

Sadly, these four men apparently remained outside while directing Coral Springs police officers to the building where the shooting took place, even as the Coral Springs officers entered, joined by two newly arrived Broward County Deputies.

It is likely there will be a whitewash of this incident as “Sources cautioned that tapes are currently being reviewed and official accounts could ultimately differ from recollections of officers on the scene.” Gotta CYA to protect the county and themselves from the inevitable lawsuits.

But the coming whitewash aside, this again proves that “Rambo” instinct, which most conservatives are certain they posses, is a fairy tale they use to fool themselves.

As it turns out, Deputy Peterson was eligible for retirement. So one must wonder if that didn’t enter into his decision to remain outside. He had, after all, survived his career in law enforcement long enough to retire from the Sheriff’s Department. Like Peterson, the three other deputies could very well have had second thoughts, making them unsure of the results were they to rush headlong into the unknown.

Conservatives who are certain they have that “Rambo” instinct, like to think they are courageous hero-types and are capable of single-handedly saving the day. But, there is a good reason law enforcement agencies have SWAT teams. The officers who are members of these teams train and retrain regularly. They wear protective gear, have available to them fully automatic weapons, are experts in their use, and in the use of other military-style equipment.

The four experienced officers who were armed with only pistols chose caution and did not rush into the unknown situation. But, conservatives expect teachers armed only with pistols and minimal training to jump in and face killers firing their AR-15s at anything that moves.

It’s unfortunate these conservatives calling for the arming of teachers are so certain of this “Rambo” instinct. If it does exist, it does so only in a tiny, tiny percentage of regular citizens (most of whom must have death wishes).

As people of reason know, these conservatives are nothing more than “keyboard warriors”. They are brave beyond all else, but only when safely typing their attacks, anonymously. The truth is, they are too old, or too fat, or are out of shape, or too slow and crippled-up, or would freeze in fear, or any combination there of, to truly be the heroes they’ve convinced themselves they would be. They are the “Monday morning quarterbacks” of mass shooting response, and all of them would hesitate or totally freeze when called upon to weigh the threat of their own death against defending strangers. Just as the four Broward County Deputies did. No Rambos there.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, denial, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.




Had someone had a gun the shooter would have been dropped.

In this case, balls would have been enough. The security apparently was too ball-less to confront the shooter.

Stop going after people's rights because your heroes completely sucked at preventing the shooting.
Had someone had a gun the shooter would have been dropped.

In this case, balls would have been enough. The security apparently was too ball-less to confront the shooter.

Stop going after people's rights because your heroes completely sucked at preventing the shooting.

Obviously you know nothing about shooting pistols, the training and experience required, and the inherent difficulty involved in being even moderately accurate.
Let's think about his.....hmmmm...


Just maybe? :113:
Had someone had a gun the shooter would have been dropped.

In this case, balls would have been enough. The security apparently was too ball-less to confront the shooter.

Stop going after people's rights because your heroes completely sucked at preventing the shooting.

Obviously you know nothing about shooting pistols, the training and experience required, and the inherent difficulty involved in being even moderately accurate.
I once went to a shooting range with a friend of mine who was in the secret service. My shooting was far more accurate than his, and I had not touched a weapon since I was a teenager. He really got pissed off when he couldn't beat my accuracy.

Shooting just isn't that hard. Even a snowflake can learn to handle a weapon.
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Had someone had a gun the shooter would have been dropped.

In this case, balls would have been enough. The security apparently was too ball-less to confront the shooter.

Stop going after people's rights because your heroes completely sucked at preventing the shooting.

Obviously you know nothing about shooting pistols, the training and experience required, and the inherent difficulty involved in being even moderately accurate.

Well, good thing the security had years of training.

I of course assume that most who are armed have the required experience. If for example a leftist had a gun, he couldn't even tell whether it was an assault rifle or not. Such person would be as useless as the security in this case, don't project that to all Americans.
Homeskooling is the only answer.

Not the only answer, but certainly a far better answer if the aim is to educate the children...

As far as school shootings go, the risk is so close to zero that no one cares either way.
No schools are currently prevented by the federal government from employing armed guards. If they wanted teachers armed they could have had them by now - and in fact a few do.

Of course if you want a federally mandated, federally funded school security personnel program implemented - at huge expense -

give up your precious little tax cut to pay for it.
Had someone had a gun the shooter would have been dropped.

In this case, balls would have been enough. The security apparently was too ball-less to confront the shooter.

Stop going after people's rights because your heroes completely sucked at preventing the shooting.

You want to clam up a liberal, mention Chicago and Baltimore who have strict gun laws. Exactly WHERE in the United States is it proven that strict gun laws and gun free zones have been factually proven to be effective in reducing the murder rate? I seriously doubt you'll find a true answer to that question.
Let's think about his.....hmmmm...


Just maybe? :113:
Just maybe? :113:
Um, no, not at all.
  • Jesus was a man. Men have limited lifespans.
  • According to Jesus, Jesus' life had to be sacrificed to save man's soul. If he'd had a gun, he wouldn't have used it to save his life. The ought century had ranged weapons and if Jesus and his disciples were of a mind to resist the Romans, they would have secured them and done so.
  • The state crucified Jesus and, gun or no gun, as it did with Spartacus some 50 years later, the state was going to use whatever resources it needed to to apprehend him and see him dead.
No schools are currently prevented by the federal government from employing armed guards. If they wanted teachers armed they could have had them by now - and in fact a few do.

Of course if you want a federally mandated, federally funded school security personnel program implemented - at huge expense -

give up your precious little tax cut to pay for it.

All that needs to be done is to cut back welfare spending as the economy grows and more people have opportunities to get back to work. Also, cut funding to those states which protect illegals and clearly choose NOT to cooperate with ICE and Federal Immigration Laws. Why have an open border that allows more illegals to come in, violence to flow, human trafficking to spread, all while paying welfare to those who have chosen not to work? The left wants to bring in and support more people who can’t care for themselves, while criticizing republicans about spending practices. Progressives are the very last ones that have a grip on, and should be lecturing the right, with regard to spending.
Let's think about his.....hmmmm...


Just maybe? :113:

How about instead of guns, why not bring the Bible and prayer back to our schools? Which side of the church and state argument do you want to use enacting government policies? Many liberals appear to be constantly on the fence on religion when it’s an issue they want to influence.
No schools are currently prevented by the federal government from employing armed guards. If they wanted teachers armed they could have had them by now - and in fact a few do.

Of course if you want a federally mandated, federally funded school security personnel program implemented - at huge expense -

give up your precious little tax cut to pay for it.

All that needs to be done is to cut back welfare spending as the economy grows and more people have opportunities to get back to work. Also, cut funding to those states which protect illegals and clearly choose NOT to cooperate with ICE and Federal Immigration Laws. Why have an open border that allows more illegals to come in, violence to flow, human trafficking to spread, all while paying welfare to those who have chosen not to work? The left wants to bring in and support more people who can’t care for themselves, while criticizing republicans about spending practices. Progressives are the very last ones that have a grip on, and should be lecturing the right, with regard to spending.

Classic rightwing mentality - give me everything I want from the government, just don't make me pay for any of it.

Whenever a mass shooting occurs, the first words out of the mouths of conservatives is, “We need more guns in the hands of civilians.” Or something like it.

It’s that unreasonable conservative mind-set, that forces them to believe the fairy tale that untrained civilians know instinctively, where the gunfire is located, immediately recognize the individual(s) doing the shooting, and have the steel nerves and iron will to confront and kill the shooter(s), without hesitation or concern for their own safety.

What so often proves this unreasonable mind-set of the conservatives to be a total fantasy is the choice by trained law enforcement officers to avoid exacerbating an already uncontrolled situation. This can be seen no better than in the shooting incident last week at Florida’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

In addition to the school resource officer from the Broward County Sheriff’s office Scot Peterson, Coral Springs police officers arriving at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, found three additional Broward County Sheriff’s Deputies who had not yet entered the building.

Sadly, these four men apparently remained outside while directing Coral Springs police officers to the building where the shooting took place, even as the Coral Springs officers entered, joined by two newly arrived Broward County Deputies.

It is likely there will be a whitewash of this incident as “Sources cautioned that tapes are currently being reviewed and official accounts could ultimately differ from recollections of officers on the scene.” Gotta CYA to protect the county and themselves from the inevitable lawsuits.

But the coming whitewash aside, this again proves that “Rambo” instinct, which most conservatives are certain they posses, is a fairy tale they use to fool themselves.

As it turns out, Deputy Peterson was eligible for retirement. So one must wonder if that didn’t enter into his decision to remain outside. He had, after all, survived his career in law enforcement long enough to retire from the Sheriff’s Department. Like Peterson, the three other deputies could very well have had second thoughts, making them unsure of the results were they to rush headlong into the unknown.

Conservatives who are certain they have that “Rambo” instinct, like to think they are courageous hero-types and are capable of single-handedly saving the day. But, there is a good reason law enforcement agencies have SWAT teams. The officers who are members of these teams train and retrain regularly. They wear protective gear, have available to them fully automatic weapons, are experts in their use, and in the use of other military-style equipment.

The four experienced officers who were armed with only pistols chose caution and did not rush into the unknown situation. But, conservatives expect teachers armed only with pistols and minimal training to jump in and face killers firing their AR-15s at anything that moves.

It’s unfortunate these conservatives calling for the arming of teachers are so certain of this “Rambo” instinct. If it does exist, it does so only in a tiny, tiny percentage of regular citizens (most of whom must have death wishes).

As people of reason know, these conservatives are nothing more than “keyboard warriors”. They are brave beyond all else, but only when safely typing their attacks, anonymously. The truth is, they are too old, or too fat, or are out of shape, or too slow and crippled-up, or would freeze in fear, or any combination there of, to truly be the heroes they’ve convinced themselves they would be. They are the “Monday morning quarterbacks” of mass shooting response, and all of them would hesitate or totally freeze when called upon to weigh the threat of their own death against defending strangers. Just as the four Broward County Deputies did. No Rambos there.

As always, thoughtful comments are welcome. Unfortunately, in the conservatives' responses to this thread we can expect only their typical nonsense, denial, alternate facts, and off-topic silliness. (e.g. non-sequiturs, ratings, transference, memes, etc.), to which any reply is a waste of time.




Why don't we start by upgrading all school doors to steel with no glass and do something that's really revolutionary and lock the fucking doors
Had someone had a gun the shooter would have been dropped.

In this case, balls would have been enough. The security apparently was too ball-less to confront the shooter.

Stop going after people's rights because your heroes completely sucked at preventing the shooting.

You want to clam up a liberal, mention Chicago and Baltimore who have strict gun laws. Exactly WHERE in the United States is it proven that strict gun laws and gun free zones have been factually proven to be effective in reducing the murder rate? I seriously doubt you'll find a true answer to that question.
You want to clam up a liberal, mention Chicago and Baltimore who have strict gun laws.
It is true they do. That anomalous outcome notwithstanding, one need only look at a national map of firearm mortality rates to see that where guns are tightly controlled, gun mortality overall is lower than in states where it's "open season" for gun possession/ownership.
It's hilariously funny how intentionally ignorant every single leftist is.

every fucking one of you pay no attention to what is really being said.

it's not just arm the teachers, but also train them.

I won't be shocked if this is the first time you have heard that, since you have all been spoon fed the same lies from the same media outlets.

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