“Let West try To defeat us on battlefield… We haven’t started anything seriously yet”: Putin

As we'd discussed many times Russia uses less as 10% of its active troops in Ukraine and is preparing to the war with NATO ( Poland, Germany, Romania, Baltic Lilliputians & Co ) in October, 2022
Ukraine became not more as secondary war place. The main goal of Russia now is to destroy NATO weapons which idiots send to Ukraine hoping clown Zelensky can defeat Putin

During a Thursday speech addressing Russian parliament officials, President Vladimir Putin warned that the military has barely started its operations in Ukraine – suggesting he sees a long haul fight possibly for the whole of Ukraine ahead – in a direct challenge to the West as it continues to send arms to Kiev.
It’s being widely viewed as one of the fiercest speeches and challenges issued to Western backers of Ukraine since he authorized the Feb.24 invasion. He said that “the West wants to fight us until the last Ukrainian” – which he called a tragedy for the Ukrainian people, before adding, “It looks like it’s heading in that direction,” and then put the world on notice that Russia “by and large hasn’t started anything seriously yet.”
“Today we hear that they want to defeat us on the battlefield. Well, what can you say here? Let them try,” Putin said, in a direct challenge to the US and NATO, though without naming them specifically.

Where did he get 'today we hear?' I don't recall any country's leaders saying that and no, we are not fully backing Ukraine we are sending arms sporadically.
Putin is a desperate bag of hot air. We know the capacity of the Russian military. We know that the Russian army is being bled.

Putin is saying this thing in hope the the Russian people don't figure out how badly the War is going in Ukraine. He knows his days are numbered and he's desperate to delay the inevitable.

As I wrote never trust western MS presstitutes who fool you.
If you think Putin will not unleash his unstoppable hypersonic nukes you're naive
Not more as 15 nukes and the western world is gone within twenty minutes
Do you desire it?

Setting off the Yellowstone caldera with a nuke would also impact the entire world. We would retaliate with our nuclear weapons making things much worse.

Only a insane man would ever seriously consider nuking Yellowstone.

Unfortunately, some say Putin is insane.

Our government says it would be a pipe dream anyhow.

Russia has the better missile defense system and is laughing about obsolete US nukes
To survive Yellowstone cold Russia has enough gas to heat itself
Who cares whether Putin insane or not.
The point is he can jab the red button and USA is gone

As we'd discussed many times Russia uses less as 10% of its active troops in Ukraine and is preparing to the war with NATO ( Poland, Germany, Romania, Baltic Lilliputians & Co ) in October, 2022
Ukraine became not more as secondary war place. The main goal of Russia now is to destroy NATO weapons which idiots send to Ukraine hoping clown Zelensky can defeat Putin

During a Thursday speech addressing Russian parliament officials, President Vladimir Putin warned that the military has barely started its operations in Ukraine – suggesting he sees a long haul fight possibly for the whole of Ukraine ahead – in a direct challenge to the West as it continues to send arms to Kiev.
It’s being widely viewed as one of the fiercest speeches and challenges issued to Western backers of Ukraine since he authorized the Feb.24 invasion. He said that “the West wants to fight us until the last Ukrainian” – which he called a tragedy for the Ukrainian people, before adding, “It looks like it’s heading in that direction,” and then put the world on notice that Russia “by and large hasn’t started anything seriously yet.”
“Today we hear that they want to defeat us on the battlefield. Well, what can you say here? Let them try,” Putin said, in a direct challenge to the US and NATO, though without naming them specifically.

Russia is a paper tiger. Their power comes solely from their ruthlessness. In any conventional conflict with the West they would fold like a house of cards.
Russia has the better missile defense system and is laughing about obsolete US nukes
To survive Yellowstone cold Russia has enough gas to heat itself
Who cares whether Putin insane or not.
The point is he can jab the red button and USA is gone

I didn't vote for the Satanic cult running the U.S. today.
Russia is a paper tiger. Their power comes solely from their ruthlessness. In any conventional conflict with the West they would fold like a house of cards.
The U.S. doesn't typically divulge it's cutting edge weapons. The A-Bombs dropped on Japan were kept under wraps for example.

I didn't vote for the Satanic cult running the U.S. today.

So I guess you can understand now why Russians don't want to have the shitty 'democracy' anymore
Satanist run the planet and any 'democratic' country, Russians are fed up and wanna get rid of it

So I guess you can understand now why Russians don't want to have the shitty 'democracy' anymore
Satanist run the planet and any 'democratic' country, Russians are fed up and wanna get rid of it
I think the only Russian that wants to get rid of democracy is Putin and his oligarchs.
The U.S. doesn't typically divulge it's cutting edge weapons. The A-Bombs dropped on Japan were kept under wraps for example.
Whatever Russians have they can't afford to build. How many T-90 tanks do they have?

According to estimates, the Russian Army has only about 100 T-90M tanks in service
More than 20% of their troops, including their 'elite' VDV (Airborne troops), the Marines, and so called Guard tank brigades you call 'a small portion'?
The 900K active duty number is across all services. The active duty Army- the part that is used in Ukraine, was 280K. That's everyone, including non-combatants, and half of those are conscripts. Combat forces are much lower, which is why the proxy militias and Rosgvardia and Wagner mercs are the actual ground combatants.

The aerospace forces and navy are not really a factor as far as this war goes. The VKS never established air dominance and the Ukrainian airspace has been contested from the outset. And they don't have all that many tactical aircraft anyway, and they've lost several high-end airframes including the SU-35S with the latest EW pod.

The Black Sea Fleet can shoot Kalibr missiles from a distance, but it is a fixed asset in terms of numbers. It won't get larger, or play a larger role. The phibs can't get to Odesa because Harpoon and Neptune guard the path.

Ground forces are all that matter here.

Russia committed about 70% of it's active combat units to Ukraine in the invasion. (120 of 168 BTG's).

The ad-hoc battalions that have been formed since April appear to be run at about 50%, so a tank company that would have had 10 tanks only has 5.

Russia has been trying to increase their manpower in various ways, with mixed success, and this years conscripts will not meet the target of 143K. There are several reports of the Russian army and Wagner recruiting experienced troops from prisons.

The Russian success in the Donbas is because they are burning through old soviet stocks of ammunition at a mind-dumbing rate. 45,000 shells in one day on the Izium axis a while back- 360 artillery pieces, 125 rounds per day per.

SDonetsk averaged 20K rounds a day. They just shell until the UA leaves, then creep forward through the rubble until they make contact again. The scouts from the LDPR have that job (which doesn't have much of a future).

They can't burn through ammunition like that and sustain it. That's why we saw the ammunition trains Belarus and Crimea the last couple weeks. That's even older soviet-era stock than what they've been using- not particularly stable and not particularly reliable. e.g 40% dud rates, and not every ammunition dump that goes up is necessarily from HIMARS, if you know what I mean. Some of those explosions are "naturally occurring".

The Ukrainian campaign against the artillery infrastructure is working. They are reaching all the way to the railheads where the main warehouses are. Kill the trucks, break the logistics, you take the artillery out of the fight.
What the heck does it mean?
Lol. It means to focus on one minor detail and miss the broader message.

It's a north american slang, it comes from the process of carefully picking the "nits" (lice, or other parasites or their eggs) from people's hair.

Richard was saying Russia can't afford to deploy all it's combat power to Ukraine without exposing it to strategic risk from other directions. Ukraine does not have that consideration holding them back.
Russia has the better missile defense system and is laughing about obsolete US nukes
To survive Yellowstone cold Russia has enough gas to heat itself
Who cares whether Putin insane or not.
The point is he can jab the red button and USA is gone

Russia says it has a great missile defense system. That may or may not be true but if we launch an all out nuclear war against Russia and only a dozen nuclear warheads slip through, Russia will suffer a lot of damage.

Hopefully the space aliens that have disabled our nuclear launch sites will step in and stop a nuclear war.

Russia has the better missile defense system and is laughing about obsolete US nukes
To survive Yellowstone cold Russia has enough gas to heat itself
Who cares whether Putin insane or not.
The point is he can jab the red button and USA is gone

so what should we do at this point?

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