Let us say Marriage is Re-Defined. How does it affect you personally?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Let us say Marriage is Re-Defined. How does it affect you personally?

For the purposes of argument let us agree marriage is defined strictly as a contract between between a man and a woman. It gets redefined to include unions between men and men and between women and women: same sex marriages.

You're heterosexual and married or not married. How does marriage of gays affect you?

You're homosexual and married or not married. How does marriage of gays affect you?
What two people I've never met and never will do doesn't effect me in the slightest. Whether they're "married" or in a "civil union" doesn't matter to me either way.
Marriage of gays doesn't affect anyone but the people directly involved in the marriage. It falls into the category of "nunyas."
But, but, but...

what about farm animals and child molesters? (I always wonder where the people who bring up similar comments come from)

(Devil's Advocate) What about farm animals? Most animals are more than capable of killing a human abusing it. If they didn't like it, they'd express their displeasure. :)
But, but, but...

what about farm animals and child molesters? (I always wonder where the people who bring up similar comments come from)

(Devil's Advocate) What about farm animals? Most animals are more than capable of killing a human abusing it. If they didn't like it, they'd express their displeasure. :)
NAaaa,aaa,aaa BAh bah...
Are religious texts claiming Adam was a zoophile. Even Genesis itself hiunts at it with the "...God paraded all the animals before Adam but he did not find a helpmate suitable for him." God then creates Eve as a helpmate. Inference being Adam didn't like the animals for sex. Then there's mythological sources full-on saying he was into it.

"(b) Some say that God created man and woman in His own image on the Sixth Day, giving them charge over the world; [2] but that Eve did not yet exist. Now, God had set Adam to name every beast, bird and other living thing. When they passed before him in pairs, male and female, Adam-being already like a twenty-year-old man-felt jealous of their loves, and though he tried coupling with each female in turn, found no satisfaction in the act. He therefore cried: 'Every creature but I has a proper matel', and prayed God would remedy this injustice. [3]"
The Lilith Myth
Are religious texts claiming Adam was a zoophile. Even Genesis itself hiunts at it with the "...God paraded all the animals before Adam but he did not find a helpmate suitable for him." God then creates Eve as a helpmate. Inference being Adam didn't like the animals for sex. Then there's mythological sources full-on saying he was into it.

"(b) Some say that God created man and woman in His own image on the Sixth Day, giving them charge over the world; [2] but that Eve did not yet exist. Now, God had set Adam to name every beast, bird and other living thing. When they passed before him in pairs, male and female, Adam-being already like a twenty-year-old man-felt jealous of their loves, and though he tried coupling with each female in turn, found no satisfaction in the act. He therefore cried: 'Every creature but I has a proper matel', and prayed God would remedy this injustice. [3]"
The Lilith Myth
Fairy tales can say whatever they want. They're stories we tell ourselves
I know people who actually believe that it affects us all personally. And don't you know that when we accept gay marriage as normal we are bringing the wrath of the Almighty God upon us? God says that the gays are abomination before his eyes so when we accept the gays we are spitting in the eye of God. And you know what happens when you spit in the eye of God, you incur his just wrath.
I know people who actually believe that it affects us all personally. And don't you know that when we accept gay marriage as normal we are bringing the wrath of the Almighty God upon us? God says that the gays are abomination before his eyes so when we accept the gays we are spitting in the eye of God. And you know what happens when you spit in the eye of God, you incur his just wrath.
I fart in your general direction
I know people who actually believe that it affects us all personally. And don't you know that when we accept gay marriage as normal we are bringing the wrath of the Almighty God upon us? God says that the gays are abomination before his eyes so when we accept the gays we are spitting in the eye of God. And you know what happens when you spit in the eye of God, you incur his just wrath.
I fart in your general direction
I don't actually believe that crap. I said I knew people who do.
But, but, but...

what about farm animals and child molesters? (I always wonder where the people who bring up similar comments come from)

(Devil's Advocate) What about farm animals? Most animals are more than capable of killing a human abusing it. If they didn't like it, they'd express their displeasure. :)
I'm guessing most people who are attracted to animals are Republican farmers. They are the only ones with a "vested interest" in such a scenario.
I know people who actually believe that it affects us all personally. And don't you know that when we accept gay marriage as normal we are bringing the wrath of the Almighty God upon us? God says that the gays are abomination before his eyes so when we accept the gays we are spitting in the eye of God. And you know what happens when you spit in the eye of God, you incur his just wrath.
There's no such thing as 'gay marriage,' there's only one marriage law available to both opposite- and same-sex couples; and it's perfectly normal for same-sex couples to wish to marry, for the same reasons opposite-sex couples wish to marry.

Otherwise, same-sex couples accessing marriage law they're currently eligible to participate in adversely effects no one.
The "doesn't affect me personally" argument is specious. It doesn't affect me personally if my neighbor takes his newborn baby boy down to the creek and drowns him, does it? Doesn't affect me personally if Iran nukes Jerusalem. Doesn't affect me personally if they legalize every chemical that some idiot wants to shove down his mouth or inject into his body.

It wouldn't affect me personally if every Scientologist in the world drank poison Kool-Aid and died.

But MARRIAGE is an institution that has a tremendous impact on the society at large. Any gross change in policy must be considered not only for how it affects a small group of individuals, but for the impact on the overall society.

In the 1960's as part of the "War on Poverty," the Federal government implemented a policy that, with great and wise compassion, provided significantly higher poverty stipends to households where there was no husband/father present. And the result was a significant DIS-incentive to marriage, and resulted in a pandemic of bastardy that goes on unaffected, decades after this program was repealed (AFDC).

No-fault divorce was a logical, non-controversial measure that made it EASIER to get a divorce. Resulted in millions of broken homes that may have survived if it had been a little more difficult to get divorced. Nobody knows.

"Gay marriage" promotes the idea that marriage is just a fairly routine, generally impotent contract. Bill and George get married, three years later they hook with other people, who gives a shit? It's only a contract, right? People breach them and terminate them all the time.

As a matter of public policy, the States need to be promoting marriage as a serious institution that promotes the "general welfare" of the society.

And footnotally speaking, the pity of the current debate is that Progressives have taken Marriage out of the hands of the elected representatives of the people (the State Legislatures), and turned it over to bastards in black robes, appointed for life, who have about as much in common with ordinary people as...Hillary Clinton.

We are fucked...but what's new?
I know people who actually believe that it affects us all personally. And don't you know that when we accept gay marriage as normal we are bringing the wrath of the Almighty God upon us? God says that the gays are abomination before his eyes so when we accept the gays we are spitting in the eye of God. And you know what happens when you spit in the eye of God, you incur his just wrath.
Which god is that again? And are we all supposed to follow that one particular god in one particular way...with our laws matching up?
I know people who actually believe that it affects us all personally. And don't you know that when we accept gay marriage as normal we are bringing the wrath of the Almighty God upon us? God says that the gays are abomination before his eyes so when we accept the gays we are spitting in the eye of God. And you know what happens when you spit in the eye of God, you incur his just wrath.
Which god is that again? And are we all supposed to follow that one particular god in one particular way...with our laws matching up?
And I see that you are referring to other people, not yourself.0
I know people who actually believe that it affects us all personally. And don't you know that when we accept gay marriage as normal we are bringing the wrath of the Almighty God upon us? God says that the gays are abomination before his eyes so when we accept the gays we are spitting in the eye of God. And you know what happens when you spit in the eye of God, you incur his just wrath.
Which god is that again? And are we all supposed to follow that one particular god in one particular way...with our laws matching up?
Let me add...that when I pose such a question to people like that, they invariably start foaming at the mouth as to how I could possibly think there is any other god besides theirs. And therein lies the problem
Let us say Marriage is Re-Defined. How does it affect you personally?

For the purposes of argument let us agree marriage is defined strictly as a contract between between a man and a woman. It gets redefined to include unions between men and men and between women and women: same sex marriages.

You're heterosexual and married or not married. How does marriage of gays affect you?

You're homosexual and married or not married. How does marriage of gays affect you?

It doesn't affect me and I don't care. :)
Let us say Marriage is Re-Defined. How does it affect you personally?

For the purposes of argument let us agree marriage is defined strictly as a contract between between a man and a woman. It gets redefined to include unions between men and men and between women and women: same sex marriages.

You're heterosexual and married or not married. How does marriage of gays affect you?

You're homosexual and married or not married. How does marriage of gays affect you?

If it is done via legislative action at the State level, then it doesn't affect me at all.

If it is done by creative judicial fiat, then the marriage still doesn't affect me, but the idea that a court can create an enumerated right without actually amending the constitution affects me greatly. That means the court can just as easily get rid of a right, or create one that makes one group more equal than another group.

The issue to me isn't the result, its the means and methods.
The "doesn't affect me personally" argument is specious. It doesn't affect me personally if my neighbor takes his newborn baby boy down to the creek and drowns him, does it? Doesn't affect me personally if Iran nukes Jerusalem. Doesn't affect me personally if they legalize every chemical that some idiot wants to shove down his mouth or inject into his body.

It wouldn't affect me personally if every Scientologist in the world drank poison Kool-Aid and died.
Well Holy Moley Whack-a-doodle-doo -- welcome -- We've been waiting for you!

Big government nannie types like you are species of a type studied throughout the ages.

Lumping together what people do to themselves personally with what harm people do to others makes any supposed specious argument look downright brilliantly genius.
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