Let me get this straight about the Mittster...


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
If elected he will not:

-cut taxes 4.8 trillion dollars over the next ten years even though the Congressional Budget Office says he will.

-will not follow Ryan's plan to turn medicare into a voucher program although his VP is licking his chopps and drooling over the cuts he is envisioning.

But he will:

-Cut Obamacare but will come short of repealing the whole thing because there are parts of it that make sense

-Cut funding for Big Bird cause the fowl is a Socialist Yellow Deficit Creator

-Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood and attempt to restrict contraceptives.

-Fund arms for the Muslims that are attempting to overthrough Syria, sort of like what we did earlier with Saddam and Bin Laden

-Close "loopholes" in the tax code although he won't say exactly what they are

Yup, Mitt sounds like a real PEACH!
If elected he will not:

-cut taxes 4.8 trillion dollars over the next ten years even though the Congressional Budget Office says he will.

-will not follow Ryan's plan to turn medicare into a voucher program although his VP is licking his chopps and drooling over the cuts he is envisioning.

But he will:

-Cut Obamacare but will come short of repealing the whole thing because there are parts of it that make sense

-Cut funding for Big Bird cause the fowl is a Socialist Yellow Deficit Creator

-Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood and attempt to restrict contraceptives.

-Fund arms for the Muslims that are attempting to overthrough Syria, sort of like what we did earlier with Saddam and Bin Laden

-Close "loopholes" in the tax code although he won't say exactly what they are

Yup, Mitt sounds like a real PEACH!

You should do talking points for the GOP. All of those things sound like they would be moving away from the damage that Obama wants to do/has done to this nation.

It's so funny to me that Lliberal look at a list of truely worthy goals and think they are a bad thing.
If elected he will not:

-cut taxes 4.8 trillion dollars over the next ten years even though the Congressional Budget Office says he will.

-will not follow Ryan's plan to turn medicare into a voucher program although his VP is licking his chopps and drooling over the cuts he is envisioning.

But he will:

-Cut Obamacare but will come short of repealing the whole thing because there are parts of it that make sense

-Cut funding for Big Bird cause the fowl is a Socialist Yellow Deficit Creator

-Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood and attempt to restrict contraceptives.

-Fund arms for the Muslims that are attempting to overthrough Syria, sort of like what we did earlier with Saddam and Bin Laden

-Close "loopholes" in the tax code although he won't say exactly what they are

Yup, Mitt sounds like a real PEACH!

what was the justification for taking over the "whole " health care system if only a couple of things would make sense
If elected he will not:

-cut taxes 4.8 trillion dollars over the next ten years even though the Congressional Budget Office says he will.

-will not follow Ryan's plan to turn medicare into a voucher program although his VP is licking his chopps and drooling over the cuts he is envisioning.

But he will:

-Cut Obamacare but will come short of repealing the whole thing because there are parts of it that make sense

-Cut funding for Big Bird cause the fowl is a Socialist Yellow Deficit Creator

-Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood and attempt to restrict contraceptives.

-Fund arms for the Muslims that are attempting to overthrough Syria, sort of like what we did earlier with Saddam and Bin Laden

-Close "loopholes" in the tax code although he won't say exactly what they are

Yup, Mitt sounds like a real PEACH!

You should do talking points for the GOP. All of those things sound like they would be moving away from the damage that Obama wants to do/has done to this nation.

It's so funny to me that Lliberal look at a list of truely worthy goals and think they are a bad thing.

You're spot on! Remember in the end times good things will be called bad and vice versa. We're here. Only those with eyes can see. :badgrin::eusa_clap:
If elected he will not:

-cut taxes 4.8 trillion dollars over the next ten years even though the Congressional Budget Office says he will.

-will not follow Ryan's plan to turn medicare into a voucher program although his VP is licking his chopps and drooling over the cuts he is envisioning.

But he will:

-Cut Obamacare but will come short of repealing the whole thing because there are parts of it that make sense

-Cut funding for Big Bird cause the fowl is a Socialist Yellow Deficit Creator

-Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood and attempt to restrict contraceptives.

-Fund arms for the Muslims that are attempting to overthrough Syria, sort of like what we did earlier with Saddam and Bin Laden

-Close "loopholes" in the tax code although he won't say exactly what they are

Yup, Mitt sounds like a real PEACH!

Not a lick of truth here.... but nice try Jim :eusa_clap:
If elected he will not:

-cut taxes 4.8 trillion dollars over the next ten years even though the Congressional Budget Office says he will.

-will not follow Ryan's plan to turn medicare into a voucher program although his VP is licking his chopps and drooling over the cuts he is envisioning.

But he will:

-Cut Obamacare but will come short of repealing the whole thing because there are parts of it that make sense

-Cut funding for Big Bird cause the fowl is a Socialist Yellow Deficit Creator

-Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood and attempt to restrict contraceptives.

-Fund arms for the Muslims that are attempting to overthrough Syria, sort of like what we did earlier with Saddam and Bin Laden

-Close "loopholes" in the tax code although he won't say exactly what they are

Yup, Mitt sounds like a real PEACH!

You should do talking points for the GOP. All of those things sound like they would be moving away from the damage that Obama wants to do/has done to this nation.

It's so funny to me that Lliberal look at a list of truely worthy goals and think they are a bad thing.

So you admit that Mitt lied when he denied the 5 Trillion Dollar cut that Obama put to him. He looked in the eyes of the American people and HE LIED.

I will laugh if he is elected and he takes away the mortgage deduction, so he can continue to fund W's tax cut for the wealthy....then you people will be moaning and groaning. But that happens when a candidate won't tell you the details. He has good reason not to tell us.
How should you feel if you were a wealthy American, making a high income, who during the primaries made a substantial contribution to Romney's campaign when he was running on giving all Americans a 20% cut in their taxes, because you wanted that tax cut,

but now,

Romney is saying that you, the wealthy guy, is no longer getting that tax cut?

1. You're pissed because Romney is a flip flopping liar.

2. You're confident that Romney is lying NOW, and your tax cut will magically reappear once Romney is elected.
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If elected he will not:

-cut taxes 4.8 trillion dollars over the next ten years even though the Congressional Budget Office says he will.

-will not follow Ryan's plan to turn medicare into a voucher program although his VP is licking his chopps and drooling over the cuts he is envisioning.

But he will:

-Cut Obamacare but will come short of repealing the whole thing because there are parts of it that make sense

-Cut funding for Big Bird cause the fowl is a Socialist Yellow Deficit Creator

-Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood and attempt to restrict contraceptives.

-Fund arms for the Muslims that are attempting to overthrough Syria, sort of like what we did earlier with Saddam and Bin Laden

-Close "loopholes" in the tax code although he won't say exactly what they are

Yup, Mitt sounds like a real PEACH!

You should do talking points for the GOP. All of those things sound like they would be moving away from the damage that Obama wants to do/has done to this nation.

It's so funny to me that Lliberal look at a list of truely worthy goals and think they are a bad thing.

So you admit that Mitt lied when he denied the 5 Trillion Dollar cut that Obama put to him. He looked in the eyes of the American people and HE LIED.

I will laugh if he is elected and he takes away the mortgage deduction, so he can continue to fund W's tax cut for the wealthy....then you people will be moaning and groaning. But that happens when a candidate won't tell you the details. He has good reason not to tell us.

BURNETT: Stephanie, let me ask you about that. Because here at CNN, we fact checked that, that $5 trillion in tax cuts and we’ve come and said that’s not true. Mitt Romney has not promised that. because he’s also going to be closing loopholes and deductions. So his tax cut wouldn’t be anywhere near that size.

CUTTER: So you’re disputing the size of the tax cut? Or are you disputing also how he’s going to pay for it?

BURNETT: We’re disputing the size.

CUTTER: Erin, he has campaigned on lowering tax rates by 20% for everybody, including those in the top 1%. that was one of the main selling points in the Republican primary.

BURNETT: So you’re saying if you lower them by 20% you get a $5 trillion tab, right?

CUTTER: It’s a $5 trillion tab.

BURNETT: But when he closes deductions he won’t be anywhere near $5 trillion. That’s our analysis.

CUTTER: Well with, okay, stipulated, it won’t be near $5 trillion, but it’s also not going to be the sum of $5 trillion in the loopholes that he’s going to close.


-Cut funding for Big Bird cause the fowl is a Socialist Yellow Deficit Creator

whatever, it is worth borrowing to fund them when they make tons of marketing money, keeping in mind we already borrow 40 cents of every dollar we are spending?

-Cut Funding to Planned Parenthood and attempt to restrict contraceptives.

a) I don't see why I should have to pay for someones abortion, I have no qualms that they get them, ( in matters of incest, rape etc.) but why should I pay for it?

b) can you expand on that blurb ala restricting contraceptives?:eusa_eh:
How should you feel if you were a wealthy American, making a high income, who during the primaries made a substantial contribution to Romney's campaign when he was running on giving all Americans a 20% cut in their taxes, because you wanted that tax cut,

but now,

Romney is saying that you, the wealthy guy, is no longer getting that tax cut?

1. You're pissed because Romney is a flip flopping liar.

2. You're confident that Romney is lying NOW, and your tax cut will magically reappear once Romney is elected.

if the bush cuts are allowed to expire, fine by me as long as they cut spending, like baseline spending and apply those taxes to reducing the debt......happy now?

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