Lest we forget...

In the last week, my country, Israel, including our capital, the Holy City of Jerusalem, have come under an unprecedented wave of Palestinian terror.

A week ago, Eitam and Na’ama Henkin were brutally executed by Palestinian terrorists point-blank in their car. Their four children, Matan, 9, Nitzan, 7, Neta, 4, and Itamar, 9 months old, who are now orphaned, were still in the back seat and miraculously unharmed. Their lives are now irreparably altered.

Days later, two more Israelis were stabbed to death in Jerusalem. One of the men killed was holding his two year old child at the time. More lives and families torn apart.

Two weeks ago, Alexander Levlovitz, who was on his way home after Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) dinner, was murdered when Palestinian youths threw rocks at his car and he lost control.

Over the past 48 hours in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and virtually all parts of Israel, we have had over 150 terror attacks, including stabbings, shootings, stones thrown and vehicular rammings.

Why is the world ignoring a wave of terror in Israel?
Chickenfeed compare to what Israel does to the Palestinians.

What have they done then, compared to the 10 million plus Jews massacred by the arab muslims since mo'ma made it a holy law to " KILL THE JEWS "

It is only since the occupation and separation barrier that the palestinians have been unable to mass murder Jewish children
Kfar Etzion is as controversial as Deir Yassin in some ways as there are differing narratives involved. The Zionist one of prisoners deliberately slaughtered after surrendering contrasts with the Arab Legion and eye witness accounts that basically state the prisoners were shot while trying to escape when fighting re-erupted after Etzion was taken.

What about the massacre of the Jews in Hebron then, or are all those atrocities acceptable in your eyes?
That was a response to the Zionist invasion.

Which country sent them on this invasion then, maybe you can tell me as none of the other team palestine members seem to know. From what I can gather the Ottomans invited the Jews to migrate in 1850, then the LoN did the same thing is 1923 so no invasion but an invited people by the lands owners. ( the palestinian arab muslims having lost the war in 1917 lost their land when the Ottomans/Turks signed the surrender treaties all a matter of historical accuracy )
What they invited isn't what they got.
Kfar Etzion is as controversial as Deir Yassin in some ways as there are differing narratives involved. The Zionist one of prisoners deliberately slaughtered after surrendering contrasts with the Arab Legion and eye witness accounts that basically state the prisoners were shot while trying to escape when fighting re-erupted after Etzion was taken.

What about the massacre of the Jews in Hebron then, or are all those atrocities acceptable in your eyes?
That was a response to the Zionist invasion.

Which country sent them on this invasion then, maybe you can tell me as none of the other team palestine members seem to know. From what I can gather the Ottomans invited the Jews to migrate in 1850, then the LoN did the same thing is 1923 so no invasion but an invited people by the lands owners. ( the palestinian arab muslims having lost the war in 1917 lost their land when the Ottomans/Turks signed the surrender treaties all a matter of historical accuracy )
What they invited isn't what they got.

Yes it was, they invited the Jews who faced mass murder and abuse to come and live in Palestine. That is what they got. The arab muslims bit of more than they could chew and ended up losing every war they started.
Another anniversary missed; On 21st May 1948 after a number of failed attempts to occupy the village of Beit Daras, the Zionists mobilized a large force to surround the village. The inhabitants decided that women and children should leave the danger zone but as they left, the women and children were met with mortar and machine gun fire despite the fact that the Zionists could see they were women and children fleeing the fighting.

"Although Beit Daras was located at the north eastern part of the Gaza District in southern Palestine, it was high on the Zionist leadership agenda as early as the first months of conquest. The small village was one of a few villages and towns marked for destruction in Operation Nachshon and Harel aimed to completely cut off the Jaffa-Jerusalem landmass. The war for Beit Daras began early, as heavy shelling began between March 27-28, 1948, killing 9 villagers and destroying large areas of the village’s crops.

Several attempts had failed to drive the resilient villagers out. What turned out to be the last battle took place in mid-May. Um ‘Adel and Um Mohammed were two young girls in Beit Daras at the time. Now old women in Khan Younis refugee camp in Gaza, they helped me connect some of the pieces regarding what happened on that day. I provided their historically consistent accounts in my book on Gaza. Here are few excerpts:

Um ‘Adel recalls: “The women and children were told to leave because the news of the Deir Yassin massacre was spreading and with it lots of fear. We were told that the Jews not only massacre people, but rape women. The women had to be sent away, but the men wouldn’t leave. But so many of them were killed. The men fought like lions, and many were killed as well, including Abu Mansi Nassar and his two brothers, Ali Mohammed Hussain al-Osaji, and four youth from al-Maqadima.”

Um Mohammed elaborated: “The town was under bombardment, and it was surrounded from all directions. There was no way out. They surrounded it all, from the direction of Isdud, al-Sawafir and everywhere. We wanted to pursue a way out. The armed men (the Beit Daras fighters) said they were going to check on the road to Isdud, to see if it was open. They moved forward and shot few shots to see if someone would return fire. No one did. But they (the Zionist forces) were hiding and waiting to ambush the people. The armed men returned and told the people to evacuate the women and children. The people went out (including) those who were gathered at my huge house, the family house. There were mostly children and kids in the house.

“The armed men came and said, ‘the road to Isdud is open, evacuate the people.’ The Jews let the people get out, and then they whipped them with bombs and machine guns. More people fell than those who were able to run. My sister and I…started running through the fields; we’d fall and get up. My sister and I escaped together holding each other’s hand. The people who took the main road were either killed or injured, and those who went through the fields. The firing was falling on the people like sand. The bombs from one side and the machine guns from the other. The Jews were on the hill; there was a school and a water reservoir for people and the vegetables. They showered the people with machine guns. A lot of the people died and got injured."

A Hundred Deir Yassin and Counting: Beit Daras and the Buried History of Massacres - Palestine Chronicle
And they keep on coming; July 1948 brings yet another IDF atrocity, the at the Dahmash Mosque in Lydda perperated by troops led by no less a personage than the great Zionist "hero" Moishe Dyan.

On 11 July 1948, the Israeli 89th Commando Battalion lead by Moshe Dayan occupied Lydda. Shortly afterwards, several hundred civilians were killed by Israeli troops, including 80 machine-gunned inside the Dahmash Mosque. Some eye winess statements:

"Civilians ran for cover as an armoured unit of the Israeli 89th Commando Battalion fired its way into Lydda, an Arab town not far from Tel Aviv. At the head of the column in an armoured car he called 'The Terrible Tiger' rode Major Moshe Dayan, a relatively obscure professional soldier who had personally recruited the men of his battalion including a contingent of Stern Gang terrorists. Dayan was eager to prove that his method of lightening warfare would win quick results against the Arabs. For fourth-seven minutes on the evening of 11 July 1948, Dayan and his armoured forces terrorized both the defenders of Lydda and the neighbouring town Ramle, as well as their Arab civilian population.£

Keith Wheller, a reporter for the Chicago Sun Times, witnessed the attack. In an article titled 'Blitz Tactics Won Lydda,' he wrote that as the Israeli vehicles surged through the town, 'practically everything in their way died.' Not all the casualties were members of the Arab Legion that was defending the town.

Kenneth Bilby of the New York Herald Tribune who entered Lydda in the company of an Israeli intelligence officer noticed 'the corpses of Arab men, women and even children strewn about in the wake of the ruthlessly brilliant charge.'

The Israelis were not keen to take prisoners.

"Netiva Ben Yehuda, a young female member of the Palmach, recalled that a soldier 'went through the streets of Lydda with loudspeakers and promised everybody who would go inside a certain mosque that they would be safe.' Hundreds of Arabs entered the Dahmash Mosque believing that nothing would happen to them if they sat quietly with their hands on their head. But according to Ben Yehuda 'something did happen.'[3] In retaliation for a grenade attack after the surrender which killed several Israeli soldiers, over eighty Arab prisoners were machine-gunned to death. The bodies lay decomposing for ten days in the July heat. The Dahmash Mosque massacre terrorized the people of Lydda."

This led to the largest single crime against humanity perpetrated by the Zionists; the ethnic cleansing of Lydda and Ramle also known as the Lydda Death March

1948 Palestinian exodus from Lydda and Ramle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
And they keep on coming; July 1948 brings yet another IDF atrocity, the at the Dahmash Mosque in Lydda perperated by troops led by no less a personage than the great Zionist "hero" Moishe Dyan.

On 11 July 1948, the Israeli 89th Commando Battalion lead by Moshe Dayan occupied Lydda. Shortly afterwards, several hundred civilians were killed by Israeli troops, including 80 machine-gunned inside the Dahmash Mosque. Some eye winess statements:

"Civilians ran for cover as an armoured unit of the Israeli 89th Commando Battalion fired its way into Lydda, an Arab town not far from Tel Aviv. At the head of the column in an armoured car he called 'The Terrible Tiger' rode Major Moshe Dayan, a relatively obscure professional soldier who had personally recruited the men of his battalion including a contingent of Stern Gang terrorists. Dayan was eager to prove that his method of lightening warfare would win quick results against the Arabs. For fourth-seven minutes on the evening of 11 July 1948, Dayan and his armoured forces terrorized both the defenders of Lydda and the neighbouring town Ramle, as well as their Arab civilian population.£

Keith Wheller, a reporter for the Chicago Sun Times, witnessed the attack. In an article titled 'Blitz Tactics Won Lydda,' he wrote that as the Israeli vehicles surged through the town, 'practically everything in their way died.' Not all the casualties were members of the Arab Legion that was defending the town.

Kenneth Bilby of the New York Herald Tribune who entered Lydda in the company of an Israeli intelligence officer noticed 'the corpses of Arab men, women and even children strewn about in the wake of the ruthlessly brilliant charge.'

The Israelis were not keen to take prisoners.

"Netiva Ben Yehuda, a young female member of the Palmach, recalled that a soldier 'went through the streets of Lydda with loudspeakers and promised everybody who would go inside a certain mosque that they would be safe.' Hundreds of Arabs entered the Dahmash Mosque believing that nothing would happen to them if they sat quietly with their hands on their head. But according to Ben Yehuda 'something did happen.'[3] In retaliation for a grenade attack after the surrender which killed several Israeli soldiers, over eighty Arab prisoners were machine-gunned to death. The bodies lay decomposing for ten days in the July heat. The Dahmash Mosque massacre terrorized the people of Lydda."

This led to the largest single crime against humanity perpetrated by the Zionists; the ethnic cleansing of Lydda and Ramle also known as the Lydda Death March

1948 Palestinian exodus from Lydda and Ramle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So according to your cut and paste the "atrocity" was return fire to a grenade attack from the mosque.

Once again you twist the truth so you can demonise the Jews.
And they keep on coming; July 1948 brings yet another IDF atrocity, the at the Dahmash Mosque in Lydda perperated by troops led by no less a personage than the great Zionist "hero" Moishe Dyan.

On 11 July 1948, the Israeli 89th Commando Battalion lead by Moshe Dayan occupied Lydda. Shortly afterwards, several hundred civilians were killed by Israeli troops, including 80 machine-gunned inside the Dahmash Mosque. Some eye winess statements:

"Civilians ran for cover as an armoured unit of the Israeli 89th Commando Battalion fired its way into Lydda, an Arab town not far from Tel Aviv. At the head of the column in an armoured car he called 'The Terrible Tiger' rode Major Moshe Dayan, a relatively obscure professional soldier who had personally recruited the men of his battalion including a contingent of Stern Gang terrorists. Dayan was eager to prove that his method of lightening warfare would win quick results against the Arabs. For fourth-seven minutes on the evening of 11 July 1948, Dayan and his armoured forces terrorized both the defenders of Lydda and the neighbouring town Ramle, as well as their Arab civilian population.£

Keith Wheller, a reporter for the Chicago Sun Times, witnessed the attack. In an article titled 'Blitz Tactics Won Lydda,' he wrote that as the Israeli vehicles surged through the town, 'practically everything in their way died.' Not all the casualties were members of the Arab Legion that was defending the town.

Kenneth Bilby of the New York Herald Tribune who entered Lydda in the company of an Israeli intelligence officer noticed 'the corpses of Arab men, women and even children strewn about in the wake of the ruthlessly brilliant charge.'

The Israelis were not keen to take prisoners.

"Netiva Ben Yehuda, a young female member of the Palmach, recalled that a soldier 'went through the streets of Lydda with loudspeakers and promised everybody who would go inside a certain mosque that they would be safe.' Hundreds of Arabs entered the Dahmash Mosque believing that nothing would happen to them if they sat quietly with their hands on their head. But according to Ben Yehuda 'something did happen.'[3] In retaliation for a grenade attack after the surrender which killed several Israeli soldiers, over eighty Arab prisoners were machine-gunned to death. The bodies lay decomposing for ten days in the July heat. The Dahmash Mosque massacre terrorized the people of Lydda."

This led to the largest single crime against humanity perpetrated by the Zionists; the ethnic cleansing of Lydda and Ramle also known as the Lydda Death March

1948 Palestinian exodus from Lydda and Ramle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So according to your cut and paste the "atrocity" was return fire to a grenade attack from the mosque.

Once again you twist the truth so you can demonise the Jews.

You are skipping over what was happening at the time.
And they keep on coming; July 1948 brings yet another IDF atrocity, the at the Dahmash Mosque in Lydda perperated by troops led by no less a personage than the great Zionist "hero" Moishe Dyan.

On 11 July 1948, the Israeli 89th Commando Battalion lead by Moshe Dayan occupied Lydda. Shortly afterwards, several hundred civilians were killed by Israeli troops, including 80 machine-gunned inside the Dahmash Mosque. Some eye winess statements:

"Civilians ran for cover as an armoured unit of the Israeli 89th Commando Battalion fired its way into Lydda, an Arab town not far from Tel Aviv. At the head of the column in an armoured car he called 'The Terrible Tiger' rode Major Moshe Dayan, a relatively obscure professional soldier who had personally recruited the men of his battalion including a contingent of Stern Gang terrorists. Dayan was eager to prove that his method of lightening warfare would win quick results against the Arabs. For fourth-seven minutes on the evening of 11 July 1948, Dayan and his armoured forces terrorized both the defenders of Lydda and the neighbouring town Ramle, as well as their Arab civilian population.£

Keith Wheller, a reporter for the Chicago Sun Times, witnessed the attack. In an article titled 'Blitz Tactics Won Lydda,' he wrote that as the Israeli vehicles surged through the town, 'practically everything in their way died.' Not all the casualties were members of the Arab Legion that was defending the town.

Kenneth Bilby of the New York Herald Tribune who entered Lydda in the company of an Israeli intelligence officer noticed 'the corpses of Arab men, women and even children strewn about in the wake of the ruthlessly brilliant charge.'

The Israelis were not keen to take prisoners.

"Netiva Ben Yehuda, a young female member of the Palmach, recalled that a soldier 'went through the streets of Lydda with loudspeakers and promised everybody who would go inside a certain mosque that they would be safe.' Hundreds of Arabs entered the Dahmash Mosque believing that nothing would happen to them if they sat quietly with their hands on their head. But according to Ben Yehuda 'something did happen.'[3] In retaliation for a grenade attack after the surrender which killed several Israeli soldiers, over eighty Arab prisoners were machine-gunned to death. The bodies lay decomposing for ten days in the July heat. The Dahmash Mosque massacre terrorized the people of Lydda."

This led to the largest single crime against humanity perpetrated by the Zionists; the ethnic cleansing of Lydda and Ramle also known as the Lydda Death March

1948 Palestinian exodus from Lydda and Ramle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So according to your cut and paste the "atrocity" was return fire to a grenade attack from the mosque.

Once again you twist the truth so you can demonise the Jews.

You are skipping over what was happening at the time.

Nope I dont do what you and the other islamonazi propagandists do when you try and deny the Jews their human, religious and legal rights to self determination, a home land and the right to defend againt attack.

What was happening at the time was a war. As usual, Team Pallywood tries to paint the Arab Muslims as innocent civilians being massacred by violent and evil Israelis when they were in fact, militants hiding and attacking from amongst a civilian population.

No different than today.
What was happening at the time was a war. As usual, Team Pallywood tries to paint the Arab Muslims as innocent civilians being massacred by violent and evil Israelis when they were in fact, militants hiding and attacking from amongst a civilian population.

No different than today.
Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.
What was happening at the time was a war. As usual, Team Pallywood tries to paint the Arab Muslims as innocent civilians being massacred by violent and evil Israelis when they were in fact, militants hiding and attacking from amongst a civilian population.

No different than today.
Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.
Why not? The honeys with human shields are shooting at them, Clyde.
What was happening at the time was a war. As usual, Team Pallywood tries to paint the Arab Muslims as innocent civilians being massacred by violent and evil Israelis when they were in fact, militants hiding and attacking from amongst a civilian population.

No different than today.
Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.
Why not? The honeys with human shields are shooting at them, Clyde.
Except it was Israel that was attacking Palestinians in Palestinian villages. It was Israel that was on the offensive.
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is so childlike, that the level of understanding is beyond repair.

What was happening at the time was a war. As usual, Team Pallywood tries to paint the Arab Muslims as innocent civilians being massacred by violent and evil Israelis when they were in fact, militants hiding and attacking from amongst a civilian population.

No different than today.
Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.
Why not? The honeys with human shields are shooting at them, Clyde.
Except it was Israel that was attacking Palestinians in Palestinian villages. It was Israel that was on the offensive.

But a simplified response on the kindergarten level is still possible.

Between the opening of the 1948-49 War of Independence, initiated by an attack by the Arab League, and 1988 when the PLO Declared Independence, the State of Israel never engaged any entity called the Palestinians. Hence, no Armistice was ever made between Israel and any nation called the Palestinians.
When you make these broad and sweeping statements, you have to give it some specificity.

• WHEN did Israel attack Palestinians?
• WHERE did this allegedly attack happen?
• WHO was acting as the Government of Palestine? WHO initiated (aggressor) contact?
• WHAT forces were involved?
• WHY did the outbreak of hostilities occur?

Most Respectfully,
Except it was Israel that was attacking Palestinians in Palestinian villages. It was Israel that was on the offensive.

The Palestinians formed a militia who engaged in a conflict over territory and fought on the side of the Arab forces against Israel.
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is so childlike, that the level of understanding is beyond repair.

What was happening at the time was a war. As usual, Team Pallywood tries to paint the Arab Muslims as innocent civilians being massacred by violent and evil Israelis when they were in fact, militants hiding and attacking from amongst a civilian population.

No different than today.
Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.
Why not? The honeys with human shields are shooting at them, Clyde.
Except it was Israel that was attacking Palestinians in Palestinian villages. It was Israel that was on the offensive.

But a simplified response on the kindergarten level is still possible.

Between the opening of the 1948-49 War of Independence, initiated by an attack by the Arab League, and 1988 when the PLO Declared Independence, the State of Israel never engaged any entity called the Palestinians. Hence, no Armistice was ever made between Israel and any nation called the Palestinians.
When you make these broad and sweeping statements, you have to give it some specificity.

• WHEN did Israel attack Palestinians?
• WHERE did this allegedly attack happen?
• WHO was acting as the Government of Palestine? WHO initiated (aggressor) contact?
• WHAT forces were involved?
• WHY did the outbreak of hostilities occur?

Most Respectfully,
• WHEN did Israel attack Palestinians?
Israeli/Zionist proxy army, Britain, around 1917.
• WHERE did this allegedly attack happen?
In the territory that became Palestine in 1924.
• WHO was acting as the Government of Palestine? WHO initiated (aggressor) contact?
Britain, Britain, on behalf of Israel/Zionists.
• WHAT forces were involved?
British military, and Zionist terrorist gangs.
• WHY did the outbreak of hostilities occur?
British/Zionist colonization of Palestine.
• WHY did the outbreak of hostilities occur?
British/Zionist colonization of Palestine.

The mere presence of Jews is "hostility"?

Why wouldn't the colonization of Israel by Arabs be the outbreak of "hostilities", then?
Come on, P F Tinmore. You say that colonization of territory is "hostility". So why wouldn't Arab colonization of territory be considered the origin of the hostility since it happened first? Why is Jewish re-colonization a problem and Arab colonization not a problem?
P F Tinmore, et al,

This is so childlike, that the level of understanding is beyond repair.

What was happening at the time was a war. As usual, Team Pallywood tries to paint the Arab Muslims as innocent civilians being massacred by violent and evil Israelis when they were in fact, militants hiding and attacking from amongst a civilian population.

No different than today.
Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.
Why not? The honeys with human shields are shooting at them, Clyde.
Except it was Israel that was attacking Palestinians in Palestinian villages. It was Israel that was on the offensive.

But a simplified response on the kindergarten level is still possible.

Between the opening of the 1948-49 War of Independence, initiated by an attack by the Arab League, and 1988 when the PLO Declared Independence, the State of Israel never engaged any entity called the Palestinians. Hence, no Armistice was ever made between Israel and any nation called the Palestinians.
When you make these broad and sweeping statements, you have to give it some specificity.

• WHEN did Israel attack Palestinians?
• WHERE did this allegedly attack happen?
• WHO was acting as the Government of Palestine? WHO initiated (aggressor) contact?
• WHAT forces were involved?
• WHY did the outbreak of hostilities occur?

Most Respectfully,
• WHEN did Israel attack Palestinians?
Israeli/Zionist proxy army, Britain, around 1917.
• WHERE did this allegedly attack happen?
In the territory that became Palestine in 1924.
• WHO was acting as the Government of Palestine? WHO initiated (aggressor) contact?
Britain, Britain, on behalf of Israel/Zionists.
• WHAT forces were involved?
British military, and Zionist terrorist gangs.
• WHY did the outbreak of hostilities occur?
British/Zionist colonization of Palestine.
Well, you started off with a false, nonsensical assertion and your rambling deteriorated from there.

How did an "Israeli/Zionist proxy army" attack Pal'istanians in 1917 when,
1) there was no state of Israel in 1917, and,
2) there were no residents of the mythical Pal'istan you have created in your own mind and believe existed in 1917.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Not one single answer here is correct.

P F Tinmore, et al,

This is so childlike, that the level of understanding is beyond repair.

What was happening at the time was a war. As usual, Team Pallywood tries to paint the Arab Muslims as innocent civilians being massacred by violent and evil Israelis when they were in fact, militants hiding and attacking from amongst a civilian population.

No different than today.
Israel always has to "defend itself" from the people it is attacking.
Why not? The honeys with human shields are shooting at them, Clyde.
Except it was Israel that was attacking Palestinians in Palestinian villages. It was Israel that was on the offensive.

But a simplified response on the kindergarten level is still possible.

Between the opening of the 1948-49 War of Independence, initiated by an attack by the Arab League, and 1988 when the PLO Declared Independence, the State of Israel never engaged any entity called the Palestinians. Hence, no Armistice was ever made between Israel and any nation called the Palestinians.
When you make these broad and sweeping statements, you have to give it some specificity.

• WHEN did Israel attack Palestinians?
• WHERE did this allegedly attack happen?
• WHO was acting as the Government of Palestine? WHO initiated (aggressor) contact?
• WHAT forces were involved?
• WHY did the outbreak of hostilities occur?

Most Respectfully,
• WHEN did Israel attack Palestinians?
Israeli/Zionist proxy army, Britain, around 1917.
• WHERE did this allegedly attack happen?
In the territory that became Palestine in 1924.
• WHO was acting as the Government of Palestine? WHO initiated (aggressor) contact?
Britain, Britain, on behalf of Israel/Zionists.
• WHAT forces were involved?
British military, and Zionist terrorist gangs.
• WHY did the outbreak of hostilities occur?
British/Zionist colonization of Palestine.

Israel did not exist in 1917.
Zionism was not a Proxy to Britain.
The 1924 Treaty of Lausanne did not mention Palestine at all; not one single word.
The 1924 Treaty, however, did pass the Title and Rights to the Applied Powers. (Article 16)
Immigration by the authority of the Allied Powers (holding Title & Rights) is not aggression.
The British had been granted authority; the 1920 Riots were instigated by Arabs.
The Haganah was created after the 1920 Arab Jerusalem riots and 1921 Jaffa riots.
The authority for the Immigration was establish Allied Powers in 1920 by the San Remo Agreement.

Most Respectfully,

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