Leo/Gatsby: American DreamTree (Bazaar Magazine)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Is there a connection between media bias and social marketing of capitalism propaganda?



An Internet-blogger named Ajay Satan was making eerie child-like stick-figure 'doodles' of the Marvel Comics super-villain Gray Goblin, and the drawings caught the attention of American celebrity Leo DiCaprio who came across them while perusing Internet forums one Thursday evening in Los Angeles.


After Leo decided he really liked the 'doodles,' he had his agent contact Ajay and set up a meeting to create a special series of 'goblin-folklore' eco-consciousness avatars for his eco-activism group the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. Ajay was thrilled and he and Leo set up an eco-art conference at Yale University in the summer of 2018. Bazaar Magazine wanted to do a feature on them now.


As Ajay posed in vigilante costumes to reflect his still-radical views on democracy-idealism, American celebrity Tom Cruise got interested too and wanted in on Ajay and Leo's 'secret Bazaar project' in Los Angeles. Ajay and Leo agreed and suddenly they were working together for a Bazaar Magazine marketing campaign involving social figures in America coming together to hype social consciousness. It was radical new age progressive democracy at its finest.


American fashion-designers were creating Chicago 20's era pin-stripe stylized men's suits since there was a new millennium Wall Street and media culture fascination with uniforms and pedestrian vitality. These pin-stripe suits would comprise a major 'aesthetics niche' in Bazaar Magazine. Ajay, Cruise, and Leo called this the American DreamTree Project for Bazaar Magazine.


GOD: Media activity is intriguing.
SATAN: This is the age of Planet Hollywood.
GOD: Celebrities can be role-models.
SATAN: Eco-activism is very chic.
GOD: Global warming is an omen...
SATAN: Bazaar Magazine symbolizes populism fervor.
GOD: Can fervor translate to political wisdom?
SATAN: All is required is appropriate guidance...
GOD: Are you a fan of American Psycho (Christian Bale)?
SATAN: I like that film for its stark portrayal of modernism 'goosebumps.'
GOD: Right; a typical yuppie is secretly a serial-killer, and society is blind.
SATAN: Leo really liked Ajay's Gray Goblin doodles.
GOD: Ajay Satan's stick-figure doodles of the Gray Goblin were 'killer'...
SATAN: Yes, they possessed internal resonance --- a delightful playfulness!
GOD: I like the metaphysical links between Bazaar, Facebook, and GQ.
SATAN: It's a 'photogenic civilization,' no?
GOD: I'll always want to sit in on a Yale Comp Lit lecture about Arthurian legend.
SATAN: You're an idealist when it comes to 'intellect access.'



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