Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘deprogram’ Trump

They are pissed about the cheating. You put two and two together. There will be no stopping it. Even he breaks it down for you if you take the time to listen:

Yawn. Nothing here. Lunatic rants just bore me.

What is it you want to see in humanity? You seem to know that you are glad Trump may be out. SO now what?

The first thing I’d like to see is an end to Trumps incessant lying. In 4 years he racked up 29,000 lies. He blatantly spread misinformation. He waged war with the truth and people blindly believe his lies no matter how much proof there is that he’s lying. Trump denies us of the truth. And without truth, freedom is just an illusion.

What makes you think the next administration will be any different?
They are pissed about the cheating. You put two and two together. There will be no stopping it. Even he breaks it down for you if you take the time to listen:

Yawn. Nothing here. Lunatic rants just bore me.

What is it you want to see in humanity? You seem to know that you are glad Trump may be out. SO now what?

The first thing I’d like to see is an end to Trumps incessant lying. In 4 years he racked up 29,000 lies. He blatantly spread misinformation. He waged war with the truth and people blindly believe his lies no matter how much proof there is that he’s lying. Trump denies us of the truth. And without truth, freedom is just an illusion.

Look at this logically, when a democrat is in they are lying to the republicans and vice versa. We are in a whole new world now. Where a lot of the world figured out they are both lying.
funny that you think you know what us lefty will do ... heres something I'll share ... as for trump supporters, ya just can't fix stupid ... as we all saw we have 70 million stupid people in this country ...
Are you saying Conversion Therapy wouldn’t work? Boy there are gonna be a lot of disappointed wingnuts if Conversion Therapy isnt real.

They like brainwashing people is the question?
You’re not going to see anything done. It’s just idle chatter.
More conspiracy theories from the RWNJs. They provide each other with an endless supply.

But, ask any of them, and they'll tell you they've never been wrong.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

funny that you think you know what us lefty will do ... heres something I'll share ... as for trump supporters, ya just can't fix stupid ... as we all saw we have 70 million stupid people in this country ...
Are you saying Conversion Therapy wouldn’t work? Boy there are gonna be a lot of disappointed wingnuts if Conversion Therapy isnt real.

They like brainwashing people is the question?
You’re not going to see anything done. It’s just idle chatter.
More conspiracy theories from the RWNJs. They provide each other with an endless supply.

But, ask any of them, and they'll tell you they've never been wrong.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)


Ok CIA with conspiracy tool. How old sht.lol!

Come up with something better then what the CIA uses to block thought.
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters – Def-Con News

When they had no power, the left were insane fascists demanding blood and vengeance but now that their side is in control, they’ve gone completely off the deep end. There is a purge of conservatives going on right now, but it’s just the beginning. The left is literally saying they are going to round up all of the 75 million people who voted for Trump and “deprogram” them.
Def-Con News steers clear of conspiracy theories and hype, but this is the real deal. If you think kicking conservatives off of social media is the last of it, you’re fooling yourself and underestimating the fascist nature of the left.
Here is Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and creator of the NYT’s racist revisionist history scam The 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, doing their best to bring 1930’s Germany to 2021 America:

“There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogramed. It’s as if they are members of a cult. The Trumpets cult and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea on how we start the process, much less complete it?” Robison asked.
Hannah Jones said we can look to history to “stop people” and the first step is “enforcement.”
“There has to be consequences and then, once you get those consequences, people have to take a second look at their actions and be afraid,” replied Jones.
So the plan appears to be to round up millions of white Republicans and punish them so severely that they are afraid to oppose the leftist agenda.
If this plan sounds reminiscent of the Nazis, that because it is and it gets even closer with this Hitler Youth program as reported by another great undercover video from Project Veritas. This is PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s contribution to the “deprogramming” plan:

Hitler would be so proud of these tolerance leftists and their plan to crush dissent and force compliance with their anti-freedom agenda.
They haven’t even seated their puppet, Joe Biden, yet and they are already revealing their sinister plot to round up 75 million Trump voters for deprogramming and punishment as well as confiscating their children to turn them into obedient leftists. Imagine the crazy shit they have planned when they officially take power in 8 days.

Now we hear that Democrat Congress are demanding that National Guard personnel ordered to protect them have to be screened for the political motives and leanings.
Will the leaders of our military this to occur?
Perhaps Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists should call upon the UN to send Chinese troops wearing Blue helmets to protect the President and Congress. Perhaps they will feel safer....
The roundups to the FEMA will soon begin. Will the military be employed to round up their fellow Americans? Like I have always said the coup d' etat and takeover will not be televised. It will be blacked out by the Quisling MSM.
It begins....

funny that you think you know what us lefty will do ... heres something I'll share ... as for trump supporters, ya just can't fix stupid ... as we all saw we have 70 million stupid people in this country ...
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters – Def-Con News

When they had no power, the left were insane fascists demanding blood and vengeance but now that their side is in control, they’ve gone completely off the deep end. There is a purge of conservatives going on right now, but it’s just the beginning. The left is literally saying they are going to round up all of the 75 million people who voted for Trump and “deprogram” them.
Def-Con News steers clear of conspiracy theories and hype, but this is the real deal. If you think kicking conservatives off of social media is the last of it, you’re fooling yourself and underestimating the fascist nature of the left.
Here is Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and creator of the NYT’s racist revisionist history scam The 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, doing their best to bring 1930’s Germany to 2021 America:

“There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogramed. It’s as if they are members of a cult. The Trumpets cult and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea on how we start the process, much less complete it?” Robison asked.
Hannah Jones said we can look to history to “stop people” and the first step is “enforcement.”
“There has to be consequences and then, once you get those consequences, people have to take a second look at their actions and be afraid,” replied Jones.
So the plan appears to be to round up millions of white Republicans and punish them so severely that they are afraid to oppose the leftist agenda.
If this plan sounds reminiscent of the Nazis, that because it is and it gets even closer with this Hitler Youth program as reported by another great undercover video from Project Veritas. This is PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s contribution to the “deprogramming” plan:

Hitler would be so proud of these tolerance leftists and their plan to crush dissent and force compliance with their anti-freedom agenda.
They haven’t even seated their puppet, Joe Biden, yet and they are already revealing their sinister plot to round up 75 million Trump voters for deprogramming and punishment as well as confiscating their children to turn them into obedient leftists. Imagine the crazy shit they have planned when they officially take power in 8 days.

Now we hear that Democrat Congress are demanding that National Guard personnel ordered to protect them have to be screened for the political motives and leanings.
Will the leaders of our military this to occur?
Perhaps Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists should call upon the UN to send Chinese troops wearing Blue helmets to protect the President and Congress. Perhaps they will feel safer....
The roundups to the FEMA will soon begin. Will the military be employed to round up their fellow Americans? Like I have always said the coup d' etat and takeover will not be televised. It will be blacked out by the Quisling MSM.
It begins....

funny that you think you know what us lefty will do ... heres something I'll share ... as for trump supporters, ya just can't fix stupid ... as we all saw we have 70 million stupid people in this country ...

No. 75 million very smart people. Many ignorant who voted for Biden. A vote they will regret when he implements that list of his. I've seen it and its a doozey. Every American tax payer will get hosed. Hope you enjoy cause no one else will.
It looks like Biden will be a lot like Maduro.
The Dems will start arresting their opponents on bogus charges.
People will start disappearing in the middle of the night.
When Kamala Harris takes over, they will make her president for life.
That is how it's done in Marxist Banana Republics.

Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters – Def-Con News

When they had no power, the left were insane fascists demanding blood and vengeance but now that their side is in control, they’ve gone completely off the deep end. There is a purge of conservatives going on right now, but it’s just the beginning. The left is literally saying they are going to round up all of the 75 million people who voted for Trump and “deprogram” them.
Def-Con News steers clear of conspiracy theories and hype, but this is the real deal. If you think kicking conservatives off of social media is the last of it, you’re fooling yourself and underestimating the fascist nature of the left.
Here is Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and creator of the NYT’s racist revisionist history scam The 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, doing their best to bring 1930’s Germany to 2021 America:

“There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogramed. It’s as if they are members of a cult. The Trumpets cult and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea on how we start the process, much less complete it?” Robison asked.
Hannah Jones said we can look to history to “stop people” and the first step is “enforcement.”
“There has to be consequences and then, once you get those consequences, people have to take a second look at their actions and be afraid,” replied Jones.
So the plan appears to be to round up millions of white Republicans and punish them so severely that they are afraid to oppose the leftist agenda.
If this plan sounds reminiscent of the Nazis, that because it is and it gets even closer with this Hitler Youth program as reported by another great undercover video from Project Veritas. This is PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s contribution to the “deprogramming” plan:

Hitler would be so proud of these tolerance leftists and their plan to crush dissent and force compliance with their anti-freedom agenda.
They haven’t even seated their puppet, Joe Biden, yet and they are already revealing their sinister plot to round up 75 million Trump voters for deprogramming and punishment as well as confiscating their children to turn them into obedient leftists. Imagine the crazy shit they have planned when they officially take power in 8 days.

Now we hear that Democrat Congress are demanding that National Guard personnel ordered to protect them have to be screened for the political motives and leanings.
Will the leaders of our military this to occur?
Perhaps Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists should call upon the UN to send Chinese troops wearing Blue helmets to protect the President and Congress. Perhaps they will feel safer....
The roundups to the FEMA will soon begin. Will the military be employed to round up their fellow Americans? Like I have always said the coup d' etat and takeover will not be televised. It will be blacked out by the Quisling MSM.
It begins....

funny that you think you know what us lefty will do ... heres something I'll share ... as for trump supporters, ya just can't fix stupid ... as we all saw we have 70 million stupid people in this country ...

No. 75 million very smart people. Many ignorant who voted for Biden. A vote they will regret when he implements that list of his. I've seen it and its a doozey. Every American tax payer will get hosed. Hope you enjoy cause no one else will.

it amazes me how stupid you are ...trump promised he will have the best health care plans... that was better then obama care, that never happen ... trump promised that he would pay off the national debt .... that never happen he ran the national debt up 17 trillion dollars ...trump said he would not be like obama and not play golf all the time ...so far trump has played golf the most of any president .. post said he promises that he will sign the most bills while in office and will remove all of these liberal cause removed ... none were removed that didn't happen... trump proved to tell the most lie that any politician has told ... trump had the most cabinet resignation of all presidents... trump had the most indictments then any president in office ... trump promised that he would remove the most people from unemployment ... obama left office his unemployment percentage was 4.7 when trump will leave office it will be 8.4% or higher seems it is you trump supporters who were duped ...
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters – Def-Con News

When they had no power, the left were insane fascists demanding blood and vengeance but now that their side is in control, they’ve gone completely off the deep end. There is a purge of conservatives going on right now, but it’s just the beginning. The left is literally saying they are going to round up all of the 75 million people who voted for Trump and “deprogram” them.
Def-Con News steers clear of conspiracy theories and hype, but this is the real deal. If you think kicking conservatives off of social media is the last of it, you’re fooling yourself and underestimating the fascist nature of the left.
Here is Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and creator of the NYT’s racist revisionist history scam The 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, doing their best to bring 1930’s Germany to 2021 America:

“There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogramed. It’s as if they are members of a cult. The Trumpets cult and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea on how we start the process, much less complete it?” Robison asked.
Hannah Jones said we can look to history to “stop people” and the first step is “enforcement.”
“There has to be consequences and then, once you get those consequences, people have to take a second look at their actions and be afraid,” replied Jones.
So the plan appears to be to round up millions of white Republicans and punish them so severely that they are afraid to oppose the leftist agenda.
If this plan sounds reminiscent of the Nazis, that because it is and it gets even closer with this Hitler Youth program as reported by another great undercover video from Project Veritas. This is PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s contribution to the “deprogramming” plan:

Hitler would be so proud of these tolerance leftists and their plan to crush dissent and force compliance with their anti-freedom agenda.
They haven’t even seated their puppet, Joe Biden, yet and they are already revealing their sinister plot to round up 75 million Trump voters for deprogramming and punishment as well as confiscating their children to turn them into obedient leftists. Imagine the crazy shit they have planned when they officially take power in 8 days.

Now we hear that Democrat Congress are demanding that National Guard personnel ordered to protect them have to be screened for the political motives and leanings.
Will the leaders of our military this to occur?
Perhaps Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists should call upon the UN to send Chinese troops wearing Blue helmets to protect the President and Congress. Perhaps they will feel safer....
The roundups to the FEMA will soon begin. Will the military be employed to round up their fellow Americans? Like I have always said the coup d' etat and takeover will not be televised. It will be blacked out by the Quisling MSM.
It begins....

funny that you think you know what us lefty will do ... heres something I'll share ... as for trump supporters, ya just can't fix stupid ... as we all saw we have 70 million stupid people in this country ...

No. 75 million very smart people. Many ignorant who voted for Biden. A vote they will regret when he implements that list of his. I've seen it and its a doozey. Every American tax payer will get hosed. Hope you enjoy cause no one else will.

you mean like this terrible plan to vaccinate 100, milliom people so we can start opening business 100% being us out of this hell we are in because of trump ...... thats got to be horrible huh... or that plan of his to make their unemployment checks last longer to help people stay in their homes pay their rent or house payment until they can get back toward being self-sufficient... thats horrible thing to do ... I think we all will enjoy that 2000 check we will get to help pay off our debts thats being held over our head to whom ever we owe money too ... that would be the worst thing that could happen our debts being paid off ... which all this debt was caused by trump lying to idiots like you ... yeah you're making a fool of yourself here by showing everyone how ignorant you really are ...
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters – Def-Con News

When they had no power, the left were insane fascists demanding blood and vengeance but now that their side is in control, they’ve gone completely off the deep end. There is a purge of conservatives going on right now, but it’s just the beginning. The left is literally saying they are going to round up all of the 75 million people who voted for Trump and “deprogram” them.
Def-Con News steers clear of conspiracy theories and hype, but this is the real deal. If you think kicking conservatives off of social media is the last of it, you’re fooling yourself and underestimating the fascist nature of the left.
Here is Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and creator of the NYT’s racist revisionist history scam The 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, doing their best to bring 1930’s Germany to 2021 America:

“There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogramed. It’s as if they are members of a cult. The Trumpets cult and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea on how we start the process, much less complete it?” Robison asked.
Hannah Jones said we can look to history to “stop people” and the first step is “enforcement.”
“There has to be consequences and then, once you get those consequences, people have to take a second look at their actions and be afraid,” replied Jones.
So the plan appears to be to round up millions of white Republicans and punish them so severely that they are afraid to oppose the leftist agenda.
If this plan sounds reminiscent of the Nazis, that because it is and it gets even closer with this Hitler Youth program as reported by another great undercover video from Project Veritas. This is PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s contribution to the “deprogramming” plan:

Hitler would be so proud of these tolerance leftists and their plan to crush dissent and force compliance with their anti-freedom agenda.
They haven’t even seated their puppet, Joe Biden, yet and they are already revealing their sinister plot to round up 75 million Trump voters for deprogramming and punishment as well as confiscating their children to turn them into obedient leftists. Imagine the crazy shit they have planned when they officially take power in 8 days.

Now we hear that Democrat Congress are demanding that National Guard personnel ordered to protect them have to be screened for the political motives and leanings.
Will the leaders of our military this to occur?
Perhaps Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists should call upon the UN to send Chinese troops wearing Blue helmets to protect the President and Congress. Perhaps they will feel safer....
The roundups to the FEMA will soon begin. Will the military be employed to round up their fellow Americans? Like I have always said the coup d' etat and takeover will not be televised. It will be blacked out by the Quisling MSM.
It begins....

funny that you think you know what us lefty will do ... heres something I'll share ... as for trump supporters, ya just can't fix stupid ... as we all saw we have 70 million stupid people in this country ...

No. 75 million very smart people. Many ignorant who voted for Biden. A vote they will regret when he implements that list of his. I've seen it and its a doozey. Every American tax payer will get hosed. Hope you enjoy cause no one else will.

you mean like this terrible plan to vaccinate 100, milliom people so we can start opening business 100% being us out of this hell we are in because of trump ...... thats got to be horrible huh... or that plan of his to make their unemployment checks last longer to help people stay in their homes pay their rent or house payment until they can get back toward being self-sufficient... thats horrible thing to do ... I think we all will enjoy that 2000 check we will get to help pay off our debts thats being held over our head to whom ever we owe money too ... that would be the worst thing that could happen our debts being paid off ... which all this debt was caused by trump lying to idiots like you ... yeah you're making a fool of yourself here by showing everyone how ignorant you really are ...

There are "now hiring" signs everywhere....get one
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters – Def-Con News

When they had no power, the left were insane fascists demanding blood and vengeance but now that their side is in control, they’ve gone completely off the deep end. There is a purge of conservatives going on right now, but it’s just the beginning. The left is literally saying they are going to round up all of the 75 million people who voted for Trump and “deprogram” them.
Def-Con News steers clear of conspiracy theories and hype, but this is the real deal. If you think kicking conservatives off of social media is the last of it, you’re fooling yourself and underestimating the fascist nature of the left.
Here is Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and creator of the NYT’s racist revisionist history scam The 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, doing their best to bring 1930’s Germany to 2021 America:

“There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogramed. It’s as if they are members of a cult. The Trumpets cult and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea on how we start the process, much less complete it?” Robison asked.
Hannah Jones said we can look to history to “stop people” and the first step is “enforcement.”
“There has to be consequences and then, once you get those consequences, people have to take a second look at their actions and be afraid,” replied Jones.
So the plan appears to be to round up millions of white Republicans and punish them so severely that they are afraid to oppose the leftist agenda.
If this plan sounds reminiscent of the Nazis, that because it is and it gets even closer with this Hitler Youth program as reported by another great undercover video from Project Veritas. This is PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s contribution to the “deprogramming” plan:

Hitler would be so proud of these tolerance leftists and their plan to crush dissent and force compliance with their anti-freedom agenda.
They haven’t even seated their puppet, Joe Biden, yet and they are already revealing their sinister plot to round up 75 million Trump voters for deprogramming and punishment as well as confiscating their children to turn them into obedient leftists. Imagine the crazy shit they have planned when they officially take power in 8 days.

Now we hear that Democrat Congress are demanding that National Guard personnel ordered to protect them have to be screened for the political motives and leanings.
Will the leaders of our military this to occur?
Perhaps Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists should call upon the UN to send Chinese troops wearing Blue helmets to protect the President and Congress. Perhaps they will feel safer....
The roundups to the FEMA will soon begin. Will the military be employed to round up their fellow Americans? Like I have always said the coup d' etat and takeover will not be televised. It will be blacked out by the Quisling MSM.
It begins....

They've already been "deprogramming" people for years by PROGRAMMING them, through the schools, colleges, universities, human resources counsels, media and television. That is why we have a radicalized leftwing in the first place. All the "Trump Supporters" are simply failure cases where programming didn't "stick." They are alert now to these special cases and will need to institute special measures to ensure the complete mind fuck of society into utter servitude and compliance.

The Psychology of this was thought up a long time ago. Globalists have been waiting for hundreds of years using what they could to influence nations and people. There are always groups to be blamed in the battles. Europe, Canada and the United States with Australia and New Zealand are picked because of a large white population. Particularly males. Richer areas that need to be taken down a couple pegs. In retrospect maybe a couple nations in Africa like Rhodesia and South Africa were picked as test subjects as it would be easier to convert some decades ago although the Psychology Program in the other nations has been going on for a while.
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters – Def-Con News

When they had no power, the left were insane fascists demanding blood and vengeance but now that their side is in control, they’ve gone completely off the deep end. There is a purge of conservatives going on right now, but it’s just the beginning. The left is literally saying they are going to round up all of the 75 million people who voted for Trump and “deprogram” them.
Def-Con News steers clear of conspiracy theories and hype, but this is the real deal. If you think kicking conservatives off of social media is the last of it, you’re fooling yourself and underestimating the fascist nature of the left.
Here is Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and creator of the NYT’s racist revisionist history scam The 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, doing their best to bring 1930’s Germany to 2021 America:

“There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogramed. It’s as if they are members of a cult. The Trumpets cult and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea on how we start the process, much less complete it?” Robison asked.
Hannah Jones said we can look to history to “stop people” and the first step is “enforcement.”
“There has to be consequences and then, once you get those consequences, people have to take a second look at their actions and be afraid,” replied Jones.
So the plan appears to be to round up millions of white Republicans and punish them so severely that they are afraid to oppose the leftist agenda.
If this plan sounds reminiscent of the Nazis, that because it is and it gets even closer with this Hitler Youth program as reported by another great undercover video from Project Veritas. This is PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s contribution to the “deprogramming” plan:

Hitler would be so proud of these tolerance leftists and their plan to crush dissent and force compliance with their anti-freedom agenda.
They haven’t even seated their puppet, Joe Biden, yet and they are already revealing their sinister plot to round up 75 million Trump voters for deprogramming and punishment as well as confiscating their children to turn them into obedient leftists. Imagine the crazy shit they have planned when they officially take power in 8 days.

Now we hear that Democrat Congress are demanding that National Guard personnel ordered to protect them have to be screened for the political motives and leanings.
Will the leaders of our military this to occur?
Perhaps Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists should call upon the UN to send Chinese troops wearing Blue helmets to protect the President and Congress. Perhaps they will feel safer....
The roundups to the FEMA will soon begin. Will the military be employed to round up their fellow Americans? Like I have always said the coup d' etat and takeover will not be televised. It will be blacked out by the Quisling MSM.
It begins....

funny that you think you know what us lefty will do ... heres something I'll share ... as for trump supporters, ya just can't fix stupid ... as we all saw we have 70 million stupid people in this country ...

No. 75 million very smart people. Many ignorant who voted for Biden. A vote they will regret when he implements that list of his. I've seen it and its a doozey. Every American tax payer will get hosed. Hope you enjoy cause no one else will.

you mean like this terrible plan to vaccinate 100, milliom people so we can start opening business 100% being us out of this hell we are in because of trump ...... thats got to be horrible huh... or that plan of his to make their unemployment checks last longer to help people stay in their homes pay their rent or house payment until they can get back toward being self-sufficient... thats horrible thing to do ... I think we all will enjoy that 2000 check we will get to help pay off our debts thats being held over our head to whom ever we owe money too ... that would be the worst thing that could happen our debts being paid off ... which all this debt was caused by trump lying to idiots like you ... yeah you're making a fool of yourself here by showing everyone how ignorant you really are ...

Well lets see how long that check lasts you when he ends Fracking, which is also on his list. Gas will go up to $6 a gallon in no time.

He also says he will raise taxes on any Corp or person making $400,000 or more. Corps will just pass the cost on to we the consumer.

Biden never learned what Kennedy, Reagan and Trump knew. Cutting taxes puts more money into the economy and Fed coffers than raising them ever did. Once he doesn't get the money he thinks he will get to aid him with his list, he will raise everyone's taxes.

You should google that list. Its a doozey.

Oh and he wants to close things down again. He doesn't seem to know he can't order a State to do anything. The Dem governors might go along but the Rep Governors will tell him to pound sand. They want their economies up and running.

Carry on clueless.
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters – Def-Con News

When they had no power, the left were insane fascists demanding blood and vengeance but now that their side is in control, they’ve gone completely off the deep end. There is a purge of conservatives going on right now, but it’s just the beginning. The left is literally saying they are going to round up all of the 75 million people who voted for Trump and “deprogram” them.
Def-Con News steers clear of conspiracy theories and hype, but this is the real deal. If you think kicking conservatives off of social media is the last of it, you’re fooling yourself and underestimating the fascist nature of the left.
Here is Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and creator of the NYT’s racist revisionist history scam The 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, doing their best to bring 1930’s Germany to 2021 America:

“There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogramed. It’s as if they are members of a cult. The Trumpets cult and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea on how we start the process, much less complete it?” Robison asked.
Hannah Jones said we can look to history to “stop people” and the first step is “enforcement.”
“There has to be consequences and then, once you get those consequences, people have to take a second look at their actions and be afraid,” replied Jones.
So the plan appears to be to round up millions of white Republicans and punish them so severely that they are afraid to oppose the leftist agenda.
If this plan sounds reminiscent of the Nazis, that because it is and it gets even closer with this Hitler Youth program as reported by another great undercover video from Project Veritas. This is PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s contribution to the “deprogramming” plan:

Hitler would be so proud of these tolerance leftists and their plan to crush dissent and force compliance with their anti-freedom agenda.
They haven’t even seated their puppet, Joe Biden, yet and they are already revealing their sinister plot to round up 75 million Trump voters for deprogramming and punishment as well as confiscating their children to turn them into obedient leftists. Imagine the crazy shit they have planned when they officially take power in 8 days.

Now we hear that Democrat Congress are demanding that National Guard personnel ordered to protect them have to be screened for the political motives and leanings.
Will the leaders of our military this to occur?
Perhaps Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists should call upon the UN to send Chinese troops wearing Blue helmets to protect the President and Congress. Perhaps they will feel safer....
The roundups to the FEMA will soon begin. Will the military be employed to round up their fellow Americans? Like I have always said the coup d' etat and takeover will not be televised. It will be blacked out by the Quisling MSM.
It begins....

funny that you think you know what us lefty will do ... heres something I'll share ... as for trump supporters, ya just can't fix stupid ... as we all saw we have 70 million stupid people in this country ...

No. 75 million very smart people. Many ignorant who voted for Biden. A vote they will regret when he implements that list of his. I've seen it and its a doozey. Every American tax payer will get hosed. Hope you enjoy cause no one else will.

you mean like this terrible plan to vaccinate 100, milliom people so we can start opening business 100% being us out of this hell we are in because of trump ...... thats got to be horrible huh... or that plan of his to make their unemployment checks last longer to help people stay in their homes pay their rent or house payment until they can get back toward being self-sufficient... thats horrible thing to do ... I think we all will enjoy that 2000 check we will get to help pay off our debts thats being held over our head to whom ever we owe money too ... that would be the worst thing that could happen our debts being paid off ... which all this debt was caused by trump lying to idiots like you ... yeah you're making a fool of yourself here by showing everyone how ignorant you really are ...

There are "now hiring" signs everywhere....get one

I keep forgetting everyone is working ... thats your best??? there are signs everywhere .... real rocket scientist you are... you know, when the facts are put right infront of you losers fall by the waste side... it's like you can't seem to keep up with what was said ... I worked for 60 years ...everything I have I own... debt free thats something you republicans can't do ... seems every time you are in control you charge it up ... I personally don't owe anybody money ... from my retirement, I get 3000 dollars a month... I waste my time on restoring 1950's cars ... classic industries know me real well so does eckler ...so you go get yourself job to pay for your debts, or are you going to be like trump and file bankruptcy ... that way you won't be here telling trump lies, like there are jobs every where... do you really like making a fool of yourself ...
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters
Leftists Reveal Plans To ‘Deprogram’ Trump Supporters – Def-Con News

When they had no power, the left were insane fascists demanding blood and vengeance but now that their side is in control, they’ve gone completely off the deep end. There is a purge of conservatives going on right now, but it’s just the beginning. The left is literally saying they are going to round up all of the 75 million people who voted for Trump and “deprogram” them.
Def-Con News steers clear of conspiracy theories and hype, but this is the real deal. If you think kicking conservatives off of social media is the last of it, you’re fooling yourself and underestimating the fascist nature of the left.
Here is Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson and creator of the NYT’s racist revisionist history scam The 1619 Project, Nikole Hannah-Jones, doing their best to bring 1930’s Germany to 2021 America:

“There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogramed. It’s as if they are members of a cult. The Trumpets cult and they have to be deprogrammed. Do you have any idea on how we start the process, much less complete it?” Robison asked.
Hannah Jones said we can look to history to “stop people” and the first step is “enforcement.”
“There has to be consequences and then, once you get those consequences, people have to take a second look at their actions and be afraid,” replied Jones.
So the plan appears to be to round up millions of white Republicans and punish them so severely that they are afraid to oppose the leftist agenda.
If this plan sounds reminiscent of the Nazis, that because it is and it gets even closer with this Hitler Youth program as reported by another great undercover video from Project Veritas. This is PBS Principal Counsel Michael Beller’s contribution to the “deprogramming” plan:

Hitler would be so proud of these tolerance leftists and their plan to crush dissent and force compliance with their anti-freedom agenda.
They haven’t even seated their puppet, Joe Biden, yet and they are already revealing their sinister plot to round up 75 million Trump voters for deprogramming and punishment as well as confiscating their children to turn them into obedient leftists. Imagine the crazy shit they have planned when they officially take power in 8 days.

Now we hear that Democrat Congress are demanding that National Guard personnel ordered to protect them have to be screened for the political motives and leanings.
Will the leaders of our military this to occur?
Perhaps Ptogressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists should call upon the UN to send Chinese troops wearing Blue helmets to protect the President and Congress. Perhaps they will feel safer....
The roundups to the FEMA will soon begin. Will the military be employed to round up their fellow Americans? Like I have always said the coup d' etat and takeover will not be televised. It will be blacked out by the Quisling MSM.
It begins....

funny that you think you know what us lefty will do ... heres something I'll share ... as for trump supporters, ya just can't fix stupid ... as we all saw we have 70 million stupid people in this country ...

No. 75 million very smart people. Many ignorant who voted for Biden. A vote they will regret when he implements that list of his. I've seen it and its a doozey. Every American tax payer will get hosed. Hope you enjoy cause no one else will.

you mean like this terrible plan to vaccinate 100, milliom people so we can start opening business 100% being us out of this hell we are in because of trump ...... thats got to be horrible huh... or that plan of his to make their unemployment checks last longer to help people stay in their homes pay their rent or house payment until they can get back toward being self-sufficient... thats horrible thing to do ... I think we all will enjoy that 2000 check we will get to help pay off our debts thats being held over our head to whom ever we owe money too ... that would be the worst thing that could happen our debts being paid off ... which all this debt was caused by trump lying to idiots like you ... yeah you're making a fool of yourself here by showing everyone how ignorant you really are ...

There are "now hiring" signs everywhere....get one

I keep forgetting everyone is working ... thats your best??? there are signs everywhere .... real rocket scientist you are... you know, when the facts are put right infront of you losers fall by the waste side... it's like you can't seem to keep up with what was said ... I worked for 60 years ...everything I have I own... debt free thats something you republicans can't do ... seems every time you are in control you charge it up ... I personally don't owe anybody money ... from my retirement, I get 3000 dollars a month... I waste my time on restoring 1950's cars ... classic industries know me real well so does eckler ...so you go get yourself job to pay for your debts, or are you going to be like trump and file bankruptcy ... that way you won't be here telling trump lies, like there are jobs every where... do you really like making a fool of yourself ...

So, you're in your 80's?

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