Leftists Gaining Control of our Food Supply


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
All in the name of "safety" of course...take note of the 14 Republican Senators who voted yes...remember to not vote for them next time around...

The outrageous attacks by our government on our freedoms and liberties are coming in wave after wave. From attempts to take over the Internet, to attempts to eliminate free political speech with incumbent protection acts, to all manner of other usurpations, every day government is attempting wild power grabs. We are being attacked on every level. And now, the next outrage is this: in the guise of “food safety” the Senate has given the FDA unheard of powers over our food.
If the bill does become law you can say goodbye to farmers markets, organically grown produce, raw milk – the kinds of food increasing numbers of Americans have been producing and seeking out.
“The federal government will be imposing on the states its pro-pasteurization, pro-irradiation, pro-GMO version of safe food; in its view, the only good bacteria is dead bacteria,” Kennedy warns. “This is not about food safety; it’s about federal control over the food supply.”

S. 510: the “FDA Food Safety Modernization Act,” which Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) dropped it in the hopper in March last year, is the companion bill to H.R. 2749: the “Food Safety Enhancement Act,” introduced by Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., in June 2009. The House version was anything but popular and all kinds of shenanigans on the part of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif. (head of the House Energy and Commerce Committee) were needed for passage. But despite a huge opposition, within the Capital and beyond the Beltway, H.R. 2749 was passed July 30, less than two months after its introduction. The vote was 283-142, thanks to over 50 Republicans who voted yes.

The grassroots uproar and bruising floor fight over the measure may have been why Reid opted to keep S. 510 on the back burner so long. But it was not forgotten. Like ObamaCare and Cap-and-Trade, this is a priority item on the administration’s wish list. The title suggests it’s not a “food safety” bill so much as an FDA-empowerment measure.

SB510 passed the Senate on Wednesday. 14 Republicans voted yes.

•Alexander (R-TN)
•Barrasso (R-WY)
•Collins (R-ME)
•Corker (R-TN)
•Enzi (R-WY)
•Grassley (R-IA)
•Gregg (R-NH)
•Johanns (R-NE)
•LeMieux (R-FL)
•Lugar (R-IN)
•Snowe (R-ME)
•Thune (R-SD)
•Vitter (R-LA)
•Voinovich (R-OH)

These 14 Senate Republicans have just voted to give government even more autocratic power. These are the Senators that need to be targeted for elimination in 2012 and afterward.

Congress Giving FDA Power Over Our Food : Stop The ACLU
I think food prices are bad enough as it is without them adding more regulation and government interference.
It's all a conspiracy. It's time to start growing your own food. Don't trust anyone!!!
It's all a conspiracy. It's time to start growing your own food. Don't trust anyone!!!

What's really funny is how these socialist Democrats are really screwing a whole lot of liberals....you know....the back-to-the-land types.....the mother earth types....the eat-fresh-pesticide-free types...

...when are libs going to understand that socialists are not really concerned about them but are only all about POWER and CONTROL...and they will walk over anybody who is in the way...
All in the name of "safety" of course...take note of the 14 Republican Senators who voted yes...remember to not vote for them next time around...

The outrageous attacks by our government on our freedoms and liberties are coming in wave after wave. From attempts to take over the Internet, to attempts to eliminate free political speech with incumbent protection acts, to all manner of other usurpations, every day government is attempting wild power grabs. We are being attacked on every level. And now, the next outrage is this: in the guise of “food safety” the Senate has given the FDA unheard of powers over our food.
If the bill does become law you can say goodbye to farmers markets, organically grown produce, raw milk – the kinds of food increasing numbers of Americans have been producing and seeking out.
“The federal government will be imposing on the states its pro-pasteurization, pro-irradiation, pro-GMO version of safe food; in its view, the only good bacteria is dead bacteria,” Kennedy warns. “This is not about food safety; it’s about federal control over the food supply.”

S. 510: the “FDA Food Safety Modernization Act,” which Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) dropped it in the hopper in March last year, is the companion bill to H.R. 2749: the “Food Safety Enhancement Act,” introduced by Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., in June 2009. The House version was anything but popular and all kinds of shenanigans on the part of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif. (head of the House Energy and Commerce Committee) were needed for passage. But despite a huge opposition, within the Capital and beyond the Beltway, H.R. 2749 was passed July 30, less than two months after its introduction. The vote was 283-142, thanks to over 50 Republicans who voted yes.

The grassroots uproar and bruising floor fight over the measure may have been why Reid opted to keep S. 510 on the back burner so long. But it was not forgotten. Like ObamaCare and Cap-and-Trade, this is a priority item on the administration’s wish list. The title suggests it’s not a “food safety” bill so much as an FDA-empowerment measure.

SB510 passed the Senate on Wednesday. 14 Republicans voted yes.

•Alexander (R-TN)
•Barrasso (R-WY)
•Collins (R-ME)
•Corker (R-TN)
•Enzi (R-WY)
•Grassley (R-IA)
•Gregg (R-NH)
•Johanns (R-NE)
•LeMieux (R-FL)
•Lugar (R-IN)
•Snowe (R-ME)
•Thune (R-SD)
•Vitter (R-LA)
•Voinovich (R-OH)

These 14 Senate Republicans have just voted to give government even more autocratic power. These are the Senators that need to be targeted for elimination in 2012 and afterward.

Congress Giving FDA Power Over Our Food : Stop The ACLU

I informed Alexander some months ago that I don't intend to vote for him on his next run. He's already pissed me off on other issues.

Additionally: I've been given the very clear impression by way of his staffers that he doesn't give a damn about Tennesseans (well, maybe family and close personal/financial friends);

he's been in DC way too long;

I don't think he ever actually receives or personally reads and form of correspondence (except, of course, family or personal/financial friends);

his staff never acknowledges receipt of email (even by way of autoresponse) and it is weeks before receiving some short, lame responses from his staff, sometimes totally off topic responses on an issue that was never mentioned;

his staff has given the impression they are incompetent, lazy or both.

you cannot purchase unpasterized milk in nc....

i understand the food bill is going to exempt small farmers and 'local' foods

If I personally knew someone who kept his cows clean and their surroundings clean, I'd barter for raw milk ... well, mebbe not in the spring when the cows get into the onions.
We don't need no Gubmint making sure our food supply is safe. I trust the manufacturers and distributors to look out for my well being
Considering that we're the only civilization ever to have a government policy of Burning FOOD for Fuel, there might not be much produce to sell at Farmers' Markets anyhoo.
We don't need no Gubmint making sure our food supply is safe. I trust the manufacturers and distributors to look out for my well being

I trust myself to make intelligent choices. It's sad that you feel the need to have the government think for you.
Over the past year and a half, the rumors have made their rounds more than once. "The food safety bill will shut down farmers' markets!" "The food safety bill will kill organics!" "You can be criminally charged for your own vegetable garden if the food safety bill passes!"

Everyone from elected officials to members of the media to even Robert F. Kennedy Jr. heard these rumors and wondered if they could be true. Some even believed them, despite a few obvious giveaways that the rumors were entirely bogus. (For example, at one point, while Congress was on a two-week recess, emails went around claiming that the bill would pass within the next two weeks--a claim that had already been circulating for six weeks or so at that point.)

So is it true or false? Is the food safety bill (S.510) the end of food as we know it, or is it a much-needed update to an old regulatory system based on outdated science and corporate lobbying? The answer, of course, lies in the middle.

On one hand, some people have legitimate concerns with the bill. On the other hand, it's easy to agree that we should not continue with our current food safety system that gives us frequent nationwide recalls, sickness, and even deaths due to everyday foods like eggs, spinach, and peanut butter. And, while the bill does a lot, even those who support it know that it does not do everything. (In fact, the bill only affects the FDA, which regulates 80 percent of the U.S. food supply, but not the USDA or EPA, which also have food safety oversight duties.)

S. 510: A Study in How Much You Trust Government
Over the past year and a half, the rumors have made their rounds more than once. "The food safety bill will shut down farmers' markets!" "The food safety bill will kill organics!" "You can be criminally charged for your own vegetable garden if the food safety bill passes!"

Everyone from elected officials to members of the media to even Robert F. Kennedy Jr. heard these rumors and wondered if they could be true. Some even believed them, despite a few obvious giveaways that the rumors were entirely bogus. (For example, at one point, while Congress was on a two-week recess, emails went around claiming that the bill would pass within the next two weeks--a claim that had already been circulating for six weeks or so at that point.)

So is it true or false? Is the food safety bill (S.510) the end of food as we know it, or is it a much-needed update to an old regulatory system based on outdated science and corporate lobbying? The answer, of course, lies in the middle.

On one hand, some people have legitimate concerns with the bill. On the other hand, it's easy to agree that we should not continue with our current food safety system that gives us frequent nationwide recalls, sickness, and even deaths due to everyday foods like eggs, spinach, and peanut butter. And, while the bill does a lot, even those who support it know that it does not do everything. (In fact, the bill only affects the FDA, which regulates 80 percent of the U.S. food supply, but not the USDA or EPA, which also have food safety oversight duties.)

S. 510: A Study in How Much You Trust Government

Im pretty sure the bill will not effect home gardens .
Im very sure Monsanto and Peta will be happy with the new bureaucracy .

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