Leftist professor at Stanford says HAMAS actions are legitimate and forces Jews to stand in corner

This is what happens when you let satanic garbage like cultural marxist critical theories run through the institutions. All of these group oppressor vs. oppressed stuff are designed to destroy societies and countries.
Any college professor try and make me do some along the lines of standing in the corner, the first thing I’m doing is standing up and telling their entitled ass to go fuck themselves. The next thing I am doing is getting them fired for not doing their job.
Yup….you read that right. A liberal professor at Stanford (are there any other kind?) defended Hamas, condemned Israel, and asked the Jewish students to raise their hands to identify themselves (shades of Nazi Germany), and then asked them to stand on a corner so they’d know what it feels like.

The professor has been suspended. He needs to be fired.

Stanford doesn’t disclose the instructor’s name? What, no opportunity to doxx the instructor? Show up at their house with HAM
ASS flags? Apply Cancel Culture tactics on the instructor so they can never work again?
These pro-HAMAS protestors are yelling “Gas the Jews!” and ”Kill the Jews!” The normal reaction after 1300 innocent Jews are murdered would be to be sympathetic to Jews, and yet the opposite has happened: it’s emboldened Jew-haters worldwide.

This is beyond moral, as I have said. This is a spiritual issue.

This is demonic.

The people who side with vermin and monsters are demonic themselves. There are many "shades of grey" circumstances; this is not one of them. The demons killed freaking BABIES, CHILDREN and GRANNIES and then celebrated.

I will just keep saying it:

This is what happens when you let satanic garbage like cultural marxist critical theories run through the institutions. All of these group oppressor vs. oppressed stuff are designed to destroy societies and countries.

You and I agree completely. You call it "satanic"; I call it demonic. But yes. It's very clear.
You guys are funny. Rando’s say something and you are all over it subscribing it to a political party but ignore the racist nonsense from your party leaders. Cracks me up.
Applying religious terms is inappropriate. This is simply intellectual bankruptcy.
You folks haven't been put in a corner in decades. You keep wailing "oh woe is me!" Like a whiney little bitch, but YOU, and YOUR folks, haven't been hunted in your homes and killed like the Israelis were.

So take your whiney little bitch ass and piss off.

You aren't worth a tinkers damn.
Idiot black folks still deal with racism and discrimination in this country on a daily basis, just because fools like you try to water it down and tell us that racism is a thing of the past doesn't make it so. Now run and tell that fuck boy.
You guys are funny. Rando’s say something and you are all over it subscribing it

Idiot black folks still deal with racism and discrimination in this country on a daily basis, just because fools like you try to water it down and tell us that racism is a thing of the past doesn't make it so. Now run and tell that fuck boy.
LOL... My favorite fake black person on USMB.
Yup….you read that right. A liberal professor at Stanford (are there any other kind?) defended Hamas, condemned Israel, and asked the Jewish students to raise their hands to identify themselves (shades of Nazi Germany), and then asked them to stand on a corner so they’d know what it feels like.

The professor has been suspended. He needs to be fired.
Reminds me of my school days

A lecturer (British) and a former lecturer at the USAF Academy at Springs/Col. at my College, got into an argument with the daughter of an Israeli diplomat - he then tried to end the dispute by stating:
It doesn't come as a surprise that Christians are in opposition to Jews - after-all it was Jews who condemned Jesus to death.

Upon where "she" sprung up and screamed "you are a racist - you are antisemitic"

I guess certain things with certain Jews never change.
Let's see most college student are pretty much adults, so if he told you to go stand in the corner would you do it?
So your condemnation is for the Jewish teen, and not the antisemitic Democrat?

Sad how when a Jew-hating leftist professor makes the Jews stand in a corner, the criticism is the for the Jews.
This thread has been Hijacked...

This thread is not about Blacks...

This is about a leftist twat making jews stand in a corner and rightfully getting fired.
Blacks get irritated when they aren’t viewed as being the primary victims of prejudice, so when Jewish babies get set on fire or have their heads lopped off, it makes their complaints about a white person asking a black person to get something off a high shelf at Target….or a story about how a white lady called the police on a suspicious black dude in a park look petty.

There is NOTHING that blacks have suffered, in this country, for the past two or three generations that comes close to the intentional torture and murder of Jews last week. Nor are students gathering by the thousands screaming “kill all blacks!” It is so much worse for Jews than blacks that it’s ridiculous to even compare.

And that pisses blacks off.

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