Leftist Anarchists, aka HOODLUMS are allover our streets,

We haven't had any piece of shit thugs come into our neighborhood, and it's doubtful they will.

We don't fuck around. We've got one retired cop, one active cop, a Sheriff's deputy, and half a dozen ex-military types (including a former Marine sniper) on my street, and we're all armed to the teeth.

You wanna' dance? C'mon...
Same here... tiny little backwoods town in SW WI... population about 1,300, but if you come here thinking you're shutting down our streets, block traffic then riot and burn something down, vandalize, be violent, you're going to get shot, if not by the police then by a citizen, and when it comes time to find out who shot who, no one will have seen anything. We ain't playin' any games here. We only have a couple cops, one day shift and one afternoon. There is no cop on duty at night except on the weekend. So if you start shit here and our one cop can't handle it, the citizens will. How do I know this will happen? Because I've been here a long time, I know just about everybody and vice versa. That's how it is in a small town and we talk. I know exactly how most everyone feels about this rioting bull shit, and they're not happy.
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It’s no secret that America is going through terrible times right now. Leftist Anarchists, aka HOODLUMS are allover our streets, Towns, States creating Mayhem, destruction, and even murder. These ignoramuses, who are acting as if they are Animals rather than “Protesters” seem not to know that America is the greatest, the best country in the world., as they don’t seem to want to go anywhere else but her. Here is where people from other places are coming to, rather than fleeing from. Of course, some out in the streets are NOT the ignoramuses that are tearing down statues, and burning police cars but rather those who want to overthrow our republic and make her into something other than the GREAT NATION that we are.

These Devils are laughing at us as we sit inside our homes wearing masks, and gloves and afraid to stay closer that the 6 feet from outers as our Leftist Leaders like NY’s Mayor Di Blasio, and Governor Cuomo, and Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of this dictators cowards are telling us, rather than pushing them pack under the rock where they belong. . Let them laugh. Because this day, I will celebrate America's birthday. This day, I will display my patriotism but tomarrow I will fight like hell to keep my country safe
watch the movie Patriots Day and think about those who are condoning what you said.
We haven't had any piece of shit thugs come into our neighborhood, and it's doubtful they will.

We don't fuck around. We've got one retired cop, one active cop, a Sheriff's deputy, and half a dozen ex-military types (including a former Marine sniper) on my street, and we're all armed to the teeth.

You wanna' dance? C'mon...
Same here... tiny little backwoods town in SW WI... population about 1,300, but if you come here thinking you're shutting down our streets, block traffic then riot and burn something down, vandalize, be violent, you're going to get shot, if not by the police then by a citizen, and when it comes time to find out who shot who, no one will have seen anything. We ain't playin' any games here. You start shit, we'll finish it in short order. How do I know this will happen? Because I've been here a long time, I know just about everybody and vice versa. That's how it is in a small town and we talk. I know exactly how most everyone feels about this rioting bull shit, and they're not happy.
these people are just like the two muslims that bombed the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. Know that. the weapon is the only difference.
We haven't had any piece of shit thugs come into our neighborhood, and it's doubtful they will.

We don't fuck around. We've got one retired cop, one active cop, a Sheriff's deputy, and half a dozen ex-military types (including a former Marine sniper) on my street, and we're all armed to the teeth.

You wanna' dance? C'mon...
Same here... tiny little backwoods town in SW WI... population about 1,300, but if you come here thinking you're shutting down our streets, block traffic then riot and burn something down, vandalize, be violent, you're going to get shot, if not by the police then by a citizen, and when it comes time to find out who shot who, no one will have seen anything. We ain't playin' any games here. You start shit, we'll finish it in short order. How do I know this will happen? Because I've been here a long time, I know just about everybody and vice versa. That's how it is in a small town and we talk. I know exactly how most everyone feels about this rioting bull shit, and they're not happy.
these people are just like the two muslims that bombed the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. Know that. the weapon is the only difference.
Yep... and they know where they can get away with their shit and where they can't. That's why you always see all the riots and violence and destruction in big DEMOCRAT RUN CITIES... that's where they can get away with it.

Won't work out here in tiny town fly over country. You pull that shit around here and chances are real good you're getting sent home in a pine box.
"Leftist anarchists" is a contradiction in terms.

View attachment 360042
That's your THEORY, but like communism, the practice never works out well. Anarchists dont understand the evils of human nature.

Our Republic cannot function without a RELIGIOUS and MORAL People
The problem with that common statist boilerplate is that nobody can point to any examples of where it has been put into practice.

You bring up the evils of human nature, then propose we create and keep a gubmint made up of.....



...wait for it...




"Leftist anarchists" is a contradiction in terms.

View attachment 360042
Communism is suppose to create a stateless state.

Communism cannot exist without the brute force of centralized aggression to keep its tenets in place...There's not one single thing voluntary and/or peaceful about communism....It is the exact antithesis of anarchy.
I doubt very seriously that any anarchist system in place will not have its share of warlords and gangs of brigands.
"Leftist anarchists" is a contradiction in terms.

View attachment 360042
Communism is suppose to create a stateless state.

Communism cannot exist without the brute force of centralized aggression to keep its tenets in place...There's not one single thing voluntary and/or peaceful about communism....It is the exact antithesis of anarchy.
I doubt very seriously that any anarchist system in place will not have its share of warlords and gangs of brigands.
"Leftist anarchists" is a contradiction in terms.

View attachment 360042
Communism is suppose to create a stateless state.

Communism cannot exist without the brute force of centralized aggression to keep its tenets in place...There's not one single thing voluntary and/or peaceful about communism....It is the exact antithesis of anarchy.
I doubt very seriously that any anarchist system in place will not have its share of warlords and gangs of brigands.
View attachment 360059
Which only proves that every nation does it.
"Leftist anarchists" is a contradiction in terms.

View attachment 360042
Communism is suppose to create a stateless state.

Communism cannot exist without the brute force of centralized aggression to keep its tenets in place...There's not one single thing voluntary and/or peaceful about communism....It is the exact antithesis of anarchy.
I doubt very seriously that any anarchist system in place will not have its share of warlords and gangs of brigands.
View attachment 360059
Which only proves that every nation does it.
Which is a deflection from the point.

You wring your hands over the mythical possibility that warlords may take over, while glossing over the fact that we're toiling under warlords in the here and now.
"Leftist anarchists" is a contradiction in terms.

View attachment 360042
Communism is suppose to create a stateless state.

Communism cannot exist without the brute force of centralized aggression to keep its tenets in place...There's not one single thing voluntary and/or peaceful about communism....It is the exact antithesis of anarchy.
I doubt very seriously that any anarchist system in place will not have its share of warlords and gangs of brigands.
Just one example of many...

Warlord = George Soros
"Leftist anarchists" is a contradiction in terms.

View attachment 360042
Communism is suppose to create a stateless state.

Communism cannot exist without the brute force of centralized aggression to keep its tenets in place...There's not one single thing voluntary and/or peaceful about communism....It is the exact antithesis of anarchy.
I doubt very seriously that any anarchist system in place will not have its share of warlords and gangs of brigands.
Just one example of many...

Warlord = George Soros
Those are Marxists, not anarchists.

I'm here to help.
I doubt very seriously that any anarchist system in place will not have its share of warlords and gangs of brigands.
people in power will always end up being corrupt the longer they stay there. They measure the sheeples tendencies to see what they can get away with. I don't care what government that is. communism happens to be the worst of them, by the mere need of compliance to succeed. To argue against that makes one stupid. No one can name a country where it works.

BTW, the lifers in congress are the examples here. term limits is that solution.
These ignoramuses, who are acting as if they are Animals rather than “Protesters” seem not to know that America is the greatest, the best country in the world
They dont. If they are allowed to succeed, they wont like the Dark Age they will create
Stalin called them useful idiots and then when they get the power, those useful idiots will be in the way.

Happens every time.

Wait until all choice is taken and the serf class can only live on what is rationed.

The rest will be executed or starved to death.

Have we seen how the left are trying to control our meat distribution plants? What do you all think those claims of cow farts and global warming is about?

They then demanded all of the meat plants be shut down due to the disease that China attacked us with.

Remember that? Meanwhile, the left claim that us talking about wet markets in Brown nations, where most pandemics start, is racist.

Unless the counter revolution happens, we will be eliminated. If the counter revolution does happen, don't have pity. It is our passivity and tolerance that has got us in this mess in the first place.
It’s no secret that America is going through terrible times right now. Leftist Anarchists, aka HOODLUMS are allover our streets, Towns, States creating Mayhem, destruction, and even murder. These ignoramuses, who are acting as if they are Animals rather than “Protesters” seem not to know that America is the greatest, the best country in the world., as they don’t seem to want to go anywhere else but her. Here is where people from other places are coming to, rather than fleeing from. Of course, some out in the streets are NOT the ignoramuses that are tearing down statues, and burning police cars but rather those who want to overthrow our republic and make her into something other than the GREAT NATION that we are.

These Devils are laughing at us as we sit inside our homes wearing masks, and gloves and afraid to stay closer that the 6 feet from outers as our Leftist Leaders like NY’s Mayor Di Blasio, and Governor Cuomo, and Nancy Pelosi, and the rest of this dictators cowards are telling us, rather than pushing them pack under the rock where they belong. . Let them laugh. Because this day, I will celebrate America's birthday. This day, I will display my patriotism but tomarrow I will fight like hell to keep my country safe
Yet, unlike White Supremest, Antifa has not been declared a “domestic terrorist” by the Homeland Security and FBI.
Sorry, but you're just a liar...m

Fake news!
And Rand would know, they advise the armed forces and are financed by the US government.

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