Lefties have less sympathy for Jones than for the killers:


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
6. The Rev. Steven Martin, writing for Huffington Post:
I have no sympathy for anyone who would assassinate a U.S. ambassador. But I have even less sympathy for filmmakers who spread hatred and for pastors who knowingly incite violence. Jones, and his love of the limelight, needs no further introduction. This latest incident seems to have been sparked by his promotion of a $5 million film produced and directed by Sam Bacile, a filmmaker living in Los Angeles. Being both a filmmaker and a pastor, I can relate to the responsibility both offices carry.
He has less sympathy for those who create crappy YouTube clips than those who would assassinate a U.S. ambassador?"

The eight dumbest things said about free speech this week « Hot Air
No, just confused...since Jones has zero to do with the deaths of those people...and zero to do with the fact that many more remain under threat of violence.
Holy shit, stop fucking spamming the boards with your moronic drivel already. WE get it you are a stupid twat. You dont need to go above and beyond to prove it.
I understand that. Yes, we have free speech in the US. But there's certain things you DO NOT do, just because! You don't stand up and yell FIRE in a move theater...and you DON'T purposefully make a film like Jones did. He knew it would piss the Muslims off....there was no doubt about it. I think he was completely wrong, he knew what would happen, and he should be arrested. Now i don't know if this film was really the cause of it all, but i'm not surprised that the muslims reacted this way. I'm in no way saying they were right in doing it...but we all know they don't care and they will not put up with dissing their muhammed.
(1) make a claim that Islam is a violent religion

(2) make a film with the express purpose to incite and enrage a small sector of Muslims.

(3) release the film

(4) watch violence erupt among a small sector of muslims.

(5) use (4) as evidence of (1)

Rinse, repeat.
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Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, aka "Sam Bacile", is a whacked out extremist Christian who made a film offensive to ALL Muslims. Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is NOT a "lover one another" kind of guy. He is a bigoted asshole who made a bigoted movie. This was the Christian version of Nazi propaganda.

Even worse, AFTER the Ambassador was killed, he went out of his way to contact the press and attempted to aim the wrath of the Muslims he incited toward Israelis. He claimed to be an Israeli Jew and claimed to have been funded by a hundred wealthy Israeli Jews. He then made sure to say "Islam is a cancer" more than once during the interview just to keep the fires stoked.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula clearly wanted the extremist Muslims to conduct attacks on Israeli Jews.

So this Christian bigot hates Muslims AND Jews.

For those who have a gigantic mental block seeing the problem, imagine a Democrat making such a film, and then after some people were killed over it and the angry mobs were still running wild, the Democrat called the media and said he was a Republican and had been funded by a bunch of rich Republicans.

Get it yet?

The film was free speech. Fine.

But what Nakoula Basseley Nakoula did was attempt to get innocent people killed, using whacked out Muslims as his weapons.

Anyone who does not condemn such a person is supporting the murder of innocent people, period.

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Rev. Martin says he has no for one and less than no for the other. Exactly how much is less than no?
(1) make a claim that Islam is a violent religion

(2) make a film that you know damn well will incite and enrage a small sector of Muslims.

(3) release the film

(4) watch violence erupt among a small sector of muslims.

(5) use (4) as evidence of (1)

Rinse, repeat.

6) declare we should go to war with said people, while sitting at home getting fatter knowing they will never have to sacrifice a damn thing. All the while proclaiming they are patriotic because they wear a flag pin.
Newsflash. The movie maker was someone who hates Muslims. Just like Republicans do.
koshergirl, you could have posted this part of the article instead but it would not have produced the affect you were trying to get.

In 2010 I had a first-person look at the power of love and saw it triumph over hate. It was September when Jones first received his notoriety. The national press was giving him a 24/7 pulpit to proclaim his message that "Islam is of the Devil" and to threaten to deface copies of the holy scripture of 1.5 billion human beings. His motivation was, in his mind, a religious obligation. The real religious leadership of America saw it differently, and voices like Rabbi David Saperstein, Rev. Richard Cizik and Theodore Cardinal McCarrick gathered at the National Press Club to voice their solidarity with Muslims in America and around the world. It was a beautiful, inspiring moment that set the national discourse in a more generous, positive direction.

Rev. Cizik and I talked after the event. We agreed that the only person Jones might listen to would be another Christian evangelical. If we could find someone who Jones could respect, perhaps he might listen to reason and drop his threats. Little did we know that God was preparing just such a person to carry out this mission.
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Completely irrelevant. He had nothing to do with the attacks yesterday and ongoing.

But keep trying to pin it on anyone except the people responsible.

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