Leftards Tear Down US Grant Statue

It was a statue, they were there, that is as far as reasoning skills could take them. Since "no one left behind" thought and schooling have gone down hill. Anyomore it is send the problem on to the next class.

General Grant's forces killed a lot of people in order to free the slaves.

And this is the gratitude he gets?!

A lot of Grant's men died as well. 600,000 heroes on both sides of the War of Northern Aggression were killed.

That's why we established Memorial Day in the first place, because of this tremendous carnage and to help America heal.

But the Libs want to reignite the division and hatred that reigned in the 1860's
In Louisiana they vandalized a Joan of Arc statue. In DC they attacked a memorial to Tadeusz Kościuszko. The Democrats have followed through their threat to unleash barbarians on us. Barbarians who don’t know one memorial from another but do know that civilized people build memorials.
The perpetrators of the destruction received a piece of paper with full instructions.
But those protesters have shown they can't read... the targeted statue is located on a different address... lol

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