Left wingers: Would you TRULY support a "Fair Share" tax? Honestly?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
We hear, non-stop, almost with cult like dedication, the phrase "FAIR SHARE" from left wingers. Well, let me ask....would left wingers TRULY support a real, "FAIR SHARE TAX"? Really? See, my definition of "fair" is basically "equal". Which is another word we hear from the left. Income equality. Income fairness. Total equality. We've heard it all.

So what about a 10% "FAIR SHARE TAX POLICY"????

Seriously. EVERY citizen, from the richest billionaire, to the poorest hood rat...........every single person pays the equal amount in income tax, payroll tax, sales tax, property tax, corporate tax. Period. 10%. You get $500 for a week of day labor? You owe Uncle Sam $50. You get $5,000,000,000 for selling your massive corporation? You owe Uncle Sam $500 million. 10%.

Total equality. Total fair share.

Libtards, would you support this? If so....I have a helluva ironic piece of truth for you.

If you wont support this, why? Isn't "fair share" what you want? Is "FAIR" not "EQUAL", or is fairness only achieved through each person paying an UNEQUAL rate?
Or maybe I just need a lefty to define "Fair share" for me.
All the left wingers here and not ONE can tell me if they would support a true "FAIR SHARE" tax? Or, redefine to me what "fair share" means, aside from my definition of "fair" basically being equal?
You can use all the crickets you're catching for fish bait. Didyaknowthat?
if you and your friends and family are moving rocks do you make your 87 year old granny carry the big ones?

Or do you save the big ones for your brother who is a body builder?

In a society you have people of varying strenghts.

even if EVERYONE works just as hard as the next guy certain jobs just pay more huh?

Granny cant get those jobs even if she was capable of physically doing it huh?

This is why up to a certain amount we dont need to take taxes out of people.

The most fair way is to not tax up until a certain amount that is enough to more than feed and house yourself.

After that you graduate up by how much more over the basic amount to feed yourself you rise.

If you make as much as 100 times the amount a subsistance worker makes you can pay more taxes on that.

This is the rights big problem in this debate.

We are a democracy and most of the people dont make 100 times what a subsistance worker makes.

You are trying to get middleclass of lower voters to cry crockadile tears for people who would not even feel the higher taxes in their lifestyle.

You are on the wrong side of democracy
if you and your friends and family are moving rocks do you make your 87 year old granny carry the big ones?

Or do you save the big ones for your brother who is a body builder?

In a society you have people of varying strenghts.

even if EVERYONE works just as hard as the next guy certain jobs just pay more huh?

Granny cant get those jobs even if she was capable of physically doing it huh?

This is why up to a certain amount we dont need to take taxes out of people.

The most fair way is to not tax up until a certain amount that is enough to more than feed and house yourself.

After that you graduate up by how much more over the basic amount to feed yourself you rise.

If you make as much as 100 times the amount a subsistance worker makes you can pay more taxes on that.

This is the rights big problem in this debate.

We are a democracy and most of the people dont make 100 times what a subsistance worker makes.

You are trying to get middleclass of lower voters to cry crockadile tears for people who would not even feel the higher taxes in their lifestyle.

You are on the wrong side of democracy

Hey TM, do you consider taking something from someone else, that does not belong to you, theft?
if you and your friends and family are moving rocks do you make your 87 year old granny carry the big ones?

Or do you save the big ones for your brother who is a body builder?

In a society you have people of varying strenghts.

even if EVERYONE works just as hard as the next guy certain jobs just pay more huh?

Granny cant get those jobs even if she was capable of physically doing it huh?

This is why up to a certain amount we dont need to take taxes out of people.

The most fair way is to not tax up until a certain amount that is enough to more than feed and house yourself.

After that you graduate up by how much more over the basic amount to feed yourself you rise.

If you make as much as 100 times the amount a subsistance worker makes you can pay more taxes on that.

This is the rights big problem in this debate.

We are a democracy and most of the people dont make 100 times what a subsistance worker makes.

You are trying to get middleclass of lower voters to cry crockadile tears for people who would not even feel the higher taxes in their lifestyle.

You are on the wrong side of democracy

well, don't drive on OUR highways then. you get what you pay for and that is ZERO
So truthmatters, you're saying you are NOT in favor of everyone paying their "fair share"?

Maybe granny can't lift big rocks. But she can sure as hell knit a sweater and blankets to keep them warm when their done.

But wouldn't it be FAIR to make the rich pay the same rate the poor are? AFTER ALL........they currently pay a much lower rate......RIGHT? So forcing the rich to pay the same rate the poor pay would be an improvement, no?
There is no such thing as paying a fair share. It's about how much you get to KEEP that makes it fair. A person who is single, a heart surgeon, makes half a million a year. A janitor with six children makes $30,000 a year. What's fair? No matter how much the surgeon is taxed it will never be fair until the wages are equalized according to the relative needs of the parties.

That's why the motto of Karl Marx was From each according to his ability. To each according to his needs.

In the marxist fair world, the surgeon would make less than the janitor who needs more to support his family.
There is no such thing as paying a fair share. It's about how much you get to KEEP that makes it fair. A person who is single, a heart surgeon, makes half a million a year. A janitor with six children makes $30,000 a year. What's fair? No matter how much the surgeon is taxed it will never be fair until the wages are equalized according to the relative needs of the parties.

That's why the motto of Karl Marx was From each according to his ability. To each according to his needs.

In the marxist fair world, the surgeon would make less than the janitor who needs more to support his family.

That doctor went to school for 10 years, and ketp his dick in his pants.
The janitor did not, on either count.

Should they get equal income?

WHY the fuck would anyone do all the work to be a surgeon, saving lives, if all they get is LESS than a janitor?

What a communist you are.
So..........what I'm getting from liberals is this: No matter how responsible you are, how educated you become, how valuable or invaluable your service to society is, your income should be equal to all others.

Janitor, soldier, doctor, bartender, cop, stripper, ditch digger, child surgeon...................everyone gets the same.

OK libs. No more using the phrase "fair share". YOu'be been honest. I appreciate it. But FAIR is not what you want.
There is no such thing as paying a fair share. It's about how much you get to KEEP that makes it fair. A person who is single, a heart surgeon, makes half a million a year. A janitor with six children makes $30,000 a year. What's fair? No matter how much the surgeon is taxed it will never be fair until the wages are equalized according to the relative needs of the parties.

That's why the motto of Karl Marx was From each according to his ability. To each according to his needs.

In the marxist fair world, the surgeon would make less than the janitor who needs more to support his family.

That doctor went to school for 10 years, and ketp his dick in his pants.
The janitor did not, on either count.

Should they get equal income?

WHY the fuck would anyone do all the work to be a surgeon, saving lives, if all they get is LESS than a janitor?

What a communist you are.

you're not too bright, are you?
There is no such thing as paying a fair share. It's about how much you get to KEEP that makes it fair. A person who is single, a heart surgeon, makes half a million a year. A janitor with six children makes $30,000 a year. What's fair? No matter how much the surgeon is taxed it will never be fair until the wages are equalized according to the relative needs of the parties.

That's why the motto of Karl Marx was From each according to his ability. To each according to his needs.

In the marxist fair world, the surgeon would make less than the janitor who needs more to support his family.

That doctor went to school for 10 years, and ketp his dick in his pants.
The janitor did not, on either count.

Should they get equal income?

WHY the fuck would anyone do all the work to be a surgeon, saving lives, if all they get is LESS than a janitor?

What a communist you are.

you're not too bright, are you?

Typical left wing respone. Attack intelligence rather than offer insight to counter me.

Is "fair share" truly fair? 10% for all? Obviously not, as your fellow left wingers have just come out and said they don't give a crap about fair, they want wealth spread equally despite ability or responsibility.

They want equal income, not equal taxation.
There is no such thing as paying a fair share. It's about how much you get to KEEP that makes it fair. A person who is single, a heart surgeon, makes half a million a year. A janitor with six children makes $30,000 a year. What's fair? No matter how much the surgeon is taxed it will never be fair until the wages are equalized according to the relative needs of the parties.

That's why the motto of Karl Marx was From each according to his ability. To each according to his needs.

In the marxist fair world, the surgeon would make less than the janitor who needs more to support his family.

That doctor went to school for 10 years, and ketp his dick in his pants.
The janitor did not, on either count.

Should they get equal income?

WHY the fuck would anyone do all the work to be a surgeon, saving lives, if all they get is LESS than a janitor?

What a communist you are.

you're not too bright, are you?


he does need to take a breath and go back and read carefully.. :eusa_whistle:
That doctor went to school for 10 years, and ketp his dick in his pants.
The janitor did not, on either count.

Should they get equal income?

WHY the fuck would anyone do all the work to be a surgeon, saving lives, if all they get is LESS than a janitor?

What a communist you are.

you're not too bright, are you?


he does need to take a breath and go back and read carefully.. :eusa_whistle:

Can't counter my argument, but only attack me? Liberal debate 101.

So, you say a surgeon with 10 years education, no kids...........should be compensated equally as a janitor with little education who has produced 6 kids????? Thats your "fairness"?

So it's not about equal taxation, but equal income.........right? You all just use the taxation idea of "fair share" to hide your true desire for not equal taxation, but equal distribution of income among all professions and people?

OR...................you'll just attack my intelligence again, right?:eusa_eh:
you're not too bright, are you?


he does need to take a breath and go back and read carefully.. :eusa_whistle:

Can't counter my argument, but only attack me? Liberal debate 101.

So, you say a surgeon with 10 years education, no kids...........should be compensated equally as a janitor with little education who has produced 6 kids????? Thats your "fairness"?

So it's not about equal taxation, but equal income.........right? You all just use the taxation idea of "fair share" to hide your true desire for not equal taxation, but equal distribution of income among all professions and people?

OR...................you'll just attack my intelligence again, right?:eusa_eh:

I am not attacking you. Tipsycatlover was explaining to you how liberals think and operate.. IIRC she is a staunch conservative and not a communist. At least that's the way I read it. Am I wrong?

he does need to take a breath and go back and read carefully.. :eusa_whistle:

Can't counter my argument, but only attack me? Liberal debate 101.

So, you say a surgeon with 10 years education, no kids...........should be compensated equally as a janitor with little education who has produced 6 kids????? Thats your "fairness"?

So it's not about equal taxation, but equal income.........right? You all just use the taxation idea of "fair share" to hide your true desire for not equal taxation, but equal distribution of income among all professions and people?

OR...................you'll just attack my intelligence again, right?:eusa_eh:

I am not attacking you. Tipsycatlover was explaining to you how liberals think and operate.. IIRC she is a staunch conservative and not a communist. At least that's the way I read it. Am I wrong?

So it was a sarcastic post? Well.....suppose I don't spend enough time on message boards to know each members political personality ahead of time. Congrats to you on having that ability.

However..........still waiting on one of you lefties to answer:

- Support a true fair share tax?
- Or redefine for me what "fair share" means?
That doctor went to school for 10 years, and ketp his dick in his pants.
The janitor did not, on either count.

Should they get equal income?

WHY the fuck would anyone do all the work to be a surgeon, saving lives, if all they get is LESS than a janitor?

What a communist you are.

you're not too bright, are you?

Typical left wing respone. Attack intelligence rather than offer insight to counter me.

Is "fair share" truly fair? 10% for all? Obviously not, as your fellow left wingers have just come out and said they don't give a crap about fair, they want wealth spread equally despite ability or responsibility.

They want equal income, not equal taxation.

at the risk of repeating myself, you're not too bright, are you?

you should hire someone to read the posts aloud to you and maybe substitute (that means replace) the really big words so you have a fighting chance at understanding them.

have a nice day

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