Left wing, democrat activist attacking Kavanaugh is virulent anti Trumper....

And we learn more and more about her:

Kavanaugh Accuser Signed Letter Fighting Trump Border Enforcement

This radical leftist cannot remember how she got to the house where the alleged attack occurred, how she met Kavanaugh, where the house is located, when the alleged attack occurred or even the year it occurred, who was at the “party” or even how many were at the party, or how she got home. However, she remembers that Kavanaugh and his friend somehow, got her into a bedroom (how they did that she doesn’t remember), locked the door and turned up the volume of the music (how did they do this from a bedroom) so others couldn’t hear her screams. She says Kavanaugh got on top of her and tried to remove the one piece bathing suit she was wearing under her dress. Apparently, all of this occurred while he had his hand over her mouth covering her screams and she was afraid he was going to kill her. She was able to get away when his friend “jumped” on top of both of them; she unlocked the door and ran out of the room. So, Kavanaugh allegedly was on top of her with one hand covering her mouth and trying to take her clothes off? Kavanaugh must have been a magician. Then another guy jumps (from where) on top of both of them, allowing her to get away. Obviously, she was a magician as well.


Again, much more @ Kavanaugh Accuser Signed Letter Fighting Trump Border Enforcement

Ask an actual victim of sexual assault....they remember every detail of how and where it happened....
White House Says Woman Accusing Kavanaugh of Sexual Misconduct Should ‘Be Heard’

I totally agree. Let her testify UNDER OATH. When she’s caught in her lies, charge her with Contempt of Congress and see about prosecuting her.

More @ White House Says Woman Accusing Kavanaugh of Sexual Misconduct Should ‘Be Heard’

Then Kavanaugh should sue her and take everything she owns....... This level of attack should clear any public personality protections against going after libel and slander....
Yep.....the left wing, democrat, bernie sanders supporter suffering from "repressed" memories that just happened to surface when it was time to attack Kavanaugh......anti Trumper radical...

Kavanaugh Accuser Signed Letter Fighting Trump Border Enforcement

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)—an open borders advocacy organization—letter was written and sent to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in June.

Christine Blasey Ford, a psychology professor, signed the ACLU letter as “Christine Blasey Ph.D. Psychologist,” signing off on statements that accused Trump of using southern border enforcement to “traumatize children” and claimed the Zero Tolerance policy was “violating fundamental human rights.”

Her account was shared with her therapist in 2012. And she has the therapist notes to back it.

Trump wouldn't announce his candidacy for at least 3 more years. Without a TARDIS or a delorean that goes 88 miles an hour, your narrative makes no sense.

Hey...asswipe....she doesn't remember when it happened, she doesn't remember where it happened, she doesn't remember any other detail of the alleged night....didn't tell any of her 15 year old BFFs or anyone else, including her husband for 35 years until 2012 when she didn't name him as one of the attackers.....and the notes of the therapist say 4 boys she says two......

You are an asshat.

Um, dipshit? Here's her account rather than you pretending to speak for her:

"While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

Ford said she was able to escape when Kavanaugh’s friend and classmate at Georgetown Preparatory School, Mark Judge, jumped on top of them, sending all three tumbling. She said she ran from the room, briefly locked herself in a bathroom and then fled the house.'

She remembers enough. Now tell us....why would she make up this story about Kavanaugh in 2012, and share it only with her therapist?

As I said, your narrative makes no sense. As her account precedes Trump's presidency years. In the real world, cause precedes effect. It doesn't follow it by half a decade.
Yep.....the left wing, democrat, bernie sanders supporter suffering from "repressed" memories that just happened to surface when it was time to attack Kavanaugh......anti Trumper radical...

Kavanaugh Accuser Signed Letter Fighting Trump Border Enforcement

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)—an open borders advocacy organization—letter was written and sent to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in June.

Christine Blasey Ford, a psychology professor, signed the ACLU letter as “Christine Blasey Ph.D. Psychologist,” signing off on statements that accused Trump of using southern border enforcement to “traumatize children” and claimed the Zero Tolerance policy was “violating fundamental human rights.”

Her account was shared with her therapist in 2012. And she has the therapist notes to back it.

Trump wouldn't announce his candidacy for at least 3 more years. Without a TARDIS or a delorean that goes 88 miles an hour, your narrative makes no sense.

I understood that Kavanaugh was not named to the therapist and that there were 4 perpetrators in that version. Do you have information that she reported *this* assault? They do not seem like the same incident to me.
Yep.....the left wing, democrat, bernie sanders supporter suffering from "repressed" memories that just happened to surface when it was time to attack Kavanaugh......anti Trumper radical...

Kavanaugh Accuser Signed Letter Fighting Trump Border Enforcement

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)—an open borders advocacy organization—letter was written and sent to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in June.

Christine Blasey Ford, a psychology professor, signed the ACLU letter as “Christine Blasey Ph.D. Psychologist,” signing off on statements that accused Trump of using southern border enforcement to “traumatize children” and claimed the Zero Tolerance policy was “violating fundamental human rights.”

Her account was shared with her therapist in 2012. And she has the therapist notes to back it.

Trump wouldn't announce his candidacy for at least 3 more years. Without a TARDIS or a delorean that goes 88 miles an hour, your narrative makes no sense.

I understood that Kavanaugh was not named to the therapist and that there were 4 perpetrators in that version. Do you have information that she reported *this* assault? They do not seem like the same incident to me.

The notes affirm a 'prominant federal judge'. With other witnesses affirming that she cited Kavanaugh specifically years before the hearings.

Ford indicates that the therapist got the details wrong, citing the 4 boys at the party as the 4 boys in the room. Per Ford, there were 4 boys at the party, not in the room. There were only two in the room.

And most sexual assaults go unreported.

Her account is specific:

"While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

Ford said she was able to escape when Kavanaugh’s friend and classmate at Georgetown Preparatory School, Mark Judge, jumped on top of them, sending all three tumbling. She said she ran from the room, briefly locked herself in a bathroom and then fled the house."

Yep.....the left wing, democrat, bernie sanders supporter suffering from "repressed" memories that just happened to surface when it was time to attack Kavanaugh......anti Trumper radical...

Kavanaugh Accuser Signed Letter Fighting Trump Border Enforcement

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)—an open borders advocacy organization—letter was written and sent to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in June.

Christine Blasey Ford, a psychology professor, signed the ACLU letter as “Christine Blasey Ph.D. Psychologist,” signing off on statements that accused Trump of using southern border enforcement to “traumatize children” and claimed the Zero Tolerance policy was “violating fundamental human rights.”

Her account was shared with her therapist in 2012. And she has the therapist notes to back it.

Trump wouldn't announce his candidacy for at least 3 more years. Without a TARDIS or a delorean that goes 88 miles an hour, your narrative makes no sense.

Hey...asswipe....she doesn't remember when it happened, she doesn't remember where it happened, she doesn't remember any other detail of the alleged night....didn't tell any of her 15 year old BFFs or anyone else, including her husband for 35 years until 2012 when she didn't name him as one of the attackers.....and the notes of the therapist say 4 boys she says two......

You are an asshat.

Um, dipshit? Here's her account rather than you pretending to speak for her:

"While his friend watched, she said, Kavanaugh pinned her to a bed on her back and groped her over her clothes, grinding his body against hers and clumsily attempting to pull off her one-piece bathing suit and the clothing she wore over it. When she tried to scream, she said, he put his hand over her mouth.

“I thought he might inadvertently kill me,” said Ford, now a 51-year-old research psychologist in northern California. “He was trying to attack me and remove my clothing.”

Ford said she was able to escape when Kavanaugh’s friend and classmate at Georgetown Preparatory School, Mark Judge, jumped on top of them, sending all three tumbling. She said she ran from the room, briefly locked herself in a bathroom and then fled the house.'

She remembers enough. Now tell us....why would she make up this story about Kavanaugh in 2012, and share it only with her therapist?

As I said, your narrative makes no sense. As her account precedes Trump's presidency years. In the real world, cause precedes effect. It doesn't follow it by half a decade.
Because Kavanaugh's mother ruled against her parents. Cost her the inheritance she was counting on.
Yep.....the left wing, democrat, bernie sanders supporter suffering from "repressed" memories that just happened to surface when it was time to attack Kavanaugh......anti Trumper radical...

Kavanaugh Accuser Signed Letter Fighting Trump Border Enforcement

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)—an open borders advocacy organization—letter was written and sent to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in June.

Christine Blasey Ford, a psychology professor, signed the ACLU letter as “Christine Blasey Ph.D. Psychologist,” signing off on statements that accused Trump of using southern border enforcement to “traumatize children” and claimed the Zero Tolerance policy was “violating fundamental human rights.”

Her account was shared with her therapist in 2012. And she has the therapist notes to back it.

Trump wouldn't announce his candidacy for at least 3 more years. Without a TARDIS or a delorean that goes 88 miles an hour, your narrative makes no sense.
Except that Kavanaugh wasn't mentioned in 2012. It was a federal judge. Which makes this accusation infinitely valuable. It could be used against any judge.
Oh, and Ford just presented a lie detector test administered by a former FBI agent. Which she passed.

Allegations that Trump’s SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh attempted to rape a woman when he was in high school emerged this past week. Now his formerly anonymous accuser is coming forward, has identified herself, provided evidence corroborating her story, and taken a lie detector test, administrated by a former FBI agent.

....Ford took a polygraph test in early August, then decided to remain anonymous, despite the results affirming her honesty.
However, her identity leaked, and reporters tried to question her. She decided she would come forward on her own terms.

Brett Kavanaugh's Accuser Offers Corroborating Data Including A Lie Detector Test

I wonder.....would Kavanaugh or Judge be willing to do the same?
Yep.....the left wing, democrat, bernie sanders supporter suffering from "repressed" memories that just happened to surface when it was time to attack Kavanaugh......anti Trumper radical...

Kavanaugh Accuser Signed Letter Fighting Trump Border Enforcement

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)—an open borders advocacy organization—letter was written and sent to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen and Attorney General Jeff Sessions in June.

Christine Blasey Ford, a psychology professor, signed the ACLU letter as “Christine Blasey Ph.D. Psychologist,” signing off on statements that accused Trump of using southern border enforcement to “traumatize children” and claimed the Zero Tolerance policy was “violating fundamental human rights.”

Her account was shared with her therapist in 2012. And she has the therapist notes to back it.

Trump wouldn't announce his candidacy for at least 3 more years. Without a TARDIS or a delorean that goes 88 miles an hour, your narrative makes no sense.
Except that Kavanaugh wasn't mentioned in 2012. It was a federal judge. Which makes this accusation infinitely valuable. It could be used against any judge.

Her husband has affirmed that Kavanaugh was explicitly cited years before the hearings.

Oh, and Ford just presented a lie detector test on the matter administered by a former FBI agent.

Which she passed.
Scoop: GOP plans to play hardball on Kavanaugh

Strategists advising Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh plan to use aggressive tactics this week in response to the public accusation of a "stumbling drunk" sexual assault in high school that instantly imperiled his confirmation, top sources tell Jonathan Swan.

Some involved in the process were prepared to urge Senate leaders to call on the accuser — Christine Blasey Ford, who went on the record with The Washington Post's Emma Brown — to testify publicly this week, ahead of Thursday's scheduled Judiciary Committee vote.

The thinking was that she would decline, and Republicans could then say that they tried to investigate further. But that gambit fell apart quickly Monday morning after Ford's attorney said she'd be willing to testify.

The timing will be an issue. Republicans close to the process will push for the testimony to happen as soon as possible, but Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin said this morning that this week would be too soon, per the Washington Examiner's Byron York.

A source close to the process said that if Democrats sink Kavanaugh "we’ll just bring in someone more conservative."

There was extreme queasiness in Kavanaugh's camp last night:

Ford, a professor at Palo Alto University, is represented by Debra Katz, a Washington lawyer specializing in sexual harassment cases.

Republicans won't be surprised if Ford holds a press conference or gives a TV interview, which would raise the stakes considerably.

The initial news coverage was brutal ... N.Y. Times: "thrown into uncertainty” ... WashPost: "nomination suddenly in doubt” ... Wall Street Journal: "injecting immediate uncertainty” ... AP: "thrust into turmoil."

The senators to watch:

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), the most crucial swing vote, told CNN that she was "surprised" by the accusation, but: "I don't know enough to create the judgment at this point."

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), the other critical vote, told CNN the committee "might" need to consider a delay.

Judiciary Committee member Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tenn.), who isn't on the committee "but whose vote is critical to Kavanaugh's confirmation," told Politico that the committee should pause.

Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer called for an FBI investigation and a postponement of the vote.

Be smart: The hardball tactics are designed to muscle through the confirmation before it can be further imperiled.

Republicans got more worried as the evening went along, but privately were optimistic about winning the P.R. fight: It's her word, backed by her therapist's notes, versus Kavanaugh and another man alleged to be in the room.

The White House essentially re-issued its previous statement on Monday morning: "On Friday, Judge Kavanaugh 'categorically and unequivocally' denied this allegation. This has not changed. Judge Kavanaugh and the White House both stand by that statement."

The other participant named by Ford, Mark Judge, said he has "no recollection of any of the events described."

From Axios
The Kavanaugh Lesson: the Left must be Mercilessly repaid in the same Coin

After a year of watching the people physically attack conservative, drive us from restaurants attempt to murder us the Kavanaugh hit is the last straw for me.

I’m tired of being nice to the left, and I’m though presuming they just disagree wit us.

I’m convinced that they will stop at nothing when it comes to power, removing people from jobs, driving them from the public square, physical attacks, attempted murder and the attempt to tarnish a person for life, to the left all of this is justified by them by their desire for power and that desire makes it valid and good in their eyes.

I am also convinced that this will continue until they are paid back in the same coin. This behavior can not be allowed to stand.

We of the right have a choice, either continue to take it or give as good as we get or better.

Until we do this will keep happening.

If the Right doesn’t play the same game, attacking the Left, they will continue to win. That’s exactly why the Left hates President Trump so much. He fights back.

More @ The Kavanaugh Lesson: the Left must be Mercilessly repaid in the same Coin
The Democrats’ Anita Hill Redux

This last-minute antic is ridiculous. Will Democrats next claim that Kavanaugh stole crayons from a girl in Kindergarten? This alleged incident occurred 36 years ago. There was no criminal charge and no investigation of the alleged behavior.

These political tricks should motivate reasonable voters in the mid-term elections to dismiss Democratic Party candidates completely. This type of behavior should not be encouraged, it should be rejected by voters longing for more civility in our political process.

More @ CROUERE: The Democrats' Anita Hill Redux
To Senator Collins – Vote for Kavanaugh and We’ll Fight Your Reelection

And the Left sinks to even lower levels.

There’s an ugly new form of bullying in town as the left turns to a high-pressure big-money tactic to try to force a sitting United States Senator to vote the way they want.

Liberals have created an online fundraiser targeting Maine Sen. Susan Collins, Republican… and she’s calling it an illegal bribe.

Far-left activists have created a huge war chest of cash and have threatened to give it to Collins 2020 opponent – no matter who that opponent is – if she doesn’t vote against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

Here’s how it works: Liberals around the country are using a crowd-funding website to pledge a few bucks each.

If Collins votes against Kavanaugh, no one is ever charged and the campaign vanishes.

If she votes FOR him, however, all heck breaks lose: The donors’ credit cards are charged and that money – more than $1.2 million promised so far, and growing every day – will go to whoever runs against Collins.

More @ GOP senator: I was offered Supreme Court bribe
The Kavanaugh Lesson: the Left must be Mercilessly repaid in the same Coin

After a year of watching the people physically attack conservative, drive us from restaurants attempt to murder us the Kavanaugh hit is the last straw for me.

I’m tired of being nice to the left, and I’m though presuming they just disagree wit us.

I’m convinced that they will stop at nothing when it comes to power, removing people from jobs, driving them from the public square, physical attacks, attempted murder and the attempt to tarnish a person for life, to the left all of this is justified by them by their desire for power and that desire makes it valid and good in their eyes.

I am also convinced that this will continue until they are paid back in the same coin. This behavior can not be allowed to stand.

We of the right have a choice, either continue to take it or give as good as we get or better.

Until we do this will keep happening.

If the Right doesn’t play the same game, attacking the Left, they will continue to win. That’s exactly why the Left hates President Trump so much. He fights back.

More @ The Kavanaugh Lesson: the Left must be Mercilessly repaid in the same Coin
The Right should bring in all the students who trashed her as character witnesses. Then Mz. Ford can speak.
Christine Ford passed a lie detector test.

Will Kavanaugh take one? Or will we get excuses for why he shouldn't have to?
WJC had accusers. Left ignored them. They still think Lewinsky is a liar.
To me even if her story is true, it's such a minor, drunken, one-time high school smash it doesn't affect anything.

He's got 65 female character witnesses who will testify to his integrity as an adult.

That's 65-1.
WJC had accusers. Left ignored them. They still think Lewinsky is a liar.
To me even if her story is true, it's such a minor, drunken, one-time high school smash it doesn't affect anything.

He's got 65 female character witnesses who will testify to his integrity as an adult.

That's 65-1.

Yes and they were minors.
WJC had accusers. Left ignored them. They still think Lewinsky is a liar.
To me even if her story is true, it's such a minor, drunken, one-time high school smash it doesn't affect anything.

He's got 65 female character witnesses who will testify to his integrity as an adult.

That's 65-1.

Yes and they were minors.

It doesn't matter how many women you're nice to. It doesn't give you a free pass to attempt to rape anyone.

And with Ford passing a lie detector test and her account being first given in 2012 while in therapy, years before Kavanaugh's hearing, she should be heard.

Let them present their respective evidence to Congress, publicly. Ford with her eye witness account, backed by therapy notes and a lie detector test. And Kavanaugh giving his account.

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