Left or Right, Will You Apologize if You Were Wrong About Cain?

Will you apologize based on the question asked in the body of the thread?

  • I'm on the Right, and I will apologize

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm on the Right, and I will not apologize

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • I'm on the Left, and I will apologize

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • I'm on the left, and I will not apologize

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Don't know/Unsure

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters
I couldn't care less if Cain did or did not harrass these women.

The fact is that that the policies that Cain promotes are idiotic. He's a sycophantic ass kisser of the super wealthy.

Simply put:

He's an idiot and an :ahole-1:
I'm not a Cain supporter, Avorysuds. Another poster came up with a long list of "proofs" but no link. I asked for a link. I received no response, and the poster was all over USMB on other threads, while I was holding the bag at that thread, waiting for him to show me what he had found to base his claims against Mr. Cain. I know a lot of good people here who like Mr. Cain and think they'd like him to represent them in the Oval Office. Because I respect them, I want to see proof positive against their candidate of all the accusations that have come up in the past two weeks against him.

I'm not finding credible proof, and those who make claims are not sharing their details yet.

I really don't know what to think.

Two of the people are still anonymous accusers, three I know are ones I'm not sure are telling the truth, considering the details surrounding their or their friends' claims.

Creating a firestorm of discreditation of one's political opponents is a schema in the Saul Alinsky book of cheating the public out of free markets and replacing it with a communist society. Saul Alinsky was a dedicated communist, and the American people deserve better than a pack of political lies. I want and require proof before I make a decision.

I take it you're referring to me as the poster that;'s all around USMB and who you're waiting for for evidence...the pic of Cain and yesterday's accuser.

I don't have the image, nor am I looking for it. I'm hopeful it will show up.

It was reported that the two were seen together. And Bailik (sp) herself said that she saw him.

I believe her.

Are you saying that you're taking Cain's words and testimony as gospel truth/fact?
Whether you are on the left end of the political spectrum or the right end of the political spectrum, will you apologize if proof OR a preponderance of the evidence is so overwhelming that you are forced to admit that you were either wrong to believe Herman Cain's accusers or wrong to believe Herman Cain's denials?

If all the accusations against Herman Cain turn out to be completely untrue, I will apologize for thinking him to be a scumbag. That will not change how I feel about him politically though. He's a nut who wants to increase taxes on the poor and middle class while substantially lowering them on the wealthy. He's a nutjob.
Remember also, a few years back, the media was ready to hang the Duke lacrosse men's team for allegedly raping a stripper at a party. Turns out that she lied, even committed her own misdemeanor crimes by torching her house and as recently as last spring was indicted for killing her boyfriend.
Considering I have not said I think he is guilty or not I think I wont have to apologize.

My Problem is with the way this is happening. We have accusations with out Accusers, we have none Specific Claims about something Cain May have done, Now we have specific Claims from someone connected to the Obama Admin, with a history of Litigation over sexual Harassment.

What we don't have is conclusive Proof either way, and I makes me shiver to think a Presidential Campaign can be derailed with unsubstantiated Claims from Un Named Sources.

I also find it very Ironic that the Left is demonizing Cain for being a "womanizer" when they Defended Bill Clinton to the death, who was Definitely a Cheating, Womanizing Liar.

I am not even really a Cain Fan, I think Romney has the best shot at beating Obama and therefore want him to get the Nod over Cain, But it really get's me pissed watching Liberals slam him over this, after living through their Defense of Clinton and Others, like say Teddy, who not only was a Cheating womanizer, but let a woman drown to death in his car after drunkenly driving her off a bridge.
I'm not a Cain supporter, Avorysuds. Another poster came up with a long list of "proofs" but no link. I asked for a link. I received no response, and the poster was all over USMB on other threads, while I was holding the bag at that thread, waiting for him to show me what he had found to base his claims against Mr. Cain. I know a lot of good people here who like Mr. Cain and think they'd like him to represent them in the Oval Office. Because I respect them, I want to see proof positive against their candidate of all the accusations that have come up in the past two weeks against him.

I'm not finding credible proof, and those who make claims are not sharing their details yet.

I really don't know what to think.

Two of the people are still anonymous accusers, three I know are ones I'm not sure are telling the truth, considering the details surrounding their or their friends' claims.

Creating a firestorm of discreditation of one's political opponents is a schema in the Saul Alinsky book of cheating the public out of free markets and replacing it with a communist society. Saul Alinsky was a dedicated communist, and the American people deserve better than a pack of political lies. I want and require proof before I make a decision.

I take it you're referring to me as the poster that;'s all around USMB and who you're waiting for for evidence...the pic of Cain and yesterday's accuser.

I don't have the image, nor am I looking for it. I'm hopeful it will show up.

It was reported that the two were seen together. And Bailik (sp) herself said that she saw him.

I believe her.

Are you saying that you're taking Cain's words and testimony as gospel truth/fact?

Are you saying it is wrong to take Cain's words and Testimony as Gospel Truth/Fact but ok to take the womans?
Why on earth would I apologize if Herman Cain did something wrong? that makes no sense whatsoever.
I just heard NBC news. And according to one report, a second woman who is now coming forward is calling Herman Cain a monster.

Can it get any worse than that?
There are 5 accusers in all. Two have already been discredited as either professional liars or in the employ of one of Herman Cain's detractors. Of the other three, one of those is a third-party complaint of ladies claiming they know someone from a foreign country who was allegedly harassed by the candidate.

That only leaves two, and I don't even know their names since they have not come forward.
Who cares? It's just a distraction. The real point is this guy should never have been considered for the presidency. Being a successful business man does not qualify you to be president nor does saying you know nothing about foreign policy or the workings of the federal government.

For this candidate to say that he has the solutions to solve the problems we are facing just doesn’t sit right with me, considering the manner in which he treats his own problems.
Thanks, Flopper. He's not my choice either, but the press immolated the one candidate I like who is a stable and respected family man and has a proven track record of going to bat on the employment scene in his state. I do, however, think enough of my fellow conservatives who love businessman Herman Cain, to find proof if the allegations against him are true or not true. I'm not getting anywhere fast, except one of the accusers is truly a professional grifter as her case history has been found and disclosed. Two other accusers have red flags for one reason or another, and the other two are unknowns since they're not coming forward and sold the truth for money some time in the past. I'm sorry Mr. Cain is getting this kind of grief, but I'm not satisfied with his legalspeak when referring to the allegations against him. He is talking legalese. I have not heard him say "I didn't do what she said I did." That's what I have to see and hear from him. Instead he sidestepped the issue with "The record shows" stuff. That goes over with me like a lead balloon.
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Whether you are on the left end of the political spectrum or the right end of the political spectrum, will you apologize if proof OR a preponderance of the evidence is so overwhelming that you are forced to admit that you were either wrong to believe Herman Cain's accusers or wrong to believe Herman Cain's denials?

If all the accusations against Herman Cain turn out to be completely untrue, I will apologize for thinking him to be a scumbag. That will not change how I feel about him politically though. He's a nut who wants to increase taxes on the poor and middle class while substantially lowering them on the wealthy. He's a nutjob.

You clearly do not understand all the effects the 999 plan would have. Most Experts do not agree that it would substantially Raise taxes on the Middle class and poor. Especially if the Sales taxes exempts unprepared foods like most state sales taxes do.

You ignore the ending of Countless imbedded Taxes that are included already in the prices of everything we buy. Taxes the companies will no longer be paying. Therefore they will be able to eat most of the 9% sales tax and not increase prices because their Over All Tax Burden will go down Dramatically.

Cains plan is by far not perfect, but it the right direction. The Current system is a joke, and completely unworkable. It needs to be made more simple, and Fair, and efficient.
I found it fascinating when the Chicks lawyer today told someone that her Client is not after money and therefore could not have any other motive other than warning other women about Cain. Never mind she waited over a decade to warn them, and then only did it when Cain is running for President. She could not have any other motive? She works in a Democrat Administration. She is a Registered Democrat, Really no possible other motive?

Bullshit, to a Liberal Democrat Destroying a Black Conservatives Bid for the WH is clearly a potential Motive.
For me, there is nothing to apologize about. I have seen no evidence that Herman Cain has done anything wrong. All I have seen is hearsay, conjecture, and innuendo, but no actual FACTS.

I, like most normal folks, will reserve judgment until all the facts are out....

If the accusations don't make you feel in the least bit queasy, then I have to wonder about your moral compass. It's a bit like the deal going on at Penn State. I have always been a fan of Joe Paterno and thought Penn State to run a very clean program. Now all these accusations of kids being molested by a coach and hearing that it was covered up makes me sick to my stomach. Yes, I want real proof of the allegations, but just hearing the accusations makes me ill, because I realize that they are likely true.

People rarely make up such big lies for no reason, and we are talking about more than one person. This is not about one person having an ax to grind with Herman.
I'm not a Cain supporter, Avorysuds. Another poster came up with a long list of "proofs" but no link. I asked for a link. I received no response, and the poster was all over USMB on other threads, while I was holding the bag at that thread, waiting for him to show me what he had found to base his claims against Mr. Cain. I know a lot of good people here who like Mr. Cain and think they'd like him to represent them in the Oval Office. Because I respect them, I want to see proof positive against their candidate of all the accusations that have come up in the past two weeks against him.

I'm not finding credible proof, and those who make claims are not sharing their details yet.

I really don't know what to think.

Two of the people are still anonymous accusers, three I know are ones I'm not sure are telling the truth, considering the details surrounding their or their friends' claims.

Creating a firestorm of discreditation of one's political opponents is a schema in the Saul Alinsky book of cheating the public out of free markets and replacing it with a communist society. Saul Alinsky was a dedicated communist, and the American people deserve better than a pack of political lies. I want and require proof before I make a decision.

I take it you're referring to me as the poster that;'s all around USMB and who you're waiting for for evidence...the pic of Cain and yesterday's accuser.

I don't have the image, nor am I looking for it. I'm hopeful it will show up.

It was reported that the two were seen together. And Bailik (sp) herself said that she saw him.

I believe her.

Are you saying that you're taking Cain's words and testimony as gospel truth/fact?

Are you saying it is wrong to take Cain's words and Testimony as Gospel Truth/Fact but ok to take the womans?
I'm saying it seems that many USMBers on the right seem be taking that stance that Cain's telling the truth and seem to be suggesting, if not outright stating, that the accusers, and others, are the liars.

At this point its a case of He-Said/She-Said.

Here's a couple of reasons I'm more prone to believe the accusers. There's really nothing in it for them. They're subjecting themselves to open scrutiny, humiliation, loss of anonymity and possible retribution from whoever as a result of them coming forward. In essence being sexually harassed all over again, expect on much larger scale.

Here's a reason why I'm prone NOT to believe Herb. His stories has been inconsistent from the beginning. He has something to gain, hint: The Presidency. He's already demonstrated his willingness to tell bombastic lies and/or stories. He's demonstrated his willingness to demonize anyone he considers his opponent or enemy. e.g. publicly stating that Democrats want to destroy this country.

When you weigh everything on a scale...Cain's found wanting.

To underscore the point, if Cain (and/or his supporters) are stating that the accuser's stories are all here-say, then Cain's stories are also here-say.
What the neocon whackos fail to realise is that any leftie would be mad trying to derail Cain's campaign. Cain, along with Bachman and Palin, are the left's ideal candidates. If any of these guys are pencilled in as the candidate for the 2008 presidential election, you may as well pencil in Obama's second term.

Leftie's are DYING for these guys to run....

That's what makes this so hilarious...thinking the MSM, and vicariously the Dems, are stirring. If I was a leftie with any power - and I thought lefties in the media were shit stirring- I'd tell them to STFU. Let Herman RUN....please, please, please let him run....
For me, there is nothing to apologize about. I have seen no evidence that Herman Cain has done anything wrong. All I have seen is hearsay, conjecture, and innuendo, but no actual FACTS.

I, like most normal folks, will reserve judgment until all the facts are out....

If the accusations don't make you feel in the least bit queasy, then I have to wonder about your moral compass. It's a bit like the deal going on at Penn State. I have always been a fan of Joe Paterno and thought Penn State to run a very clean program. Now all these accusations of kids being molested by a coach and hearing that it was covered up makes me sick to my stomach. Yes, I want real proof of the allegations, but just hearing the accusations makes me ill, because I realize that they are likely true.

People rarely make up such big lies for no reason, and we are talking about more than one person. This is not about one person having an ax to grind with Herman.

The stripper made criminal allegations against the Duke lacrosse team. She lied. People lie for money everyday, especially in sexual harrassment cases. Whatever the case being, whoever lied, Cain or his accusers, is pure scum.
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I'm not a Cain supporter, Avorysuds. Another poster came up with a long list of "proofs" but no link. I asked for a link. I received no response, and the poster was all over USMB on other threads, while I was holding the bag at that thread, waiting for him to show me what he had found to base his claims against Mr. Cain. I know a lot of good people here who like Mr. Cain and think they'd like him to represent them in the Oval Office. Because I respect them, I want to see proof positive against their candidate of all the accusations that have come up in the past two weeks against him.

I'm not finding credible proof, and those who make claims are not sharing their details yet.

I really don't know what to think.

Two of the people are still anonymous accusers, three I know are ones I'm not sure are telling the truth, considering the details surrounding their or their friends' claims.

Creating a firestorm of discreditation of one's political opponents is a schema in the Saul Alinsky book of cheating the public out of free markets and replacing it with a communist society. Saul Alinsky was a dedicated communist, and the American people deserve better than a pack of political lies. I want and require proof before I make a decision.

I take it you're referring to me as the poster that;'s all around USMB and who you're waiting for for evidence...the pic of Cain and yesterday's accuser.

I don't have the image, nor am I looking for it. I'm hopeful it will show up.

It was reported that the two were seen together. And Bailik (sp) herself said that she saw him.

I believe her.

Are you saying that you're taking Cain's words and testimony as gospel truth/fact?
Link to Photo with Accuser taken last month.

List of Accusers Grifter Lawsuits

If I were taking Cain's words and testimony as gospel fact, would I be asking you to show me how you knew there was a photograph? While I was hanging around the other thread, I got bored and did some search engine work and found those two links.

If you don't care for the information I found, you had plenty of opportunity to tell me where you went to find out your allegations, so don't put blame on me. I thought you could back up your claims.
Whether you are on the left end of the political spectrum or the right end of the political spectrum, will you apologize if proof OR a preponderance of the evidence is so overwhelming that you are forced to admit that you were either wrong to believe Herman Cain's accusers or wrong to believe Herman Cain's denials?
No one has shown any picture claimed that was taken of "one of the accusers" of Mr. Cain, but I did find one of the claimees, introduced earlier by Gloria Allred as a woman who'd been harassed a number of years ago.

The photo was actually taken one month ago, when the woman approached Mr. Cain at a speech he was giving: Since the photo may be protected by copyright, I'm just showing a link.

The page had a link to another site about the same person that has a list of the lawsuits against her for grifting people: link

It's too bad some bring to the table with them a history of false accusations against important or just wealthy people. They seek them out, and wait for an opportunity to strike.

I'm beginning to wonder about the other accusers. When I went looking them up, one acccuser is actually is employed by a federal government office. Of course, the website I found that one at was saying that she worked for Obama. That's a pretty big umbrella. The federal government is vast. :rolleyes:

From another source, that picture is not of Bialek with Cain. Bialek says that she spoke to him to see if he'd apologize.


I'd drop that website from my list, they are dishonest.

The stripper made criminal allegations against the Duke lacrosse team. She lied. People lie for money everyday, especially in sexual harrassment cases.

She lied to get even with them for some nasty comments they made. She committed a crime, but they were a bunch of sorry bastards.
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Whether you are on the left end of the political spectrum or the right end of the political spectrum, will you apologize if proof OR a preponderance of the evidence is so overwhelming that you are forced to admit that you were either wrong to believe Herman Cain's accusers or wrong to believe Herman Cain's denials?

What, the sex scandal thing?

I don't care enough about it to have formed an opinion, ergo nothing to apologize for.

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