Left Are Always Concerned with World Opinion Like It Matters


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Most people can't find Nigeria on a map, let alone being aware of the genocide occuring there.
F#k world opinion.

20,000, mostly Christians, have been murdered since Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari took office in 2015. That number could be significantly higher. Specifically, we know there have been 3,000 victims of direct State violence. And 9,000 victims of police custody or captivity killings. Those people were systematically targeted based on religious and racial profiling. We’ve seen a complete and willful disregard for crime detection and protection of Nigeria’s most vulnerable groups. Especially abandoned were the Christians, largely from the Igbo ethnic group.

Genocide of Christians in Nigeria: An Insider Speaks Out

But let's condemn Israel for building a wall to keep terrorists out!
The left in the U.S. align themselves with the mostly Socialist Europe and American exceptionalism embarrasses them. They are basically anti-American.
Most people can't find Nigeria on a map, let alone being aware of the genocide occuring there.
F#k world opinion.

20,000, mostly Christians, have been murdered since Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari took office in 2015. That number could be significantly higher. Specifically, we know there have been 3,000 victims of direct State violence. And 9,000 victims of police custody or captivity killings. Those people were systematically targeted based on religious and racial profiling. We’ve seen a complete and willful disregard for crime detection and protection of Nigeria’s most vulnerable groups. Especially abandoned were the Christians, largely from the Igbo ethnic group.

Genocide of Christians in Nigeria: An Insider Speaks Out

But let's condemn Israel for building a wall to keep terrorists out!

The Radical Left, at minimum I suspect, would not be too put out over the expulsion of some of us Christians from time to time from the planet. And the UN, take it on good faith when I tell you those blue bonnet boys love to hunker down in them second hand M113 APCs and eat some popcorn while the regional populace gets reduced. Surprised Planned Parent hood isn't in there yet, aborting the wounded. Give 'em time I spose.
Wait, so Nigerian atrocities mean the opinions of other nations don't matter?
Go ahead and list away the actions of your fn world about the genocide occuring.

That's some shaky logic. What have you done about the Nigerian issue?

It's not so much in the doing something, as it is acknowledging it's being done. Taking it from there is another matter. Just, you know, my two cents spent.
America could cure AIDS and Cancer and they'll still be both hated and envied by our overseas neighbors.

People hate America for the same reason teenagers hate parents.

A combination of immaturity, insecurity, and jealousy.
Wait, so Nigerian atrocities mean the opinions of other nations don't matter?
Go ahead and list away the actions of your fn world about the genocide occuring.

That's some shaky logic. What have you done about the Nigerian issue?
Suddenly I'm world opinion? The the best you shitheads can come up with to defend your narcistic self world opinion awards?

First of all, I'm just one person. No need to speak as if I'm a group.

Second, I'm not trying to "defend your narcistic [sic] self world opinion awards," whatever those might be.

Third, I was applying the logic that if something isn't done about genocide in Nigeria, those not doing something have opinions that don't matter. Therefore, if you aren't doing anything about genocide in Nigeria, your opinion doesn't matter. ;)
Most people can't find Nigeria on a map, let alone being aware of the genocide occuring there.
F#k world opinion.

20,000, mostly Christians, have been murdered since Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari took office in 2015. That number could be significantly higher. Specifically, we know there have been 3,000 victims of direct State violence. And 9,000 victims of police custody or captivity killings. Those people were systematically targeted based on religious and racial profiling. We’ve seen a complete and willful disregard for crime detection and protection of Nigeria’s most vulnerable groups. Especially abandoned were the Christians, largely from the Igbo ethnic group.

Genocide of Christians in Nigeria: An Insider Speaks Out

But let's condemn Israel for building a wall to keep terrorists out!

And 43,000 or more Rohinga have been killed in targeted state sponsored pogroms.
Most people can't find Nigeria on a map, let alone being aware of the genocide occuring there.
F#k world opinion.

20,000, mostly Christians, have been murdered since Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari took office in 2015. That number could be significantly higher. Specifically, we know there have been 3,000 victims of direct State violence. And 9,000 victims of police custody or captivity killings. Those people were systematically targeted based on religious and racial profiling. We’ve seen a complete and willful disregard for crime detection and protection of Nigeria’s most vulnerable groups. Especially abandoned were the Christians, largely from the Igbo ethnic group.

Genocide of Christians in Nigeria: An Insider Speaks Out

But let's condemn Israel for building a wall to keep terrorists out!

And 43,000 or more Rohinga have been killed in targeted state sponsored pogroms.
While "The World" sits silent as it has done with every genocide.
Most people can't find Nigeria on a map, let alone being aware of the genocide occuring there.
F#k world opinion.

20,000, mostly Christians, have been murdered since Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari took office in 2015. That number could be significantly higher. Specifically, we know there have been 3,000 victims of direct State violence. And 9,000 victims of police custody or captivity killings. Those people were systematically targeted based on religious and racial profiling. We’ve seen a complete and willful disregard for crime detection and protection of Nigeria’s most vulnerable groups. Especially abandoned were the Christians, largely from the Igbo ethnic group.

Genocide of Christians in Nigeria: An Insider Speaks Out

But let's condemn Israel for building a wall to keep terrorists out!
Most of those 20,000 deaths being non-Christian makes the genocide argument a little hokey.
Most people can't find Nigeria on a map, let alone being aware of the genocide occuring there.
F#k world opinion.

20,000, mostly Christians, have been murdered since Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari took office in 2015. That number could be significantly higher. Specifically, we know there have been 3,000 victims of direct State violence. And 9,000 victims of police custody or captivity killings. Those people were systematically targeted based on religious and racial profiling. We’ve seen a complete and willful disregard for crime detection and protection of Nigeria’s most vulnerable groups. Especially abandoned were the Christians, largely from the Igbo ethnic group.

Genocide of Christians in Nigeria: An Insider Speaks Out

But let's condemn Israel for building a wall to keep terrorists out!
Most of those 20,000 deaths being non-Christian makes the genocide argument a little hokey.
only an idiot would claim ethnic cleansing by murder is not genocide.

Christians are the target.

Nigeria: Is there a genocide against Christians?
Most people can't find Nigeria on a map, let alone being aware of the genocide occuring there.
F#k world opinion.

20,000, mostly Christians, have been murdered since Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari took office in 2015. That number could be significantly higher. Specifically, we know there have been 3,000 victims of direct State violence. And 9,000 victims of police custody or captivity killings. Those people were systematically targeted based on religious and racial profiling. We’ve seen a complete and willful disregard for crime detection and protection of Nigeria’s most vulnerable groups. Especially abandoned were the Christians, largely from the Igbo ethnic group.

Genocide of Christians in Nigeria: An Insider Speaks Out

But let's condemn Israel for building a wall to keep terrorists out!
Most of those 20,000 deaths being non-Christian makes the genocide argument a little hokey.
only an idiot would claim ethnic cleansing by murder is not genocide.

Christians are the target.

Nigeria: Is there a genocide against Christians?
20,000 deaths, 6,000 of them Christian, in a country with over 90 million Christians. Not a genocide.
No, they really aren’t. After all, the Obama Admin with Hillary shipped weapons to Libya in violation of international sanctions. World Opinion didn’t even cause them to pause. Then they entered into a multi national conspiracy to start another civil war in Syria, which included the CIA buying weapons from Eastern European Countries with Saudi Money which was then given to the Jordanian CIA which sold the weapons on the Black market to ISIS and other “terrorists”.

They pressured European Countries to require Bolivian Air Force One to land and submit to an inspection to make sure Snowden was not aboard. World Opinion obviously did not come into it.

Nobody asks the world what they think, they pressure the world into agreeing or not with threats and intimidation. They interfere in other elections, and are furious that someone hacked them and released the truth about what they were saying/doing in the 2016 campaign.

An old Army Buddy asked me why I didn’t fly the American Flag. I told him it was because we had become the bad guys and I would never support that. To be a patriot these days requires one of two mentalities. A) My country right or wrong. That’s just infamous. It is inexcusable. It is the battle cry of totalitarian thugs through history. B) My Country is always right. That’s just juvenile.

It isn’t the Democrats, or the Republicans. It isn’t the Conservatives, or the Liberals. It’s all of us. All of us who put party over principle. All of us who hate this group or that subset because of whatever insane notion we have. Either we are all Americans, or we are all destined to be condemned to the ash heap of history. We must fight like hell when anyone has their rights violated. We must scream from the rooftops that this is wrong and we demand an end to it. Not cheering because a group we are not in is the ones being targeted.

Purity purges are already happening. It’s probably already too late, but at least we should walk into the apocalypse with our eyes open. At least that way we won’t be able to act surprised.
Most people can't find Nigeria on a map, let alone being aware of the genocide occuring there.
F#k world opinion.

20,000, mostly Christians, have been murdered since Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari took office in 2015. That number could be significantly higher. Specifically, we know there have been 3,000 victims of direct State violence. And 9,000 victims of police custody or captivity killings. Those people were systematically targeted based on religious and racial profiling. We’ve seen a complete and willful disregard for crime detection and protection of Nigeria’s most vulnerable groups. Especially abandoned were the Christians, largely from the Igbo ethnic group.

Genocide of Christians in Nigeria: An Insider Speaks Out

But let's condemn Israel for building a wall to keep terrorists out!
Most of those 20,000 deaths being non-Christian makes the genocide argument a little hokey.
only an idiot would claim ethnic cleansing by murder is not genocide.

Christians are the target.

Nigeria: Is there a genocide against Christians?
20,000 deaths, 6,000 of them Christian, in a country with over 90 million Christians. Not a genocide.
Your inability to support your figures noted.
Most people can't find Nigeria on a map, let alone being aware of the genocide occuring there.
F#k world opinion.

20,000, mostly Christians, have been murdered since Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari took office in 2015. That number could be significantly higher. Specifically, we know there have been 3,000 victims of direct State violence. And 9,000 victims of police custody or captivity killings. Those people were systematically targeted based on religious and racial profiling. We’ve seen a complete and willful disregard for crime detection and protection of Nigeria’s most vulnerable groups. Especially abandoned were the Christians, largely from the Igbo ethnic group.

Genocide of Christians in Nigeria: An Insider Speaks Out

But let's condemn Israel for building a wall to keep terrorists out!
Most of those 20,000 deaths being non-Christian makes the genocide argument a little hokey.
only an idiot would claim ethnic cleansing by murder is not genocide.

Christians are the target.

Nigeria: Is there a genocide against Christians?
20,000 deaths, 6,000 of them Christian, in a country with over 90 million Christians. Not a genocide.
Your inability to support your figures noted.
Which one do you refute? :laugh:

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