CDZ Left and right move to "other".


unlicensed metaphysician
Jul 5, 2012
The current events in Britain may give hope to those who wish for the same in America. Representatives are jumping from the right and the left toward another point. We should not call it the middle, because it isn't necessarily some blend of the old wings.
'Brexit' may have spawned totally unforeseen changes in English politics. The poles of Labour and Conservative parties are losing ground to new, independent thinking. That is something sorely needed in America as well.
There are signs, indeed, of similar fractures in the two party dictatorship the U.S. has been so long saddled with. What can be done to encourage this and have it go in the most positive direction?
Rebellion in the ranks has caught Corbyn and May off guard. McConnell and Pelosi deserve the same.
This puts a 'Brexit' deal in doubt. For its government, the question in England is who is exiting what parties to form a new one.
The current events in Britain may give hope to those who wish for the same in America. Representatives are jumping from the right and the left toward another point. We should not call it the middle, because it isn't necessarily some blend of the old wings.
'Brexit' may have spawned totally unforeseen changes in English politics. The poles of Labour and Conservative parties are losing ground to new, independent thinking. That is something sorely needed in America as well.
There are signs, indeed, of similar fractures in the two party dictatorship the U.S. has been so long saddled with. What can be done to encourage this and have it go in the most positive direction?

I like where you are going with this. To throw on, there have been slow and fast shifts in what a Democrat or a Republican believe in since before my time and during my time. Same for the free market right and personal rights are scattered into a dozen ineffective special interest groups now.

When I here someone use the name liberal or republican or whatever as a slur on here especially in a historical context it just makes me think "this person is an idiot with no perspective".
The current events in Britain may give hope to those who wish for the same in America. Representatives are jumping from the right and the left toward another point. We should not call it the middle, because it isn't necessarily some blend of the old wings.
'Brexit' may have spawned totally unforeseen changes in English politics. The poles of Labour and Conservative parties are losing ground to new, independent thinking. That is something sorely needed in America as well.
There are signs, indeed, of similar fractures in the two party dictatorship the U.S. has been so long saddled with. What can be done to encourage this and have it go in the most positive direction?
There's "The State" and the rest of us....Those on the side of The State can no longer camouflage themselves as being on the side of the rest of us.

The modern day storming of the Bastille is coming.
The current events in Britain may give hope to those who wish for the same in America. Representatives are jumping from the right and the left toward another point. We should not call it the middle, because it isn't necessarily some blend of the old wings.
'Brexit' may have spawned totally unforeseen changes in English politics. The poles of Labour and Conservative parties are losing ground to new, independent thinking. That is something sorely needed in America as well.
There are signs, indeed, of similar fractures in the two party dictatorship the U.S. has been so long saddled with. What can be done to encourage this and have it go in the most positive direction?
There's "The State" and the rest of us....Those on the side of The State can no longer camouflage themselves as being on the side of the rest of us.

The modern day storming of the Bastille is coming.
Figuratively, we hope. There are Constitutional means to rid ourselves of an oppressive Congress. Every two years, the entire House and a third of the Senate can be sent home. They should be next time; shutting down the government is grounds for termination of employment.
The current events in Britain may give hope to those who wish for the same in America. Representatives are jumping from the right and the left toward another point. We should not call it the middle, because it isn't necessarily some blend of the old wings.
'Brexit' may have spawned totally unforeseen changes in English politics. The poles of Labour and Conservative parties are losing ground to new, independent thinking. That is something sorely needed in America as well.
There are signs, indeed, of similar fractures in the two party dictatorship the U.S. has been so long saddled with. What can be done to encourage this and have it go in the most positive direction?
There's "The State" and the rest of us....Those on the side of The State can no longer camouflage themselves as being on the side of the rest of us.

The modern day storming of the Bastille is coming.
Figuratively, we hope. There are Constitutional means to rid ourselves of an oppressive Congress. Every two years, the entire House and a third of the Senate can be sent home. They should be next time; shutting down the government is grounds for termination of employment.
The Constitution is a dead letter, and has been for at least a generation.....Those people aren't just going to constrain themselves or go away because a piece of paper tells them to....If the current shenanigans within the federal police state and judicial oligarchy doesn't demonstrate this to you, what would?
The current events in Britain may give hope to those who wish for the same in America. Representatives are jumping from the right and the left toward another point. We should not call it the middle, because it isn't necessarily some blend of the old wings.
'Brexit' may have spawned totally unforeseen changes in English politics. The poles of Labour and Conservative parties are losing ground to new, independent thinking. That is something sorely needed in America as well.
There are signs, indeed, of similar fractures in the two party dictatorship the U.S. has been so long saddled with. What can be done to encourage this and have it go in the most positive direction?

Q. What can be done to encourage this and have it go in the most positive direction?

A. Education.

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Postscript to #8 above:

Another example of what contributes to a negative direction in politics today is the OP in the thread:

Trump's National Emergency Draws Fire because He Rejects Globalism
Postscript to the postscripts above:

Trump's insane attack in a tweet today claiming the Press is the enemy of the people speaks only to his base. By poisoning the MSM he has proved once again that he has more in common with Putin and other despots in history.

Many presidents and vice presidents have been annoyed by the press, most notably Nixon & Agnew; both attempted and failed to censor the Free Press and lost.

Once again Trump has proved he does not learn from experience, and has no understanding of history, the Constitution and seemingly reality.
Postscript to #8 above:

Another example of what contributes to a negative direction in politics today is the OP in the thread:

Trump's National Emergency Draws Fire because He Rejects Globalism
This doesn't compute vis-s-vis the original post. I.o.w., please explain.
The current events in Britain may give hope to those who wish for the same in America. Representatives are jumping from the right and the left toward another point. We should not call it the middle, because it isn't necessarily some blend of the old wings.
'Brexit' may have spawned totally unforeseen changes in English politics. The poles of Labour and Conservative parties are losing ground to new, independent thinking. That is something sorely needed in America as well.
There are signs, indeed, of similar fractures in the two party dictatorship the U.S. has been so long saddled with. What can be done to encourage this and have it go in the most positive direction?
There's "The State" and the rest of us....Those on the side of The State can no longer camouflage themselves as being on the side of the rest of us.

The modern day storming of the Bastille is coming.
Figuratively, we hope. There are Constitutional means to rid ourselves of an oppressive Congress. Every two years, the entire House and a third of the Senate can be sent home. They should be next time; shutting down the government is grounds for termination of employment.
The Constitution is a dead letter, and has been for at least a generation.....Those people aren't just going to constrain themselves or go away because a piece of paper tells them to....If the current shenanigans within the federal police state and judicial oligarchy doesn't demonstrate this to you, what would?
If this were the case, it would only emphasize the necessity for "other" to develop.
"Other" embraces alternatives to the weary and dangerous failures of the past.
The State itself is a dangerous failure of the past.

If by "state" we mean national identity that is valued above life and reason, perhaps catastrophes can be attributed to the form. Organized human effort is the only kind that has ever accomplished anything, however. We may not need a king (arch), but hierarchies are unavoidable in human organization.
It will be interesting if Europe provides the example of alternatives to the left-right dichotomy.
If by "state" we mean national identity that is valued above life and reason, perhaps catastrophes can be attributed to the form. Organized human effort is the only kind that has ever accomplished anything, however. We may not need a king (arch), but hierarchies are unavoidable in human organization.
True as that may be, there's nothing that says such cooperation has to involve The State.

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