Leaders that have their political opponents arrested

Ordinary Guy

Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2021
This is Biden's vision of America now

You're really fucking stupid enough to believe that the DOJ isn't in on this, aren't you?

Must be why he practically admitted that his DOJ was working with the NY DA's office to ensure that no matter what the outcome that Trump never sees the inside of the WH again.

NEWS FLASH, this is all politically motivated, only a dumbass looks past it
Why is it so hard to see that his CFO was arrested and his personal lawyer were arrested. Both pled guilty and blamed Trump. Next step is to accuse Trump and he gets a jury by his peers. If he is innocent he will be fine. That is America.
News flash to ordinary dipshits. Joe Biden is not in charge of local policing or adjudication in NY.
Neither Stalin, Hitler nor Mao ever arrested anyone. They all had local police do their arresting and local judging railroad political enemies.
Why is it so hard to see that his CFO was arrested and his personal lawyer were arrested. Both pled guilty and blamed Trump. Next step is to accuse Trump and he gets a jury by his peers. If he is innocent he will be fine. That is America.
CFOs are arrested daily, this is politically motivated. democrats are skeered fucking idiots
Both pled guilty and blamed Trump.
You mean those people convicted for LYING to the feds? :21:

Next step is to accuse Trump
Next step is to prove he is guilty of a heinous crime worthy of interfering in another national election. Bookkeeping errors don't measure up.

and he gets a jury by his peers.
Not in Manhattan he won't. The jury will be 12 hostile democrats and even the judge is prejudiced because his wife worked for Kammy Harris.

If he is innocent he will be fine. That is America.
Seriously. He will be fine after appeal, but by then, the damage will have been done.
CFOs are arrested daily, this is politically motivated. democrats are skeered fucking idiots
That makes no sense. Democrats have been winning every election since Trump became President. He is the best thing for them. He is simply going to court for the millionth time for shady business dealings. It's happened his whole life before he was a right wing god. He is just a huckster. Why make it political?
This is Biden's vision of America now

View attachment 774217

Trump worked very hard over the past year to get himself tossed in jail. First the Insurrection, then stealing White House documents, lying about having them, and refusing to return them.

Now that he's been arrested, Trump is still personally attacking the judge and his family, and the prosecutor and his family. He thinks getting arrested and jailed will help his campaign. Trump is the guy whois continuing to commit crimes.
First the Insurrection,
Carrying flags into the Capitol to take selfies isn't an insurrection, dolt.

then stealing White House documents,
Everything taken was done with NARA direction and approval.

lying about having them,
There were no lies.

and refusing to return them.
Nothing was refused.

Now that he's been arrested,
Trump has not been arrested, neither. Damn, you must be in orbit around Uranus cause you're in outer space!

Trump is still personally attacking the judge and his family,
The judge's wife worked for Harris and should recuse himself.

and the prosecutor and his family.
Bragg is a joke being fronted by Soros and the Biden DOJ to keep Trump from running and winning again.

He thinks getting arrested and jailed will help his campaign.
We know so.

Trump is the guy whois continuing to commit crimes.
Trump is probably the only person involved here NOT committing crimes. Your brain is more scrambled than a fried egg.


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