Zone1 Lawsuit alleges Harvard gives preferential treatment to legacy admissions, who are ‘overwhelmingly’ White

This young womans statement is about a racist comment I have seen in a while and she claims to be a liberal.
Her statement is an insult to all my black teachers who achieved their educations before affirmative action.
It’s also an insult to ALL black college graduates who achieved their degrees before affirmative action.
Harvard really doesn't have high standards for excellence, they admitted a doofus like Dave Hogg after all.

But there are elite schools like MIT which really do have high standards. To get in, you not only have to be loaded but very sharp in order to compete. And this is where inner city kids from the ghetto are ill-served by going there.

Particularly if they could do just fine at a state university.
Yet that is precisely the way it is. Although, those who can write the biggest check normally have a decent background education since those families value education.

"It's always been that way" is the worst excuse for anything.

It’s also an insult to ALL black college graduates who achieved their degrees before affirmative action.
You mean all five of them?

Uh, check out this chart. The percentage of blacks with a Bachelor Degree rose from 5% when Affirmative Action started to 24%

When universities can no longer admit legacy students, there will be no more top flight universities. It's that simple. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, even Vassar will become more like community colleges.
"It's always been that way" is the worst excuse for anything.

You mean all five of them?

Uh, check out this chart. The percentage of blacks with a Bachelor Degree rose from 5% when Affirmative Action started to 24%

This is a joke isn't it? So what if there is an increase in blacks getting worthless degrees. Whites by the dozens are getting worthless degrees too. These degrees just don't result in employment.
This caught me by surprise. I knew certain things were going to occur however I thought the lawsuits would be by non-minorities complaining that universities are still letting in "too many Black people" and discriminating in favor of Blacks in direct violation of SCOTUS's latest ruling.

This will be interesting to see how it things play out.

CNN - Three minority advocacy groups are suing Harvard University’s governing body, accusing the school of discrimination by giving preferential treatment to children of wealthy donors and alumni, and are citing the recent US Supreme Court ruling that gutted affirmative action to bolster their lawsuit.​
The lawsuit, filed by the Lawyers for Civil Rights group on behalf of the Chica Project, the African Community Economic Development of New England, and the Greater Boston Latino Network, alleges the students who receive that preferential treatment are “overwhelmingly White,” and make up as much as 15% of admitted students.​
“This preferential treatment has nothing to do with an applicant’s merit. Instead, it is an unfair and unearned benefit that is conferred solely based on the family that the applicant is born into,” Lawyers for Civil Rights said in a news release. “This custom, pattern, and practice is exclusionary and discriminatory. It severely disadvantages and harms applicants of color.”​
The lawsuit comes less than a week after the Supreme Court gutted affirmative action in college admissions, ruling schools can no longer take race into consideration as a specific basis for accepting a candidate.​
The lawsuit cited that ruling and quoted the Supreme Court’s majority, which said, “College admissions are zero-sum, and a benefit provided to some applicants but not to others necessarily advantages the former at the expense of the latter.”​
Amazing….we have oodles of threads started about ”racist” and unfair admissions of Blacks.

But not a single one on AA preferred admissions of:

And, with legacy and donor admissions making up the bulk of “non-merit” admissions (most likely to be stealing seats from those hardworking ; more qualified students who don’t get admitted)…and no one complains. Could it be because legacy admits favors Whites?

It’s origins are rather ugly and designed to discrimminate.

In the United States, legacy admissions in universities date back to the 1920s. Elite schools used legacy admissions to maintain spots for White Anglo-Saxon Protestants amid fears that Jews, Catholics and Asians were increasingly taking spots at the schools.[8][9]

Where is the outrage?
Should historically black colleges also be forbidden to offer legacy admissions? Just sayin'.
Since historically black colleges were built because blacks weren't allowed in white colleges your question shows an idiotic denial of American history. There is no black studenT who is denied entry into an HBCU who could take a case to the supreme court whining about being racially discriminated against because a white student was admitted. But whites have done so from majority white colleges for 50 years.

Nor could a black organization use Asians to claim racial discrimination in a HBCU.


Just sayin...
Amazing….we have oodles of threads started about ”racist” and unfair admissions of Blacks.

But not a single one on AA preferred admissions of:

And, with legacy and donor admissions making up the bulk of “non-merit” admissions (most likely to be stealing seats from those hardworking ; more qualified students who don’t get admitted)…and no one complains. Could it be because legacy admits favors Whites?

It’s origins are rather ugly and designed to discrimminate.

In the United States, legacy admissions in universities date back to the 1920s. Elite schools used legacy admissions to maintain spots for White Anglo-Saxon Protestants amid fears that Jews, Catholics and Asians were increasingly taking spots at the schools.[8][9]

Where is the outrage?
Its not fitting in a "meritocracy" is it ? It disciminates against clever people.
Admissions policies are a problem over here as well. Same reason. Rich folk looking to exclude poor folk.
When universities can no longer admit legacy students, there will be no more top flight universities. It's that simple. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, even Vassar will become more like community colleges.

OR they will still be because the name and traditions will continue. Legacies don't really add anything to the quality of education, they just perpetuate privilege.

This is a joke isn't it? So what if there is an increase in blacks getting worthless degrees. Whites by the dozens are getting worthless degrees too. These degrees just don't result in employment.

Actually, they most certainly do.

The evidence that a college degree significantly improves one’s employment prospects and earnings potential is overwhelming. Bachelor’s degree holders are half as likely to be unemployed as their peers who only have a high school degree and they make $1.2 million in additional earnings on average over their lifetime.1,2 Analyzing outcomes data from over 30 million students, a group of economists also found public universities offer the greatest upward economic mobility.
OR they will still be because the name and traditions will continue. Legacies don't really add anything to the quality of education, they just perpetuate privilege.

Actually, they most certainly do.

The evidence that a college degree significantly improves one’s employment prospects and earnings potential is overwhelming. Bachelor’s degree holders are half as likely to be unemployed as their peers who only have a high school degree and they make $1.2 million in additional earnings on average over their lifetime.1,2 Analyzing outcomes data from over 30 million students, a group of economists also found public universities offer the greatest upward economic mobility.
What the legacies provide is money. Donations. Lots of money. Stop the legacies. Stop the money.
So by that logic, why have standards at all.

Whoever writes out the biggest check to Harvard or Yale gets the golden ticket of a Harvard Degree.

That's kind of messed up, yo!
The golden rule. Those who have get. The rich have always gotten special treatment and always will.
Amazing….we have oodles of threads started about ”racist” and unfair admissions of Blacks.

But not a single one on AA preferred admissions of:

And, with legacy and donor admissions making up the bulk of “non-merit” admissions (most likely to be stealing seats from those hardworking ; more qualified students who don’t get admitted)…and no one complains. Could it be because legacy admits favors Whites?

It’s origins are rather ugly and designed to discrimminate.

In the United States, legacy admissions in universities date back to the 1920s. Elite schools used legacy admissions to maintain spots for White Anglo-Saxon Protestants amid fears that Jews, Catholics and Asians were increasingly taking spots at the schools.[8][9]

Where is the outrage?
You know why it's happening this way. And it should be called out wherever it is in this forum.
Wrong. It's time the excuses ended.
Then let the universities dry up and become community colleges.

What will happen is that these top flight professors will go to other schools that will take legacy money and provide legacy educations. They will shuffle and braid requirements that will still be for the wealthy. So you win nothing at all.

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