Lawmakers Blast Administration For Calling Fort Hood Massacre 'Workplace Violence' R

ha ha the left terrorist ass kissers still cannot wrap their minds around the fact that this was an act of terrorism on American soil.

Kinda like how the right terrorist ass kissers cannot wrap their minds around the fact that Scott Roeder committed an act of terrorism on American soil.

is the administration prosecuting him as a terrorist? or criminally? it's in they hands, now which is it?

Roeder was prosecuted without terrorism charges. What's that got to do with anything?

Ewe said he was a terrorist. Why didn't the administration charge and prosecute him as a terrorist doyathink?
ha ha the left terrorist ass kissers still cannot wrap their minds around the fact that this was an act of terrorism on American soil.

Kinda like how the right terrorist ass kissers cannot wrap their minds around the fact that Scott Roeder committed an act of terrorism on American soil.

is the administration prosecuting him as a terrorist? or criminally? it's in they hands, now which is it?

Roeder was prosecuted without terrorism charges. What's that got to do with anything?

Ewe said he was a terrorist. Why didn't the administration charge and prosecute him as a terrorist doyathink?

Name the law, statute name and number for the crime of "terrorism", Willow.
Was it an act of terrorism? Yes? or No? Easy. pick one.


it was workplace violence.
it was an act of terrorism
it was also murder

Its really just blowing my mind - and I'm sure yours, as well, that it could possibly be THREE different things.

so why do you think this administration refuses to call it an act of terrorism?

They REFUSE? Oh, you're gonna have to prove that one, Sweetie.
Kinda like how the right terrorist ass kissers cannot wrap their minds around the fact that Scott Roeder committed an act of terrorism on American soil.

Roeder was prosecuted without terrorism charges. What's that got to do with anything?

Ewe said he was a terrorist. Why didn't the administration charge and prosecute him as a terrorist doyathink?

Name the law, statute name and number for the crime of "terrorism", Willow.

dew your own damn homework. dipshit.
Was it an act of terrorism? Yes? or No? Easy. pick one.
Of course it was. AND the terrorism took the form of Workplace Violence. The two are NOT mutually exclusive as people faking outrage like you seem to believe. Hard to wrap your little mind around two concepts at once, Willow?

ewe is fake vewy fake. and your minds has left da station.

Ah look! A typical Willow concession. Insult rather than answer. I understand your frustration....all the time.
Pity, Susan Collins is otherwise more thoughtful and knowledgeable.

It’s troubling to see her succumb to the ignorance and hate of the radical right. Hasan’s was a criminal act, having nothing to do with his religion or ‘violent Islamist extremism.’

Troubling since it jeopardizes everyone’s religious freedoms and civil liberties as conservatives strive to expand and empower government to fight the myth of ‘terrorism.’
Terrorism is a myth?

Then Obama is a murderer for killing bin Laden, isn't he?

It will be interesting to watch you attempt to weasel out of the illogical trap you set for yourself. I predict much sputtering and baseless arrogance.

Not only did Obama kill Osam Bin Laden for this myth, he also murdered a US citizen with out benefit of arrest, Habius Corpus or even a criminal complaint filed in any court in the land.
Apparently, that's okay when a Democrat does it.
Terrorism is a myth?

Then Obama is a murderer for killing bin Laden, isn't he?

It will be interesting to watch you attempt to weasel out of the illogical trap you set for yourself. I predict much sputtering and baseless arrogance.

Not only did Obama kill Osam Bin Laden for this myth, he also murdered a US citizen with out benefit of arrest, Habius Corpus or even a criminal complaint filed in any court in the land.
Apparently, that's okay when a Democrat does it.

I would have been ABSOLUTELY delighted if Bush had done it...the faster the better. But, we will never know, will we?
When a soldier sets foot on a military base that is his work place.

He has to follow military procedure and obey all military laws while on the base.

Yes, he/she may have a designated area to report to.

But the soldier is assigned to that base as his duty station (work place)

To say otherwise is just plain nonsense. :cuckoo:
Really? So the guy assigned to the motor pool won't get in trouble if he hangs out at the command post all day?
Not only did Obama kill Osam Bin Laden for this myth, he also murdered a US citizen with out benefit of arrest, Habius Corpus or even a criminal complaint filed in any court in the land.
Apparently, that's okay when a Democrat does it.

I would have been ABSOLUTELY delighted if Bush had done it...the faster the better. But, we will never know, will we?
No, we will never know if you'd have been delighted if Bush murdered a US citizen without benefit of arrest, Habeus Corpus or even a criminal complaint filed in any court in the land.

You'll understand if I have my doubts.
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Kinda like how the right terrorist ass kissers cannot wrap their minds around the fact that Scott Roeder committed an act of terrorism on American soil.

Roeder was prosecuted without terrorism charges. What's that got to do with anything?

Ewe said he was a terrorist. Why didn't the administration charge and prosecute him as a terrorist doyathink?

Name the law, statute name and number for the crime of "terrorism", Willow.
USC. Title 18. Chapter 113B
Apparently, that's okay when a Democrat does it.

I would have been ABSOLUTELY delighted if Bush had done it...the faster the better. But, we will never know, will we?
No, we will never know if you'd have been delighted if Bush murdered a US citizen without benefit of arrest, Habeus Corpus or even a criminal complaint filed in any court in the land.

You'll understand if I have my doubts.

We are talking about OBL primarily, are we not? As for the other guy....where was he when killed? What was he doing?
Rino GOP moderate Collins "blasting" Obama? Who woulda thunk it? Maybe Collins is running in 2012. The whole thing stinks from the lack of media outrage to the Military. WTF? ...MP's on the Ft. Hood post run away from a shooting and call the civilian Police?
I would have been ABSOLUTELY delighted if Bush had done it...the faster the better. But, we will never know, will we?
No, we will never know if you'd have been delighted if Bush murdered a US citizen without benefit of arrest, Habeus Corpus or even a criminal complaint filed in any court in the land.

You'll understand if I have my doubts.

We are talking about OBL primarily, are we not?
*shrug* Still having doubts here.
As for the other guy....where was he when killed? What was he doing?
More importantly...who was President?
Like I said the FIRST time this subject was brought up a few days ago....

Loughner, a white American... shoots up a Political meet and greet... and is rightly called a psychopathic freak. The guy at Ft. Hood, a man of middle Eastern Descent....shoots up a military base...and is called a terrorist... his sanity is never questioned... just his faith.

Bullshit. They promoted this man knowing he was unhinged. I'm on the fly but I will put up the link where Hassan actually gave a speech where he said infidels should be beheaded and boiling oil poured down their throats.

This man was not a grunt.
Maj. Nidal M. Hasan was charged by the Army with 13 counts of premeditated murder. To the chagrin of conservative commentators, he is not charged with terrorism, a controversy I discussed last night on this segment of Rachel Maddow.

While many have been calling for a terrorism charge in the military trial, the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) does not actually have a terrorism provision. Such a charge would be handled in a military tribunal or more likely by waiving jurisdiction in favor of a federal prosecution.

As discussed previously, we have a growing habit of calling every shocking killing a terrorist act today. Many killers are unstable and kill strangers. Many often associate themselves with religious or ideological views, as with George Tiller. However, this does not make them terrorists. You can intend to make a statement with a crime or “go out in a blaze of glory” without being part of an effort to coerce or intimidate a government or society. The parents of Balloon Boy wanted to scare a nation, but they are not terrorists. There is no question that you have a legitimate concern over terrorism with a mass shooting at a military base. However, motivation is central to such a distinction. At the moment, Hasan looks much like other rage killers in recent years.

Hasan Charged With 13 Counts of Premeditated Murder as Obama Calls for Investigation of Warning Signs « JONATHAN TURLEY

USC. Title 18. Chapter 113B is a Federal statue, and as noted by Professor Turley, such a charge is available only in either a military tribunal or in Federal court.

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