Law Firm specializing in cancer caused by fracking cases


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
If it's a proven fact that fracking doesn't cause cancer, an argument often peddled by partisan water carriers here, how is it that a law firm can make a mint specializing in cancer caused by fracking cases?

Hydraulic Fracturing or Fracking - Carcinogens Released - Land Devalued | Ashcraft and Gerel

From the link:

Hydraulic fracturing, also known as “fracking” or hydrofracking, is a drilling process in which natural gas and oil are extracted from deep underground by injecting large amounts of water and toxic chemicals through a wellbore to break up the rock, shale rock or coal beds, thereby enabling the natural gas and oil to escape. The extremely low natural permeability of shale has prompted companies to create these fractures in the shale formations in order to form a pathway along the fractures for the gas to flow and escape.

The use of fracking by energy companies has increased dramatically around the country in the past few years. There are hundreds of chemicals used in fracking, many of which are known carcinogens, including benzene. These toxic chemicals are being introduced into the environment, both underground and above ground, and as a result are causing well water poisoning, land devaluation, i.e., a severe drop in the value of land affected by the fracking process. Some property owners have reported that their well water is contaminated and is no longer safe for drinking, bathing, or washing clothes. In addition, people have reported trouble breathing due to hazardous chemicals that have been released into the air. These serious health concerns associated with fracking or hydrofracking have adverse effects on people, drinking water, air and property values.
Same way lawyers make a mint doing anything: filing lawsuits based on bogus science, getting juries to weep, and hitting the lottery verdict.

Easy, and hard to do anything about.
Same way lawyers make a mint doing anything: filing lawsuits based on bogus science, getting juries to weep, and hitting the lottery verdict.

Easy, and hard to do anything about.

I don't suppose you have any concrete examples?

Lawyers like Settlements and Corporations don't like long, drawn out Court Cases that have them being drug through the mud on Selective "Evidence". :thup:


If it's a proven fact that fracking doesn't cause cancer, an argument often peddled by partisan water carriers here, how is it that a law firm can make a mint specializing in cancer caused by fracking cases?

Hydraulic Fracturing or Fracking - Carcinogens Released - Land Devalued | Ashcraft and Gerel

From the link:

Hydraulic fracturing, also known as “fracking” or hydrofracking, is a drilling process in which natural gas and oil are extracted from deep underground by injecting large amounts of water and toxic chemicals through a wellbore to break up the rock, shale rock or coal beds, thereby enabling the natural gas and oil to escape. The extremely low natural permeability of shale has prompted companies to create these fractures in the shale formations in order to form a pathway along the fractures for the gas to flow and escape.

The use of fracking by energy companies has increased dramatically around the country in the past few years. There are hundreds of chemicals used in fracking, many of which are known carcinogens, including benzene. These toxic chemicals are being introduced into the environment, both underground and above ground, and as a result are causing well water poisoning, land devaluation, i.e., a severe drop in the value of land affected by the fracking process. Some property owners have reported that their well water is contaminated and is no longer safe for drinking, bathing, or washing clothes. In addition, people have reported trouble breathing due to hazardous chemicals that have been released into the air. These serious health concerns associated with fracking or hydrofracking have adverse effects on people, drinking water, air and property values.

That's a Bucket of Indisputable Fact right there...

Case Closed. :lol:


If it's a proven fact that fracking doesn't cause cancer, an argument often peddled by partisan water carriers here, how is it that a law firm can make a mint specializing in cancer caused by fracking cases?

Hydraulic Fracturing or Fracking - Carcinogens Released - Land Devalued | Ashcraft and Gerel

From the link:

Hydraulic fracturing, also known as “fracking” or hydrofracking, is a drilling process in which natural gas and oil are extracted from deep underground by injecting large amounts of water and toxic chemicals through a wellbore to break up the rock, shale rock or coal beds, thereby enabling the natural gas and oil to escape. The extremely low natural permeability of shale has prompted companies to create these fractures in the shale formations in order to form a pathway along the fractures for the gas to flow and escape.

The use of fracking by energy companies has increased dramatically around the country in the past few years. There are hundreds of chemicals used in fracking, many of which are known carcinogens, including benzene. These toxic chemicals are being introduced into the environment, both underground and above ground, and as a result are causing well water poisoning, land devaluation, i.e., a severe drop in the value of land affected by the fracking process. Some property owners have reported that their well water is contaminated and is no longer safe for drinking, bathing, or washing clothes. In addition, people have reported trouble breathing due to hazardous chemicals that have been released into the air. These serious health concerns associated with fracking or hydrofracking have adverse effects on people, drinking water, air and property values.

Please provide a single link that proves scientifically or medically that fracking has caused a single case of cancer.

And none of this hearsay bullshit you keep posting.

Prove it, beyond any shadow of a doubt and I will start a thread apologising to you and demand my rep be zeroed or that I get negged to the point it no longer matters.

Fail to do so.

do nothing

You got nothing to lose except having to admit, to yourself, you assumed wrongly.

and just so you know, the reason I know you will fail, I b/c I live in PA where fracking happens, I don't want me and mine exposed to harmfull crap in our water.
Same way lawyers make a mint doing anything: filing lawsuits based on bogus science, getting juries to weep, and hitting the lottery verdict.

Easy, and hard to do anything about.

I don't suppose you have any concrete examples?

Go to Macdonalds, order a cup of coffee, read on the lid; Caution, contents are hot.

your welcome
Same way lawyers make a mint doing anything: filing lawsuits based on bogus science, getting juries to weep, and hitting the lottery verdict.

Easy, and hard to do anything about.

I don't suppose you have any concrete examples?

Go to Macdonalds, order a cup of coffee, read on the lid; Caution, contents are hot.

your welcome

I thought the Warning said, "Pour directly onto your sandy vah-jay-jay"...


I'm Thinkin' someone else has been Driving the mani Account lately...

Or he's not Well...

Cause he's Slippin'. :thup:



I started a good news about fracking thread and he flopped a It causes cancer turd in it. When I asked him to prove it he couldn't, but he persisted in his claim so I went ahead and proved him wrong.

Sucks when reality crushes your bubble

but what's he gunna do? :lol:

Hopefully he mans up and apologieses. [comence holding of breath now!]
Proven fact?

Like it was proven that margarine was better for you than butter?
Like it was a fact that smoking was good for ya?
The earth was flat?
There was a Lawyer on a Lib show once who has been Suing the Government for "Freedom of Information Act" items and every time he wins, his Fees are paid...

He never said Specifically what he was Winning, but I am certain he was getting to open up things they refused to, and then that was the end of that Suit...


He said he's only Lost one Case in 20+ years, but he never did say what he actually Accomplished.

His gig was saying that "Small Business" Contracts from the Government were being Wrongfully taken by Big Evil Corporations and it was all happening because of some Glitch that the Government knew about...

Apparently 20 years of Chasing that Glitch hasn't stopped it, but it's got him Paid.


Wish I could remember his name... I Think it was David Sirota's show with a Guest Host...


Please provide a single link that proves scientifically or medically that fracking has caused a single case of cancer.

I feel no obligation to provide evidence to support a claim I've never made.

Clearly the jury is out on this. But it's a fact that the process introduces known carcinogens to the area being fracked. The link provided in the OP gives you one such example, but feel free to do your own due diligence. Just don't tell me that you're certain it doesn't cause cancer because I don't believe for a second that you're clairvoyant.
Proven fact?

Like it was proven that margarine was better for you than butter?
Like it was a fact that smoking was good for ya?
The earth was flat?

And mercury in "Green" bulbs is now a good thing!...



We have had mercury in flourescent bulbs for decades. Virtually all businesses have used tube lights for decades.
And many are in homes as well.
Proven fact?

Like it was proven that margarine was better for you than butter?
Like it was a fact that smoking was good for ya?
The earth was flat?

And mercury in "Green" bulbs is now a good thing!...



We have had mercury in flourescent bulbs for decades. Virtually all businesses have used tube lights for decades.
And many are in homes as well.

Of course we have... Observing the Obvious something you do Regularly?...

So how many more "bulbs" do you think there are now that they are going into Lamps and such in every house in the Country?...

How much MORE mercury do you think that is?...

And do you think MORE mercury is a good thing?...

How about Recycling?... Do you think the less educated in this Country are going to anything other than toss those in the trash?


Please provide a single link that proves scientifically or medically that fracking has caused a single case of cancer.

I feel no obligation to provide evidence to support a claim I've never made.

Clearly the jury is out on this. But it's a fact that the process introduces known carcinogens to the area being fracked. The link provided in the OP gives you one such example, but feel free to do your own due diligence. Just don't tell me that you're certain it doesn't cause cancer because I don't believe for a second that you're clairvoyant.

You are claiming now that fracking causes cancer.

I asked you to prove your claim and this is what you gave me;


I proved you wrong, by using my due diligence. Guess I should stop holding my breath.

pity, I expected more.
Last edited:
Please provide a single link that proves scientifically or medically that fracking has caused a single case of cancer.

I feel no obligation to provide evidence to support a claim I've never made.

Clearly the jury is out on this. But it's a fact that the process introduces known carcinogens to the area being fracked. The link provided in the OP gives you one such example, but feel free to do your own due diligence. Just don't tell me that you're certain it doesn't cause cancer because I don't believe for a second that you're clairvoyant.

Please provide a single link that proves scientifically or medically that fracking has caused a single case of cancer.

I feel no obligation to provide evidence to support a claim I've never made.

Clearly the jury is out on this. But it's a fact that the process introduces known carcinogens to the area being fracked. The link provided in the OP gives you one such example, but feel free to do your own due diligence. Just don't tell me that you're certain it doesn't cause cancer because I don't believe for a second that you're clairvoyant.



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