Law / Constitution-Abiding Californians Attempting To Take Their State Back


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The anti-sanctuary movement is spreading in California

"The California city of Los Alamitos which was considering a vote to exempt themselves from Sacramento’s decision to make the entire state into a sanctuary for illegal aliens. That anti-sanctuary vote passed, and if a follow-up vote next month also succeeds, the city will officially stand in defiance of sanctuary state policies. That’s not the end of the story, however. This act of rebellion seems to be spreading like some sort of constitutional freedom virus and other local and municipal governments are looking to Los Alamitos as a blueprint for their own rebellions.

Orange County and several other cities in California could follow the lead of Los Alamitos and opt out of the state’s controversial law that restricts local cooperation with federal immigration authorities.

Los Alamitos, the second smallest city in Orange County with a population of 11,500, late Monday rejected the state’s so-called sanctuary law in a vote of 4-1 of the city council.

Officials with Orange County and the cities of Aliso Viejo and Buena Park reached out to Los Alamitos officials and began publicly expressing support and intentions to take up similar anti-sanctuary language.

“We are a little city in Orange County, but we’re tired of things coming out of Sacramento that just don’t make sense, and now others are telling us they feel the same way,” said Warren Kusumoto, the Los Alamitos councilman who wrote the anti-sanctuary ordinance."

Law, order, and the Constitution seems to be making a comeback in Libtard Land.

The anti-sanctuary movement is spreading in California
That makes sense. You can expect all 40 million people in California to be idiots, but I do believe the majority are, so this will likely be a ripple rather than a wave.
Well luckily for them, they have a $1.6B border funding coming there way. As for other border states...mmmm not so much, they are going to be infiltrated by these border crossings. An easy way to turn a red state blue I suppose.
Well luckily for them, they have a $1.6B border funding coming there way. As for other border states...mmmm not so much, they are going to be infiltrated by these border crossings. An easy way to turn a red state blue I suppose.
$1.6 Billion in funding entrusted to the state tasked with building the wall yet has declared itself to be a Sanctuary STATE. Who wants to bet the wall project gets dragged out past Trump's Presidency and that $1.6 billion in law-abiding citizen tax dollars supposed to be going to stopping Illegal Immigration gets eventually spent on helping the Illegals?! (Sorta the way OUR Social Security was supposed to be spent ONLY on US.....)
This nonsense can be ended today, if Trump will simply take the step and act against those responsible.

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