Law And Order Policy Explained


Diamond Member
Oct 3, 2011
Inside Mac's Head
To those who are confused about what "sanctuaries" are, this LEO explains it in plain English. Of course, the message is available in other languages if needed. Enjoy.

I take it you did not read or listen to the video.
He is talking about imigranmigrants trust law not sancutuary. The title even states what is being talked about.

I guess the adage of a little intelligence is dangerous is very true.

No one wants anyone to be harassed, stopped or questioned just because of race. What some are concerned about with sancutuary cities and states is that they say that it costs too much time and money to use a few keystrokes to report someone that was identified as an illegal alien once they are arrested and then held for up to a day for deportation.

What it comes down to is some feel that some states and cities have recently adopted this practice for one of two reasons or perhaps both.
1. They feel that they are not required to follow federal law.
2. They are doing it simple to show that they do not like the current president.
To those who are confused about what "sanctuaries" are, this LEO explains it in plain English. Of course, the message is available in other languages if needed. Enjoy.

A perfectly appropriate and warranted state measure, consistent with the Constitution.

It is neither the role nor responsibility of state and local policing agencies to enforce Federal law – including immigration law.

And the Constitution prohibits the Federal government from compelling states and local jurisdictions to enforce Federal law.

State and local authorities are at liberty to use their limited resources for the sole purpose of ensuring local public safety, to the exclusion of immigration issues, where such exclusions in no manner ‘violates’ Federal law.

Consequently, the notion of a ‘sanctuary’ state or city is a myth devoid of fact and merit.

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