Lauer's intern really thinks she's a victim!


Nov 29, 2017
So I read this today concerning Matt Lauer and some women are officially taking the #metoo movement too far so let's stop blurring these lines. Sexual assault is always bad but consent + regret does not equal sexual assault regardless of "power dynamics". Power dynamics has become a buzzword in the victim hood culture that is a social cancer. Women cannot be both empowered and infantalized at the same time. Claiming that men are duping and preying on "vulnerable" women puts women in the same category as a minor who cannot be trusted to make adult choices. Empower yourselves to say NO if you don't consent, ACCEPT personal responsibility if you do consent, and REPORT the scumbags that physically force you, demand a quid pro quo, or f*@k you while your passed out drunk.

(Inside Matt Lauer’s Secret Relationship With a ‘Today’ Production Assistant (EXCLUSIVE))
"One day in July 2000, he invited her to lunch, which Zinone thought would be a chance to ask him for career advice. Instead, Lauer, who was in his 40s and newly married, started to aggressively hit on the 24-year-old employee. Zinone felt dumbstruck and numb. Intimidated by his stature, she gave in to his flattery, and she entered into a month-long relationship with Lauer, who would arrange to secretly meet her in his dressing room."

"Even though my situation with Matt was consensual, I ultimately felt like a victim because of the power dynamic. He knew that I was leaving, and that there was no better prey than somebody who is going to be gone. He went after the most vulnerable and the least powerful — and those were the production assistants and the interns."
LOL Yea I read that yesterday. She is not a victim. She's hurt because she thought she was "special". This is getting ridiculous.
Theres always going to be someone thats full of it. I draw the line when you decide you are going to willingly have sex with the guy anyway.
Amen to this. If you are willing to do certain things, don't go crying should something bad happen in the process.

God bless you always!!!

Maybe Lauer could give her the 40 dollars back.

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