Latino's have got to be very disappointed in Obama's immigration order


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
If I were a Latino tonight, having my program get interrupted by Barack Obama, to basically tell the nation he is signing an executive order for those living in this country for 5 or more years, (which amounts to a 3 year stay of deportation) until congress puts up an immigration bill, I would be pretty ticked.

After basically getting chewed out for illegally living and working here by Obama, they are suppose to register, go through a criminal background check, (if a criminal they're deported). The good ones stay, but it's not for citizenship, it's to "pay taxes and share in the responsibilities of this nation", and all without the rights of an American citizen. Meaning they can sign up for Obamcare but they have to pay full premium price, they would have to pay into social security and Medicare, but they would never be eligible for benefits, unless congress made them citizens.

As far as students, those with graduate degrees, when have they ever been deported, anyway? This speech was nothing more than a Hail Mary pass to bring up Obama's poll numbers.

Hopefully it didn't poison the waters with the new congress to be seated in January on real immigration reform, and one that gives a path to citizenship.

Republicans would be foolish to fight this. Everyone thought it was going to be a mountain of changes, and it turns out, it's a little ant hill. A big to do about NADA.
I agree; a bunch of ado about nothing. All of that misplaced testosterone in the GOP and their supporters will have to be spent somewhere though so if it isn't common sense, practical, stop-gap remedies such as this, they would just fight later about something in which they'll look just as foolish.
I agree; a bunch of ado about nothing. All of that misplaced testosterone in the GOP and their supporters will have to be spent somewhere though so if it isn't common sense, practical, stop-gap remedies such as this, they would just fight later about something in which they'll look just as foolish.

Well, you jackasses helped put a bunch more of them in office to do it.

Good job !
If I were a Latino tonight, having my program get interrupted by Barack Obama, to basically tell the nation he is signing an executive order for those living in this country for 5 or more years, (which amounts to a 3 year stay of deportation) until congress puts up an immigration bill, I would be pretty ticked.

After basically getting chewed out for illegally living and working here by Obama, they are suppose to register, go through a criminal background check, (if a criminal they're deported). The good ones stay, but it's not for citizenship, it's to "pay taxes and share in the responsibilities of this nation", and all without the rights of an American citizen. Meaning they can sign up for Obamcare but they have to pay full premium price, they would have to pay into social security and Medicare, but they would never be eligible for benefits, unless congress made them citizens.

As far as students, those with graduate degrees, when have they ever been deported, anyway? This speech was nothing more than a Hail Mary pass to bring up Obama's poll numbers.

Hopefully it didn't poison the waters with the new congress to be seated in January on real immigration reform, and one that gives a path to citizenship.

Republicans would be foolish to fight this. Everyone thought it was going to be a mountain of changes, and it turns out, it's a little ant hill. A big to do about NADA.


That's it?

No wonder he didn't want the Network coverage... Guess he IS running scared. Cn't blame him. Gowdy's committee will roll him up in a few months, then its new congress and time for Joe to start lookin' Peasantential.

I feel a VACATION comin' on.
If his order is nothing and only poisons the waters good. obummer is close to a complete mental breakdown now. Anything that pushes him over the edge is a benefit.
I agree; a bunch of ado about nothing. All of that misplaced testosterone in the GOP and their supporters will have to be spent somewhere though so if it isn't common sense, practical, stop-gap remedies such as this, they would just fight later about something in which they'll look just as foolish.

Agreed--this was nothing more than to get Republicans into an hysterical frenzy--all hyped up into mountains, and it turns out to be a little ant hill.
Obama keeps talking about what he's going to do...but as of this moment he still hasn't done anything.... except talk about what he's going to do.....

Once he issues an actual "executive order" we'll have something to talk about.......:lol:
If I were a Latino tonight, having my program get interrupted by Barack Obama, to basically tell the nation he is signing an executive order for those living in this country for 5 or more years, (which amounts to a 3 year stay of deportation) until congress puts up an immigration bill, I would be pretty ticked.

After basically getting chewed out for illegally living and working here by Obama, they are suppose to register, go through a criminal background check, (if a criminal they're deported). The good ones stay, but it's not for citizenship, it's to "pay taxes and share in the responsibilities of this nation", and all without the rights of an American citizen. Meaning they can sign up for Obamcare but they have to pay full premium price, they would have to pay into social security and Medicare, but they would never be eligible for benefits, unless congress made them citizens.

As far as students, those with graduate degrees, when have they ever been deported, anyway? This speech was nothing more than a Hail Mary pass to bring up Obama's poll numbers.

Hopefully it didn't poison the waters with the new congress to be seated in January on real immigration reform, and one that gives a path to citizenship.

Republicans would be foolish to fight this. Everyone thought it was going to be a mountain of changes, and it turns out, it's a little ant hill. A big to do about NADA.

it was nothing more then a bunch of bs by the prezbo
Why did he waste what little goodwill he had left from the moderate R's for this bullshit?

I can't figure this one. No one is going to play nice in the sandbox up and coming because he tried to bitch slap Congress into doing his will and it's going to have the opposite effect.

And the more conservative R's are going to dig in like an Alabama tick now. So much for judicial appointments in his last two years.

I don't get it.
Our friends that are mexican have been pissed for some time with this administration. Anthonio said he busted his ass for YEARS..and his wife Maria as well...going through all the hoops, learning the language (which he still has a bit of difficulty in word meanings and context so he calls us if he has questions), working numerous jobs (he has 3 right now and does odd jobs on the side), etc. His peeve? Those who claim they "no speaky english", nor bothering to learn it, not paying taxes, getting a free ride, etc. Yes, he is peeved.
Our friends that are mexican have been pissed for some time with this administration. Anthonio said he busted his ass for YEARS..and his wife Maria as well...going through all the hoops, learning the language (which he still has a bit of difficulty in word meanings and context so he calls us if he has questions), working numerous jobs (he has 3 right now and does odd jobs on the side), etc. His peeve? Those who claim they "no speaky english", nor bothering to learn it, not paying taxes, getting a free ride, etc. Yes, he is peeved.

Thanks for your post. It's hard to get a real read on Latinos because the radical pro Amnesty crowd is always screaming their heads off and drowning the voices of Jose and Maria six pack who I'd really like to hear from.

Earlier I read a headline that NBC had a poll that showed Latinos divided over amnesty. I have to try to find that again.
Yep. A Big ta do about nothing.

If I were a legal in this counry I'd be pissed to.

I have a friend who spent loads of money and time becoming legal. He's got his papers framed on his wall.

He's pissed as hell. The illegals will be GIVEN what he worked years to get.

Talk about a kick in the teeth to all those immigrants who came to this country legally.
I agree; a bunch of ado about nothing. All of that misplaced testosterone in the GOP and their supporters will have to be spent somewhere though so if it isn't common sense, practical, stop-gap remedies such as this, they would just fight later about something in which they'll look just as foolish.

Well, you jackasses helped put a bunch more of them in office to do it.

Good job !

Strange post coming from you...
I agree; a bunch of ado about nothing. All of that misplaced testosterone in the GOP and their supporters will have to be spent somewhere though so if it isn't common sense, practical, stop-gap remedies such as this, they would just fight later about something in which they'll look just as foolish.

Well, you jackasses helped put a bunch more of them in office to do it.

Good job !

Strange post coming from you...

Normal post from the irony impaired far left..
Why did he waste what little goodwill he had left from the moderate R's for this bullshit?

I can't figure this one. No one is going to play nice in the sandbox up and coming because he tried to bitch slap Congress into doing his will and it's going to have the opposite effect.

And the more conservative R's are going to dig in like an Alabama tick now. So much for judicial appointments in his last two years.

I don't get it.

Given your history of commentary here, I'm a bit surprised you "dont get it". There are a lot of things you should understand by now. Framing the debate is probably one of the more minor aspects of politics 101 that should be abundantly clear for you folks.

What he did last night was basically paint the GOP as the obstructionist party. One thing that allowed him to do that was that the GOP actually IS the obstructionist party. The Senate bill has sat there for the entire term and Boehner hasn't done squat about it. That is obstructionism. He went on TV last night and within 4 minutes of the speech he mentioned it.

I mean look at it:

When I took office, I committed to fixing this broken immigration system. And I began by doing what I could to secure our borders. Today, we have more agents and technology deployed to secure our southern border than at any time in our history. And over the past six years, illegal border crossings have been cut by more than half. Although this summer, there was a brief spike in unaccompanied children being apprehended at our border, the number of such children is now actually lower than it's been in nearly two years. Overall, the number of people trying to cross our border illegally is at its lowest level since the 1970s. Those are the facts.

Meanwhile, I worked with Congress on a comprehensive fix, and last year, 68 Democrats, Republicans, and Independents came together to pass a bipartisan bill in the Senate. It wasn't perfect. It was a compromise, but it reflected common sense. It would have doubled the number of border patrol agents, while giving undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship if they paid a fine, started paying their taxes, and went to the back of the line. And independent experts said that it would help grow our economy and shrink our deficits.

This is almost surgical in the way it shows what he did and shows what the GOP House didn't do.
The argument is now defined. We've beefed up the border as the hook, and tried to pass legislation as the cross. I don't watch Fox News or MSNBC (couldn't tell you want channels they are on my cable system) and only watch CNN sparingly but those issue-advertisements that both sides run where they urge you to call your congressperson will echo the blue above.

Basically, in May and June of 2012, he did the same thing to Governor Romney. Before Romney ran his first ad (before I saw any of his ads anyway), Obama was defining him so when the Romney ads hit the airwaves later on they had marginal effect on the contest.

Now, anyone who pays any attention to the political scene has seen Harry Reid obstruct bills from the House and in the upcoming weeks and months, you'll see Obama veto or threaten veto which is probably the greatest form of obstruction there is. For Immigration, however, the argument is framed, and the President executed it perfectly last evening.
Why did he waste what little goodwill he had left from the moderate R's for this bullshit?

I can't figure this one. No one is going to play nice in the sandbox up and coming because he tried to bitch slap Congress into doing his will and it's going to have the opposite effect.

And the more conservative R's are going to dig in like an Alabama tick now. So much for judicial appointments in his last two years.

I don't get it.

Given your history of commentary here, I'm a bit surprised you "dont get it". There are a lot of things you should understand by now. Framing the debate is probably one of the more minor aspects of politics 101 that should be abundantly clear for you folks.

What he did last night was basically paint the GOP as the obstructionist party. One thing that allowed him to do that was that the GOP actually IS the obstructionist party. The Senate bill has sat there for the entire term and Boehner hasn't done squat about it. That is obstructionism. He went on TV last night and within 4 minutes of the speech he mentioned it.

I mean look at it:

When I took office, I committed to fixing this broken immigration system. And I began by doing what I could to secure our borders. Today, we have more agents and technology deployed to secure our southern border than at any time in our history. And over the past six years, illegal border crossings have been cut by more than half. Although this summer, there was a brief spike in unaccompanied children being apprehended at our border, the number of such children is now actually lower than it's been in nearly two years. Overall, the number of people trying to cross our border illegally is at its lowest level since the 1970s. Those are the facts.

Meanwhile, I worked with Congress on a comprehensive fix, and last year, 68 Democrats, Republicans, and Independents came together to pass a bipartisan bill in the Senate. It wasn't perfect. It was a compromise, but it reflected common sense. It would have doubled the number of border patrol agents, while giving undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship if they paid a fine, started paying their taxes, and went to the back of the line. And independent experts said that it would help grow our economy and shrink our deficits.

This is almost surgical in the way it shows what he did and shows what the GOP House didn't do.
The argument is now defined. We've beefed up the border as the hook, and tried to pass legislation as the cross. I don't watch Fox News or MSNBC (couldn't tell you want channels they are on my cable system) and only watch CNN sparingly but those issue-advertisements that both sides run where they urge you to call your congressperson will echo the blue above.

Basically, in May and June of 2012, he did the same thing to Governor Romney. Before Romney ran his first ad (before I saw any of his ads anyway), Obama was defining him so when the Romney ads hit the airwaves later on they had marginal effect on the contest.

Now, anyone who pays any attention to the political scene has seen Harry Reid obstruct bills from the House and in the upcoming weeks and months, you'll see Obama veto or threaten veto which is probably the greatest form of obstruction there is. For Immigration, however, the argument is framed, and the President executed it perfectly last evening.

Hey! What is broken about the system, exactly?

Saying: "The System is Broken" doesn't make it so. Saying that one 'did everything he could' to secure the border, doesn't make it so.

Saying that there was a spike in children flooding over the border, doesn't isolate one from being the one that CAUSED IT...

So what SPECIFICALLY about the system is broken?

And how SPECIFICALLY does the Peasantpimp stand up and state his intention to continue breaking the law, by refusing to enforce the law... fix the law?
Folks, what you're seeing in obama's declaration is RELATIVISM on PARADE!

'The Law doesn't serve my subjective needs, therefore The Law is Bad law and I will create a new law that does serve my subjective needs'.

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