Latest Black Fad: The Knock-Out Game

And still no comment on this:

"it will increase as we get nearer election time!!the foul ******* of the left all already accusing true whites of wanting to hang them from trees and enslave them!! the filthy vile subhuman bastards need to be shipped back to Africa!!"

why don't you comment on it? tell us how it justifies stomping a man to death because he is white. go ahead I'm listening. I'm all ears.

And still no comment on this:

"it will increase as we get nearer election time!!the foul ******* of the left all already accusing true whites of wanting to hang them from trees and enslave them!! the filthy vile subhuman bastards need to be shipped back to Africa!!"

still waiting coward.
why don't you comment on it? tell us how it justifies stomping a man to death because he is white. go ahead I'm listening. I'm all ears.

And still no comment on this:

"it will increase as we get nearer election time!!the foul ******* of the left all already accusing true whites of wanting to hang them from trees and enslave them!! the filthy vile subhuman bastards need to be shipped back to Africa!!"

still waiting coward.

He's white. That is the justification.

I see you agree with the "back to Africa" and "true whites" talk of your fellow racist white conservative.
This is why we everyone that's not a felon needs the right to open carry.
Open carry is no good. It leaves one vulnerable.

Unless one is a uniformed police officer, concealed carry is the way to go. And I recommend a .357 magnum Davis derringer. Small and very lethal.

I suggest a 50 cal with depleted uranium tipped bullets.
why don't you comment on it? tell us how it justifies stomping a man to death because he is white. go ahead I'm listening. I'm all ears.

And still no comment on this:

"it will increase as we get nearer election time!!the foul ******* of the left all already accusing true whites of wanting to hang them from trees and enslave them!! the filthy vile subhuman bastards need to be shipped back to Africa!!"

still waiting coward.
black animals ganging up on innocent humans are the true cowards !!...............FACT...BLACKS COMMIT VIOLENT CRIMES AGAINST WHITES 80 TIMES THE RATE THAT WHITES COMMIT VIOLENT CRIMES AGAINST BLACKS!! ...........FACT THE AVERAGE IQ OF A NEGRO IS 75...........FACT.....BLACKS CONTRACT STDs AT 10 TIMES THE RATE OF ANY OTHER RACE!!.............FACT.....THEIR IS NOT ONE COUNTRY ON EARTH WITH A BLACK MAJORITY THAT IS NOT A DISEASED SHIT HOLE!!..and I have many many more wonderful stats about your wonderful species !!
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And still no comment on this:

"it will increase as we get nearer election time!!the foul ******* of the left all already accusing true whites of wanting to hang them from trees and enslave them!! the filthy vile subhuman bastards need to be shipped back to Africa!!"

still waiting coward.
black animals ganging up on innocent humans are the true cowards !!...............FACT...BLACKS COMMIT VIOLENT CRIMES AGAINST WHITES 80 TIMES THE RATE THAT WHITES COMMIT VIOLENT CRIMES AGAINST BLACKS!! ...........FACT THE AVERAGE IQ OF A NEGRO IS 75...........FACT.....BLACKS CONTRACT STDs AT 10 TIMES THE RATE OF ANY OTHER RACE!!.............FACT.....THEIR IS NOT ONE COUNTRY ON EARTH WITH A BLACK MAJORITY THAT IS NOT A DISEASED SHIT HOLE!!..and I have many many more wonderful stats about your wonderful species !!

Fact: too bad they missed you.
The apparent increase in black violence against whites over the past couple of years seems to me to be very alarming. "Flash mobs," "knock out games," and just old-fashioned thuggery (as at the Iowa and Wisconsin state fairs) are becoming every-day occurrences. Perhaps this is where the "national conversation on race" that many have called for should begin.
this is where the conversation should end!! white MEN need to go to the fair!! there is a state fair coming up in my area soon .......though I have not been to one in many yrs maybe I'll get together with about 5 of my friends and check this one out!
still waiting coward.
black animals ganging up on innocent humans are the true cowards !!...............fact...blacks commit violent crimes against whites 80 times the rate that whites commit violent crimes against blacks!! ...........fact the average iq of a negro is 75...........fact.....blacks contract stds at 10 times the rate of any other race!!.............fact.....their is not one country on earth with a black majority that is not a diseased shit hole!!..and i have many many more wonderful stats about your wonderful species !!

fact: Too bad they missed you.
bwaaa haaa haaaa !!!.....hey every body it can"t refute the facts!! Bwaaa bhaaa haaa !! All it can say is to bad they missed you!!bwaaa haaa haaa !!
It's only going to get worse. Praise Allah.
It ain't the white folks you have to worry about as much as it is the Hispanics, they fucking hate blacks and they don't feel sorry for blacks like whites do.

Shit, the beaners drove all the ******* out of my neighborhood the San Fernando Valley.
everybody hates *******...the only ones that don't are the people that have very little contact with them!!
I've witnessed several incidents of black on white crime.

When I was deployed to Ft Riley myself and some of my team members were walking in a parking lot to a bar and one of my teammates was lagging behind a bit. He was wearing a cowboy hat and western cut shirt and jeans and boots.

3 youths with baggy pants and ball-caps jumped him started talking shit to him and had him surrounded. I saw what was going on and ran over asking them what the problem was. One of them jumped up in my face and started spitting and talking shit.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw one of them hit my bud in the head with what turned out to be a spray can cutting his forehead open. I jumped the guy and started tossing him around. It turned into a brawl and I remember during the ass-whipping we administered that a crowd of people in the outside bar was watching it and cheering us.

I guess in this case those idiots didn't have 20 or 30 friends to back their asses up and it ended up bad for them. The cops showed up and we didn't press charges. I had to take my bud to the hospital so our evening was ruined.

Black youths have a mob mentality. You have a problem with one of them and they gang up. And they really don't have much respect for authority, especially if you're white. Had a run-in with a bunch like that in an Army barracks during my time at Advanced NCO Academy at Ft Bragg once.....but that's another story.

My son was jumped by 6 black boys when he was about 11 or 12. Apparently, one got pissed because he was "flirting" with one of the boy's girlfriends. The kid decked him, and five others jumped in and started kicking him in the head. They didn't even know why he was hit; they just saw a white boy on the ground.

He wasn't hurt badly - physically. But the saddest part was he said to me "I thought those guys were my friends". How do you explain to a sixth grader that they are not his friends, and most likely never will be? Broke my heart.


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I've witnessed several incidents of black on white crime.

When I was deployed to Ft Riley myself and some of my team members were walking in a parking lot to a bar and one of my teammates was lagging behind a bit. He was wearing a cowboy hat and western cut shirt and jeans and boots.

3 youths with baggy pants and ball-caps jumped him started talking shit to him and had him surrounded. I saw what was going on and ran over asking them what the problem was. One of them jumped up in my face and started spitting and talking shit.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw one of them hit my bud in the head with what turned out to be a spray can cutting his forehead open. I jumped the guy and started tossing him around. It turned into a brawl and I remember during the ass-whipping we administered that a crowd of people in the outside bar was watching it and cheering us.

I guess in this case those idiots didn't have 20 or 30 friends to back their asses up and it ended up bad for them. The cops showed up and we didn't press charges. I had to take my bud to the hospital so our evening was ruined.

Black youths have a mob mentality. You have a problem with one of them and they gang up. And they really don't have much respect for authority, especially if you're white. Had a run-in with a bunch like that in an Army barracks during my time at Advanced NCO Academy at Ft Bragg once.....but that's another story.

My son was jumped by 6 black boys when he was about 11 or 12. Apparently, one got pissed because he was "flirting" with one of the boy's girlfriends. The kid decked him, and five others jumped in and started kicking him in the head. They didn't even know why he was hit; they just saw a white boy on the ground.

He wasn't hurt badly - physically. But the saddest part was he said to me "I thought those guys were my friends". How do you explain to a sixth grader that they are not his friends, and most likely never will be? Broke my heart.
blacks have an animal pack mentality!! in a lot of tribes that have little contact with whites the black animals will attack and devour an injured ******!!:eek:
I've witnessed several incidents of black on white crime.

When I was deployed to Ft Riley myself and some of my team members were walking in a parking lot to a bar and one of my teammates was lagging behind a bit. He was wearing a cowboy hat and western cut shirt and jeans and boots.

3 youths with baggy pants and ball-caps jumped him started talking shit to him and had him surrounded. I saw what was going on and ran over asking them what the problem was. One of them jumped up in my face and started spitting and talking shit.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw one of them hit my bud in the head with what turned out to be a spray can cutting his forehead open. I jumped the guy and started tossing him around. It turned into a brawl and I remember during the ass-whipping we administered that a crowd of people in the outside bar was watching it and cheering us.

I guess in this case those idiots didn't have 20 or 30 friends to back their asses up and it ended up bad for them. The cops showed up and we didn't press charges. I had to take my bud to the hospital so our evening was ruined.

Black youths have a mob mentality. You have a problem with one of them and they gang up. And they really don't have much respect for authority, especially if you're white. Had a run-in with a bunch like that in an Army barracks during my time at Advanced NCO Academy at Ft Bragg once.....but that's another story.

My son was jumped by 6 black boys when he was about 11 or 12. Apparently, one got pissed because he was "flirting" with one of the boy's girlfriends. The kid decked him, and five others jumped in and started kicking him in the head. They didn't even know why he was hit; they just saw a white boy on the ground.

He wasn't hurt badly - physically. But the saddest part was he said to me "I thought those guys were my friends". How do you explain to a sixth grader that they are not his friends, and most likely never will be? Broke my heart.
blacks have an animal pack mentality!! in a lot of tribes that have little contact with whites the black animals will attack and devour an injured ******!!:eek:

You have a fudge pack mentality.

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