Late Stage Socialism: Venezuela Kidnaps Chevron Execs

About "the Venezuelans are more than capable of screwing themselves", oh I get it. You think these people are incapable of making their own decisions and deciding for themselves what their future should be. That is, you don't believe in democracy for others. So, America steps in and steals their resources.

Do they currently have a functioning democratic republic down there?

Yes or no?

My god are some moron college student being spoon fed garbage from some lefty professor?

About "Do they currently have a functioning democratic republic down there?" It varies from country to country. Yet, let me return a question, Does America currently have a functioning democratic republic? Answer: No!

Yes, it does. Please tell me why it doesn't.

What is non-functional about our current republic?

Well, the Princeton study "Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens" says in the abstract:


Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralis.

(End quote)

In other words, America does not have a functioning democratic republic!

So some eggheads opinion is being taken as fact by a mouth breather like you....

So no real proof.

Thanks for playing, have fun being made fun of.
You say "professor" and the leftards turn off what little brain cells they had.
Any top heavy dictatorship is a collectivist one.

There are all sorts of flavors, communism, socialism, fascism, etc. All fail for that same reason.

Then again, not even Pinochet's government saw 4000% inflation and people eating out of garbage cans, so maybe it was a better flavor of collectivism.

To say that "dictatorships" include "communism" and "socialism" means you do not understand the definitions of those words. Dictatorship is a form of government. Communism and socialism are economic systems. If they become totalitarian the sharing the was advocated in socialism is soon gone, and it is no longer socialism (e.g. the old Soviet Union and China today!)

But the economic conditions are what form dictatorships. It's all about control over the pocket book.

In fact, that is why socialism and communism have historically been so appealing to dictators such as Hitler. He called his party the socialist party as he micromanaged the economic activity of the populace so that he could siphon the money to two entities, the military and the welfare system.

Hitler's only goal was the conquest of the world, but he feared the internal uprisings that occurred during WW1 due to poor living standards, so he created a massive nanny state that gave the German people a higher standard of living throughout the war that was even better than the US and UK. Shrug, it worked. He bought off the people of Germany as he purchased their souls so that they would overlook mass genocide and never ending war. There were no uprisings like they saw during WW1

Both socialism and communism demand a never ending micromanagement of every aspect of society. Both systems are the most oppressive ever created.

About "socialism demand a never ending micromanagement", this is not true, if you have read on all forms of socialism. Remember "farmer cooperatives" are a form of socialism.

There are some forms that work, such as the Amish. Here though you have the option of "getting out" and not being Amish.

But from a secular government model, there is no way out. In fact, we see with Venezuela socialists blaming the US for their failure as if socialism can only work if it is world wide or something.

No, with socialism/communism, you either are forced into the system or you are oppressed by not participating.

About "getting out", ask the poor of America how they get out! There is no way for them to get out of this failing economy - and yes, for them, it has failed. Thus it is true that for capitalism "you either are forced into the system or you are oppressed by not participating."

About "Venezuela socialists blaming the US for their failure", you are trying to pretend that the US government is not trying to screw them over - and as such - you have no idea how much damage we are doing.

Add to this, some of Venezuela's problems are directly from features of capitalism. Much is made of the hunger in Venezuela. Yet, their agriculture was destroyed by "Dutch Disease", a well understood feature of capitalism.
The dirt poor can become very well off in America. I'm living proof. They have a way out of poverty. Whether they take it or not is their choice.
To say that "dictatorships" include "communism" and "socialism" means you do not understand the definitions of those words. Dictatorship is a form of government. Communism and socialism are economic systems. If they become totalitarian the sharing the was advocated in socialism is soon gone, and it is no longer socialism (e.g. the old Soviet Union and China today!)

But the economic conditions are what form dictatorships. It's all about control over the pocket book.

In fact, that is why socialism and communism have historically been so appealing to dictators such as Hitler. He called his party the socialist party as he micromanaged the economic activity of the populace so that he could siphon the money to two entities, the military and the welfare system.

Hitler's only goal was the conquest of the world, but he feared the internal uprisings that occurred during WW1 due to poor living standards, so he created a massive nanny state that gave the German people a higher standard of living throughout the war that was even better than the US and UK. Shrug, it worked. He bought off the people of Germany as he purchased their souls so that they would overlook mass genocide and never ending war. There were no uprisings like they saw during WW1

Both socialism and communism demand a never ending micromanagement of every aspect of society. Both systems are the most oppressive ever created.

About "socialism demand a never ending micromanagement", this is not true, if you have read on all forms of socialism. Remember "farmer cooperatives" are a form of socialism.

There are some forms that work, such as the Amish. Here though you have the option of "getting out" and not being Amish.

But from a secular government model, there is no way out. In fact, we see with Venezuela socialists blaming the US for their failure as if socialism can only work if it is world wide or something.

No, with socialism/communism, you either are forced into the system or you are oppressed by not participating.

About "getting out", ask the poor of America how they get out! There is no way for them to get out of this failing economy - and yes, for them, it has failed. Thus it is true that for capitalism "you either are forced into the system or you are oppressed by not participating."

About "Venezuela socialists blaming the US for their failure", you are trying to pretend that the US government is not trying to screw them over - and as such - you have no idea how much damage we are doing.

Add to this, some of Venezuela's problems are directly from features of capitalism. Much is made of the hunger in Venezuela. Yet, their agriculture was destroyed by "Dutch Disease", a well understood feature of capitalism.
The dirt poor can become very well off in America. I'm living proof. They have a way out of poverty. Whether they take it or not is their choice.

Now, what kind of a person draws a conclusion about a society from a sample space of ONE - that is, from themself? This is little different from those who decide how the world is doing by looking at what is happening down the block from them.
Do they currently have a functioning democratic republic down there?

Yes or no?

My god are some moron college student being spoon fed garbage from some lefty professor?

About "Do they currently have a functioning democratic republic down there?" It varies from country to country. Yet, let me return a question, Does America currently have a functioning democratic republic? Answer: No!

Yes, it does. Please tell me why it doesn't.

What is non-functional about our current republic?

Well, the Princeton study "Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens" says in the abstract:


Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralis.

(End quote)

In other words, America does not have a functioning democratic republic!

So some eggheads opinion is being taken as fact by a mouth breather like you....

So no real proof.

Thanks for playing, have fun being made fun of.
You say "professor" and the leftards turn off what little brain cells they had.

A sign of those who "turn off what little brain cells they have" is found when evidence is offered, and the person decides to ignore or denigrate it, because it does not fit with what they want to believe. They would rather say, "We know nothing!"
But the economic conditions are what form dictatorships. It's all about control over the pocket book.

In fact, that is why socialism and communism have historically been so appealing to dictators such as Hitler. He called his party the socialist party as he micromanaged the economic activity of the populace so that he could siphon the money to two entities, the military and the welfare system.

Hitler's only goal was the conquest of the world, but he feared the internal uprisings that occurred during WW1 due to poor living standards, so he created a massive nanny state that gave the German people a higher standard of living throughout the war that was even better than the US and UK. Shrug, it worked. He bought off the people of Germany as he purchased their souls so that they would overlook mass genocide and never ending war. There were no uprisings like they saw during WW1

Both socialism and communism demand a never ending micromanagement of every aspect of society. Both systems are the most oppressive ever created.

About "socialism demand a never ending micromanagement", this is not true, if you have read on all forms of socialism. Remember "farmer cooperatives" are a form of socialism.

There are some forms that work, such as the Amish. Here though you have the option of "getting out" and not being Amish.

But from a secular government model, there is no way out. In fact, we see with Venezuela socialists blaming the US for their failure as if socialism can only work if it is world wide or something.

No, with socialism/communism, you either are forced into the system or you are oppressed by not participating.

About "getting out", ask the poor of America how they get out! There is no way for them to get out of this failing economy - and yes, for them, it has failed. Thus it is true that for capitalism "you either are forced into the system or you are oppressed by not participating."

About "Venezuela socialists blaming the US for their failure", you are trying to pretend that the US government is not trying to screw them over - and as such - you have no idea how much damage we are doing.

Add to this, some of Venezuela's problems are directly from features of capitalism. Much is made of the hunger in Venezuela. Yet, their agriculture was destroyed by "Dutch Disease", a well understood feature of capitalism.
The dirt poor can become very well off in America. I'm living proof. They have a way out of poverty. Whether they take it or not is their choice.

Now, what kind of a person draws a conclusion about a society from a sample space of ONE - that is, from themself? This is little different from those who decide how the world is doing by looking at what is happening down the block from them.
You pretend to speak for entire countries and governments, but I can't?

Eat less sugar.
About "Do they currently have a functioning democratic republic down there?" It varies from country to country. Yet, let me return a question, Does America currently have a functioning democratic republic? Answer: No!

Yes, it does. Please tell me why it doesn't.

What is non-functional about our current republic?

Well, the Princeton study "Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens" says in the abstract:


Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralis.

(End quote)

In other words, America does not have a functioning democratic republic!

So some eggheads opinion is being taken as fact by a mouth breather like you....

So no real proof.

Thanks for playing, have fun being made fun of.
You say "professor" and the leftards turn off what little brain cells they had.

A sign of those who "turn off what little brain cells they have" is found when evidence is offered, and the person decides to ignore or denigrate it, because it does not fit with what they want to believe. They would rather say, "We know nothing!"
Other than inflation being 6 digits, people eating their pets for food, gangs controlling landfills because it’s a food source, what’s not to love about socialism in Venezuela!
To say that "dictatorships" include "communism" and "socialism" means you do not understand the definitions of those words. Dictatorship is a form of government. Communism and socialism are economic systems. If they become totalitarian the sharing the was advocated in socialism is soon gone, and it is no longer socialism (e.g. the old Soviet Union and China today!)

But the economic conditions are what form dictatorships. It's all about control over the pocket book.

In fact, that is why socialism and communism have historically been so appealing to dictators such as Hitler. He called his party the socialist party as he micromanaged the economic activity of the populace so that he could siphon the money to two entities, the military and the welfare system.

Hitler's only goal was the conquest of the world, but he feared the internal uprisings that occurred during WW1 due to poor living standards, so he created a massive nanny state that gave the German people a higher standard of living throughout the war that was even better than the US and UK. Shrug, it worked. He bought off the people of Germany as he purchased their souls so that they would overlook mass genocide and never ending war. There were no uprisings like they saw during WW1

Both socialism and communism demand a never ending micromanagement of every aspect of society. Both systems are the most oppressive ever created.

About "socialism demand a never ending micromanagement", this is not true, if you have read on all forms of socialism. Remember "farmer cooperatives" are a form of socialism.

There are some forms that work, such as the Amish. Here though you have the option of "getting out" and not being Amish.

But from a secular government model, there is no way out. In fact, we see with Venezuela socialists blaming the US for their failure as if socialism can only work if it is world wide or something.

No, with socialism/communism, you either are forced into the system or you are oppressed by not participating.

About "getting out", ask the poor of America how they get out! There is no way for them to get out of this failing economy - and yes, for them, it has failed. Thus it is true that for capitalism "you either are forced into the system or you are oppressed by not participating."

About "Venezuela socialists blaming the US for their failure", you are trying to pretend that the US government is not trying to screw them over - and as such - you have no idea how much damage we are doing.

Add to this, some of Venezuela's problems are directly from features of capitalism. Much is made of the hunger in Venezuela. Yet, their agriculture was destroyed by "Dutch Disease", a well understood feature of capitalism.
The dirt poor can become very well off in America. I'm living proof. They have a way out of poverty. Whether they take it or not is their choice.
Yep. I grew up in poverty and now retired early with a healthy bank account all because America allowed me the opportunity to succeed.
Bite the hand.

Chevron said on Tuesday two of its executives were arrested in Venezuela, a rare move likely to spook foreign energy firms still operating in the OPEC nation stricken by hyperinflation, shortages and crime. […]

I think the word is “kidnapped”.

The arrests highlight risks for foreign firms in Venezuela. Some insiders say a fracturing ruling elite is using the purge to wage turf wars or settle scores.

Venezuela arrests two Chevron executives amid oil purge

No surprise Venezuela has problems! You can bet that the CIA and others are working, from both inside and outside of the country, to screw over the government - as in "regime change."

Yeah sure. It has nothing to do with idiots running the country to benefit themselves while telling the peons to piss off. A sure recipe for a caring, loving, benevolent dictatorship!
But the economic conditions are what form dictatorships. It's all about control over the pocket book.

In fact, that is why socialism and communism have historically been so appealing to dictators such as Hitler. He called his party the socialist party as he micromanaged the economic activity of the populace so that he could siphon the money to two entities, the military and the welfare system.

Hitler's only goal was the conquest of the world, but he feared the internal uprisings that occurred during WW1 due to poor living standards, so he created a massive nanny state that gave the German people a higher standard of living throughout the war that was even better than the US and UK. Shrug, it worked. He bought off the people of Germany as he purchased their souls so that they would overlook mass genocide and never ending war. There were no uprisings like they saw during WW1

Both socialism and communism demand a never ending micromanagement of every aspect of society. Both systems are the most oppressive ever created.

About "socialism demand a never ending micromanagement", this is not true, if you have read on all forms of socialism. Remember "farmer cooperatives" are a form of socialism.

There are some forms that work, such as the Amish. Here though you have the option of "getting out" and not being Amish.

But from a secular government model, there is no way out. In fact, we see with Venezuela socialists blaming the US for their failure as if socialism can only work if it is world wide or something.

No, with socialism/communism, you either are forced into the system or you are oppressed by not participating.

About "getting out", ask the poor of America how they get out! There is no way for them to get out of this failing economy - and yes, for them, it has failed. Thus it is true that for capitalism "you either are forced into the system or you are oppressed by not participating."

About "Venezuela socialists blaming the US for their failure", you are trying to pretend that the US government is not trying to screw them over - and as such - you have no idea how much damage we are doing.

Add to this, some of Venezuela's problems are directly from features of capitalism. Much is made of the hunger in Venezuela. Yet, their agriculture was destroyed by "Dutch Disease", a well understood feature of capitalism.
The dirt poor can become very well off in America. I'm living proof. They have a way out of poverty. Whether they take it or not is their choice.
Yep. I grew up in poverty and now retired early with a healthy bank account all because America allowed me the opportunity to succeed.

About "America allowed me the opportunity to succeed", oh yes, "social mobility" is something America once had, but no more. Have a look at the graph and you find that things have changed. America now has dismal opportunities for the next generation.


  • Relative-Social-Mobility-of-Wealthy-Nations-2-1024x639.jpg
    54.9 KB · Views: 32
About "socialism demand a never ending micromanagement", this is not true, if you have read on all forms of socialism. Remember "farmer cooperatives" are a form of socialism.

There are some forms that work, such as the Amish. Here though you have the option of "getting out" and not being Amish.

But from a secular government model, there is no way out. In fact, we see with Venezuela socialists blaming the US for their failure as if socialism can only work if it is world wide or something.

No, with socialism/communism, you either are forced into the system or you are oppressed by not participating.

About "getting out", ask the poor of America how they get out! There is no way for them to get out of this failing economy - and yes, for them, it has failed. Thus it is true that for capitalism "you either are forced into the system or you are oppressed by not participating."

About "Venezuela socialists blaming the US for their failure", you are trying to pretend that the US government is not trying to screw them over - and as such - you have no idea how much damage we are doing.

Add to this, some of Venezuela's problems are directly from features of capitalism. Much is made of the hunger in Venezuela. Yet, their agriculture was destroyed by "Dutch Disease", a well understood feature of capitalism.
The dirt poor can become very well off in America. I'm living proof. They have a way out of poverty. Whether they take it or not is their choice.
Yep. I grew up in poverty and now retired early with a healthy bank account all because America allowed me the opportunity to succeed.

About "America allowed me the opportunity to succeed", oh yes, "social mobility" is something America once had, but no more. Have a look at the graph and you find that things have changed. America now has dismal opportunities for the next generation.
You need to get out more. I know dozens of people under 35 who once lived in low income homes and are now white collar workers owning nice homes.

Your hatred of America shows you have spent sufficient time in universities to get brainwashed into being totally ignorant of reality.

PS - learn how to post graphics.
There are some forms that work, such as the Amish. Here though you have the option of "getting out" and not being Amish.

But from a secular government model, there is no way out. In fact, we see with Venezuela socialists blaming the US for their failure as if socialism can only work if it is world wide or something.

No, with socialism/communism, you either are forced into the system or you are oppressed by not participating.

About "getting out", ask the poor of America how they get out! There is no way for them to get out of this failing economy - and yes, for them, it has failed. Thus it is true that for capitalism "you either are forced into the system or you are oppressed by not participating."

About "Venezuela socialists blaming the US for their failure", you are trying to pretend that the US government is not trying to screw them over - and as such - you have no idea how much damage we are doing.

Add to this, some of Venezuela's problems are directly from features of capitalism. Much is made of the hunger in Venezuela. Yet, their agriculture was destroyed by "Dutch Disease", a well understood feature of capitalism.
The dirt poor can become very well off in America. I'm living proof. They have a way out of poverty. Whether they take it or not is their choice.
Yep. I grew up in poverty and now retired early with a healthy bank account all because America allowed me the opportunity to succeed.

About "America allowed me the opportunity to succeed", oh yes, "social mobility" is something America once had, but no more. Have a look at the graph and you find that things have changed. America now has dismal opportunities for the next generation.
You need to get out more. I know dozens of people under 35 who once lived in low income homes and are now white collar workers owning nice homes.

Your hatred of America shows you have spent sufficient time in universities to get brainwashed into being totally ignorant of reality.

PS - learn how to post graphics.

About "get out more", I have! Yet, beyond that I see you do not like facts that get in the way of what you want to believe. It is a fact that social mobility has declined in America, and, looking at more than a few individuals (which is a dumb way to come to a conclusion), the youth of today do not have the same opportunities you had.

About "Universities", I see you "don't want any of that book learning stuff!"

Incidentally, I am probably just as old, if not older, than you! And I still like learning things from books, reading research, and listening to people who have spent their lives studying a topic.
Some pictures of our great depression due to capitalism run amuck. Happens often but the capitalists always get a bailout from the government they profess to hate.

pictures of depression era america - Google Search:
The Depression was a worldwide event, dufus, affecting every form of government on the planet.

Your ignorance is amazing.

Yes, the depression was worldwide, because capitalism was world wide!

After the 1929 crash, Roosevelt regulated the economy - as in the Glass-Steagall Act. The rich hated the regulations and set about undoing the regulations. Fast forward to 2008, and unregulated capitalism crashes the economy - and again, it was a worldwide crash!
Some pictures of our great depression due to capitalism run amuck. Happens often but the capitalists always get a bailout from the government they profess to hate.

pictures of depression era america - Google Search:
The Depression was a worldwide event, dufus, affecting every form of government on the planet.

Your ignorance is amazing.

Yes, the depression was worldwide, because capitalism was world wide!

After the 1929 crash, Roosevelt regulated the economy - as in the Glass-Steagall Act. The rich hated the regulations and set about undoing the regulations. Fast forward to 2008, and unregulated capitalism crashes the economy - and again, it was a worldwide crash!
Shitforbrains thinks the USSR was capitalist.:auiqs.jpg:
About "getting out", ask the poor of America how they get out! There is no way for them to get out of this failing economy - and yes, for them, it has failed. Thus it is true that for capitalism "you either are forced into the system or you are oppressed by not participating."

About "Venezuela socialists blaming the US for their failure", you are trying to pretend that the US government is not trying to screw them over - and as such - you have no idea how much damage we are doing.

Add to this, some of Venezuela's problems are directly from features of capitalism. Much is made of the hunger in Venezuela. Yet, their agriculture was destroyed by "Dutch Disease", a well understood feature of capitalism.
The dirt poor can become very well off in America. I'm living proof. They have a way out of poverty. Whether they take it or not is their choice.
Yep. I grew up in poverty and now retired early with a healthy bank account all because America allowed me the opportunity to succeed.

About "America allowed me the opportunity to succeed", oh yes, "social mobility" is something America once had, but no more. Have a look at the graph and you find that things have changed. America now has dismal opportunities for the next generation.
You need to get out more. I know dozens of people under 35 who once lived in low income homes and are now white collar workers owning nice homes.

Your hatred of America shows you have spent sufficient time in universities to get brainwashed into being totally ignorant of reality.

PS - learn how to post graphics.

About "get out more", I have! Yet, beyond that I see you do not like facts that get in the way of what you want to believe. It is a fact that social mobility has declined in America, and, looking at more than a few individuals (which is a dumb way to come to a conclusion), the youth of today do not have the same opportunities you had.

About "Universities", I see you "don't want any of that book learning stuff!"

Incidentally, I am probably just as old, if not older, than you! And I still like learning things from books, reading research, and listening to people who have spent their lives studying a topic.
That's funny, because the only nations were people have starved to death in the past century are nations that are not capitalist.

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