Last night Colbert used one of my clips

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[ame=]Where The White Women At? - Blazing Saddles - YouTube[/ame]
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I have heard the Pee wee defense actually mentioned on news TV.

I even heard Newt call someone a poopy head as an attempt to malign someone who he felt was insulting him.

just who is watching when we post here.

It has to make one wonder
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In the furture look for Shut the fuck up Donny to apear somewhere
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[ame=]Wacko GOP Civil War: Romney Lost Because He is a 'Poopy Head?' - YouTube[/ame]

wholey shit a buch of guys used the poopy line?
dudes why are you pretending I gave only ONE example.

what will you say when someone on a comedy shows the "shut the fuck up Donnie" clip?
There are a shit load of comedy movies to pull stuff from.

Why is it the clips I use keep tyurning up on TV ?

Im telling people watch these sights to see what people are keyed into.

then they gleen the good stuff for their own use

Here's a clue. Everyone knows how to use Youtube. It's just not impressive.


Start looking for your own comments being used.

Im telling you they monitor the chat sights to find what people are keyed into
Really? You think they are monitoring USMB to glean for MEMEs?


You are linking to YouTube, owned by Google, which most assuredly provides trending stats via Google Analytics or the YT equivalent.
I have seen the "I know you are but what am I" pee wee stuff mentioned on TV news talk shows.

The republican party used my whole idea of the "Poopy" example to paint your detractor as a childish fooll.

I thought of these things on my own you clowns and guess who ended up using them?
anyone who would think that someone would NOT think of monitoring chat sights to see what is compelling people to talk politics is an Idiot.

Its not just this siight its all the big sites.

Go look at the spider bots on this site alone.

a shit load
You didn't think of them on your own.

Somebody else made those movies, and those quotes/clips are among the most well known. They've been part of the pop culture vernacular for years.
anyone who would think that someone would NOT think of monitoring chat sights to see what is compelling people to talk politics is an Idiot.

Its not just this siight its all the big sites.

Go look at the spider bots on this site alone.

a shit load

And it's a drop in the bucket compared to the volume of the internets. Yes, USMB trends contribute to the global stats, but they aren't enough to tip the needle materially.

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