Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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First picture of Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock
I would not call the process 'easy'. Especially in California
The nation is awash with firearms. Toddlers pay the price, don't back pedal now.

If a toddler dies because of someone firearm the one to blame is the firearm owner and not the gun.

I understand that personal responsibility is not for those like you and maybe you should never own a firearm but for the majority of Americans they are responsible gun owners.

Also more kids die in traffic accidents than the illegal usage of a firearm...
Americans are infatuated with firearms.

Yep. They see it as an insurance policy. And the elephant in the room is that a lot of Americans - especially men - well, it makes them feel big. They'll never admit to it.
As long as the National Rifle Association continues its successful strategy of getting Americans to support politicians who agree with the U.S. Supreme Court that any Tom, Dick, and Harry can own an arsenal, this will happen again and again.
Whoever this shooter was, he was a piece of shit. No matter if he was a "Trump supporter" or "a Bernie guy". I'm willing to bet he was on the radar for being a nutcase, but in America nutcases are allowed to be free instead of being locked up for everyone's safety. We need to make some big changes to keep people safe.

Going forward, it's going to be practically a strip search to attend an event such as this.
As long as the National Rifle Association continues its successful strategy of getting Americans to support politicians who agree with the U.S. Supreme Court that any Tom, Dick, and Harry can own an arsenal, this will happen again and again.

meh.. It's their problem. Glad it is one I don't have. I've given up trying to convince gun nuts that their 'hobby' belongs in the dark ages.
Who's back pedaling?
Oh. I thought you might be. I'm pleased to have been mistaken and am happy you still consider a few toddler deaths a reasonable price to pay for easy access to firearms in the US.

Well seeing more toddlers die because of those like you behind the wheel of a automobile mean you should not be allow to drive.
I would not call the process 'easy'. Especially in California
The nation is awash with firearms. Toddlers pay the price, don't back pedal now.

If a toddler dies because of someone firearm the one to blame is the firearm owner and not the gun.

I understand that personal responsibility is not for those like you and maybe you should never own a firearm but for the majority of Americans they are responsible gun owners.
This is no consolation to the families of the innocent dead and injured.

Also more kids die in traffic accidents than the illegal usage of a firearm...
Stop trying to change the subject.
It's Muslims. Just like France and San Bernadino.

It was a country music show so there's a good chance it was a BLM sympathizer

I see you can't make up your mind. Maybe you should wait for some facts to come in before you make yourself look like an ass.

Police Identify Lone Las Vegas Shooter As Stephen Paddock | HuffPost
The slain gunman police described as the “sole aggressor” in the mass shooting at a Las Vegas concert has been identified as Stephen Paddock, 64, of nearby Mesquite.
Who wants to bet, by the end of this day, Monday Oct 2.....that the media will morphe this all into a Bernie/Hillary/Obama supporter who hate Trump and wanted revenge.....its never gonna be about crazy white people, its gonna be about the left vs the right...and folks you heard it hear first!!
My my
deflection begins already for shooter being non white
The photo's are out, its an old white guy who proboally lost his life's saving in Vegas.
Sounds like you need one

Never owned a gun. Will never own a gun. No need to own a gun. Have no desire to own a gun. Why? Because I don't need to prove anything to anybody and I live in a society where there is little gun violence, and when there is gun violence 90% of the time it is crim on crim. I'm happy with that.
Sounds like you don't live in the states
Well seeing more toddlers die because of those like you behind the wheel of a automobile mean you should not be allow to drive.

Yeah, let's line up those murdering sons of bitches who purposely killed kids in their cars. BTW, how do you know how the poster you are posting to drives? what do you mean "those like you" behind the wheel? You know his driving record?
Whoever this shooter was, he was a piece of shit. No matter if he was a "Trump supporter" or "a Bernie guy". I'm willing to bet he was on the radar for being a nutcase, but in America nutcases are allowed to be free instead of being locked up for everyone's safety. We need to make some big changes to keep people safe.
A President Trump supporter wouldn't break the law by shooting people with an illegal weapon. While a Bernie Supporter went to a baseball field and shot up Republicans who were practicing for the Congressional Baseball event. This is just more of that liberal hatred to every other person who wont bow down to the liberal agenda. At first it was a poke, then it was a nudge, then it was a punch, now it is bloodshed.

The Civil War started when Ferguson was burned, it is spreading around the country like a plague. People, if you don't prepare for the worst and pray for the better, you will be a victim just like those in Las Vegas. Don't be a victim of liberal hatred.
Get the fuck outta here, admit it, white people are insane...regardless of party affiliation.

Oh golly, you figured it out. Yep, we're all nuts. I need to run now, my Martian housekeeper is fighting again with my elves.
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