Las Vegas shooting: Reports of shooter at Mandalay Bay Casino

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If guns are designed specifically to kill people then they are terribly designed. Ninety nine percent of all guns have never fired on a person and 80% of all gun shot victims survive.

A car is a much more effective killer of people than a gun will ever be ... and it comes with it's own soundtrack.

So are you saying that guns AREN'T designed to kill people? However, what is the rate of people purposefully killed by a car as opposed to a gun. Also, there are literally 10s of 1000s of car accidents a day where nobody is killed.
"Stephen Craig Paddock, 64, has lived on Babbling Brook Court in Mesquite, Nevada, since June 2016. He previously lived in Reno, Nevada, from 2011 to 2016, and also had an address in Melbourne, Florida, from 2013 to 2015. He has also lived in Henderson, Nevada, and several locations in California since 1990."

Kinda sounds like a Bundy Mobster.

The guy is an Asian American. More likely he is ANTIFA shooting at a Country Rock concert of more likely Trump supporters..
So are you saying that guns AREN'T designed to kill people?

I use a firearm every day on my job. I am not trained to kill people with it, I'm trained to stop behaviors.

I have yet to ever shoot a human being with a firearm.
Just for the record, Muslims are not violent in this country, its always crazy nigga's or rednecks....I personally would rather live around illegals and muslims than that bunch of violent nuts.
I swear to you guys, there are tons of countries with 0 guns or hardly any guns....Guess what??? no mass shootings, no killings at workplaces, schooles, shopping malls, roads, households, preschools, stadiums, ect....beleive me i've lived in one for 23 years, i've never heard of someone getting killed by a gun, because simply there are none.
It's doable ban guns completely you wont have these mass shootings.

Shootings are acceptable risk to live in America


Is the dumbest thing, this relation between some and guns. dozens of countries don't have this issue, simply because there's no easy access to guns...why can't americans give up their guns and live like many other countries live in Peace!!!

Because we don't want too, plus our Bill of Rights ensures this right

Next question


Prehistoric laws, they need to be changed so Americans can live in peace and in a civilized environment. It seems as if some want to stay in the era of the wild wild west.

You have no idea what it takes to change a Constitutional Amendment do you?

Even if you could repeal the Second Amendment through the House and Senate you still need the President signature and the majority of States to agree and it would take decades to do it if it were possible and it is not!

So please learn how things work here in the States before telling us how to change our Constitution!
If guns are designed specifically to kill people then they are terribly designed. Ninety nine percent of all guns have never fired on a person and 80% of all gun shot victims survive.

A car is a much more effective killer of people than a gun will ever be ... and it comes with it's own soundtrack.

So are you saying that guns AREN'T designed to kill people? However, what is the rate of people purposefully killed by a car as opposed to a gun. Also, there are literally 10s of 1000s of car accidents a day where nobody is killed.
Also, there are literally 10s of 1000s of car accidents a day where nobody is killed.

and firearms are used hundreds of 1000s of times a day with no one getting hurt.

I've owned firearms for over 50 years, and not once has anyone been hurt by them.

Same can be said of my brothers, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, etc usage of firearms.

not to mention millions of other firearms across the nation
Whoever this shooter was, he was a piece of shit. No matter if he was a "Trump supporter" or "a Bernie guy". I'm willing to bet he was on the radar for being a nutcase, but in America nutcases are allowed to be free instead of being locked up for everyone's safety. We need to make some big changes to keep people safe.
A President Trump supporter wouldn't break the law by shooting people with an illegal weapon. While a Bernie Supporter went to a baseball field and shot up Republicans who were practicing for the Congressional Baseball event. This is just more of that liberal hatred to every other person who wont bow down to the liberal agenda. At first it was a poke, then it was a nudge, then it was a punch, now it is bloodshed.

The Civil War started when Ferguson was burned, it is spreading around the country like a plague. People, if you don't prepare for the worst and pray for the better, you will be a victim just like those in Las Vegas. Don't be a victim of liberal hatred.
Get the fuck outta here, admit it, white people are insane...regardless of party affiliation.
Who wants to bet, by the end of this day, Monday Oct 2.....that the media will morphe this all into a Bernie/Hillary/Obama supporter who hate Trump and wanted revenge.....its never gonna be about crazy white people, its gonna be about the left vs the right...and folks you heard it hear first!!
My my
deflection begins already for shooter being non white
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