Las Vegas Shooter's Criminal Past---Buh, Buh, BUh, He's Got RIGHTS!

As for my plan, when they are convicted felons, the cops should check them and their crib and their car out every so often and if they possess a gun send them away for a long stretch. That way, it doesn't matter how they got the gun. Your way, you're only checking if they try to buy a gun legally.

The system is rigged.

the BATF stormtroopers massacred 90 Americans in Waco, Texas and got away with it because their powerfiul allies inside the DC beltway decided to look the other way. They are still gainfully employed and carry firearms.

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As for my plan, when they are convicted felons, the cops should check them and their crib and their car out every so often and if they possess a gun send them away for a long stretch. That way, it doesn't matter how they got the gun. Your way, you're only checking if they try to buy a gun legally.

The system is rigged.

the BATF stormtroopers massacred 90 Americans in Waco, Texas and got away with it because their powerfiul allies inside the DC beltway decided to look the other way. They bare still gainfully employed and carry firearms.


Janet Reno murdered 90 Americans in Waco and more in Ruby Ridge. With the left wing media, for Republicans, no explanation is good enough. For Democrats, no explanation is required.
don't think that "Your sweeping statements leave a lot of questions unanswered but-----but I'm not surprised, it's how Republitarians roll.

Maybe they do moron, but I'm a libertarian not a Republican.

I'm guessing you're being facetious when you say "I meant people who steal a stick of gum should be in jail the rest of their lives."
I would call you the master of the obvious, but we've already established the obvious is beyond your grasp.

if you are being facetious where do you draw the line-----where do you draw the line for locking people/criminals up so they can't get guns and-----and how do you propose to pay for policing your ehem "plan"?[/COLOR]

People who commit violent crimes with weapons. The subject we are discussing. What is wrong with you?

You're free to self describe yourself any way you want, heck, you can park your ass in a garage-plug yourself into the wall and call yourself a Tesla for all I care but-----but your words betray you.

No answers?
OK I get it you got your tit stuck in a ringer - you didn't think your "plan" through and now it hurts just as much to wind your "plan" forward as it does to wind your "plan" back.

Why are you afraid to tell us how a tax cutter like yourself is going to pay for "Keep our domestic criminals in jail"?

It's a no brainer to name-call, why do you post anything, if all you're going to do is chop my posts-respond only to minor points and name-call? My counsel to you is; cut your losses, commit M/B Hara-Kiri, go do something that doesn't get your panties in a knot and-----and try some
don't think that "Your sweeping statements leave a lot of questions unanswered but-----but I'm not surprised, it's how Republitarians roll.

Maybe they do moron, but I'm a libertarian not a Republican.

I would call you the master of the obvious, but we've already established the obvious is beyond your grasp.

if you are being facetious where do you draw the line-----where do you draw the line for locking people/criminals up so they can't get guns and-----and how do you propose to pay for policing your ehem "plan"?[/COLOR]

People who commit violent crimes with weapons. The subject we are discussing. What is wrong with you?

You're free to self describe yourself any way you want, heck, you can park your ass in a garage-plug yourself into the wall and call yourself a Tesla for all I care but-----but your words betray you.

Do they? I got you. My words betray I'm a Republican. I'm pro-choice, anti-death penalty, think all drugs should be legal, think prostitution and gambling should be legal and I'm against our presence in the Middle East and against the use of our military for anything but strict defensive purposes.

My words don't "betray" that I'm actually a Republican, your words betray that you're a dumb ass.

It's a no brainer to name-call, why do you post anything, if all you're going to do is chop my posts-respond only to minor points and name-call? My counsel to you is; cut your losses, commit M/B Hara-Kiri, go do something that doesn't get your panties in a knot and-----and try some

I have two modes. I will be serious, or I will have fun. When I said we can keep guns from criminals by keeping them in jail and not given chance after chance, you came back with that I wanted a life sentence for stealing a stick of gum. And when I, I'm talking about violent criminals, you said it was too late to add caveats.

At that point, having revealed yourself to be of extremely limited mental capacity, I put you inthe "fun" category.
How will you know if someone has a gun illegally and-----and how will you know if a criminal is trying to buy a gun and-----and how will you catch them? What do you suggest we do to implement your plan?
(1) When you arresnt them after doing someting illegal with a gun, you check their record to see if it is legal for them to have a gun.
(2) It doesn't - but then, the law prohibiting felons is designed to allow (1) rather than prevent them from buying a gun, so the premise that you need to is flawed on its face.

It is impossible to enact a law that will prevent people from breaking the law; it is fallacious to attempt to do so.
Maybe they do moron, but I'm a libertarian not a Republican.

I would call you the master of the obvious, but we've already established the obvious is beyond your grasp.

People who commit violent crimes with weapons. The subject we are discussing. What is wrong with you?

You're free to self describe yourself any way you want, heck, you can park your ass in a garage-plug yourself into the wall and call yourself a Tesla for all I care but-----but your words betray you.

Do they? I got you. My words betray I'm a Republican. I'm pro-choice, anti-death penalty, think all drugs should be legal, think prostitution and gambling should be legal and I'm against our presence in the Middle East and against the use of our military for anything but strict defensive purposes.

My words don't "betray" that I'm actually a Republican, your words betray that you're a dumb ass.

It's a no brainer to name-call, why do you post anything, if all you're going to do is chop my posts-respond only to minor points and name-call? My counsel to you is; cut your losses, commit M/B Hara-Kiri, go do something that doesn't get your panties in a knot and-----and try some

I have two modes. I will be serious, or I will have fun. When I said we can keep guns from criminals by keeping them in jail and not given chance after chance, you came back with that I wanted a life sentence for stealing a stick of gum. And when I, I'm talking about violent criminals, you said it was too late to add caveats.

At that point, having revealed yourself to be of extremely limited mental capacity, I put you inthe "fun" category.

Reading really isn't long and/or strong is it? I wrote; Then what? You say "Keep our domestic criminals in jail" - then what, please explain.
Are you going to "keep them there" forever-----forever if the criminal is for example, a candy bar thief how about an unarmed bank robber or an armed bank robber...? then-----then you responded; "When I said we can keep guns from criminals by keeping them in jail and not given chance after chance, you came back with that I wanted a life sentence for stealing a stick of gum."


Your reading problem is getting tiresome, how did you get "you said it was too late to add caveats." out of; "It's a little late to start adding caveats to what you already posted.
Now would be a good time to add more caveats to your poorly thought out "plan", before you make yourself look even sillier." and-----and, I still think you should use this M/B to self correct your mistakes - it's just a M/B, nobody's going to shoot you for screwing up something you wrote in haste.


When I said; "Your sweeping statements leave a lot of questions unanswered but-----but I'm not surprised, it's how Republitarians roll."; You somehow or other took it that I had insulted you by calling you a Republican. I can understand why it'd be insulting to be called a Republican but-----but I didn't call you a Republican and-----and the issues you identified; "My words betray I'm a Republican. I'm pro-choice, anti-death penalty, think all drugs should be legal, think prostitution and gambling should be legal and I'm against our presence in the Middle East and against the use of our military for anything but strict defensive purposes."; make you sound more like a Democrat than a Republican?

Your lack of reading skills is really-really boring.

Now would be a good time to add more caveats to your poorly thought out "plan", before you make yourself look even sillier." and-----and, I still think you should use this M/B to self correct your mistakes - it's just a M/B, nobody's going to shoot you for screwing up something you wrote in haste.

I think we should keep violent offenders in jail longer and and not give them chance after chance, you think they belong on the street and we'll enact gun laws, pretend they work and the criminals won't be able to get them and we'll all be safe!

It's not my plan that's "poorly thought out"...
Now would be a good time to add more caveats to your poorly thought out "plan", before you make yourself look even sillier." and-----and, I still think you should use this M/B to self correct your mistakes - it's just a M/B, nobody's going to shoot you for screwing up something you wrote in haste.

I think we should keep violent offenders in jail longer and and not give them chance after chance, you think they belong on the street and we'll enact gun laws, pretend they work and the criminals won't be able to get them and we'll all be safe!

It's not my plan that's "poorly thought out"...

You have no idea what I think, but-----but you do have the ability to conjure stuff up in your mind. Again with the reading problem?

You still haven't said where you're going to get the money for these "longer" sentences you're advocating?

Now would be a good time to add more caveats to your poorly thought out "plan", before you make yourself look even sillier." and-----and, I still think you should use this M/B to self correct your mistakes - it's just a M/B, nobody's going to shoot you for screwing up something you wrote in haste.

I think we should keep violent offenders in jail longer and and not give them chance after chance, you think they belong on the street and we'll enact gun laws, pretend they work and the criminals won't be able to get them and we'll all be safe!

It's not my plan that's "poorly thought out"...

You have no idea what I think, but-----but you do have the ability to conjure stuff up in your mind. Again with the reading problem?

You still haven't said where you're going to get the money for these "longer" sentences you're advocating?


Silly me, I thought when you argued with me that means you disagreed with what I said. Where did I get that idea?

As for the money, eliminate the war on drugs and let the non-violent criminals who harmed no one but themselves go and replace them with violent criminals who harmed other people and any other money you need will come from the reduced cost of prosecuting the same people over and over.

And you're only calculating the direct cost, the savings to society of the reduced violent crime will be enormous.

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