Larry Elder announces 2024 Presidential run as America's first Black President

And who created the 3/5 compromise? The North

3/5 as opposed to counting blacks as a full person when it came to allocating Congress seats but considering them as non persons with no more rights than animals otherwise
You truly do live in Bizarro World. It was the Democrats who disregarded the US Constitution and seceded from the Union, causing the Civil War. Conservatives and Republicans tend to view the Constitution as the "law of the land", while you liberal Democrats believe it's a "flawed" document which needs revision.

The Civil War era Democrats were the liberals of the time, not the Republicans. Look at John Wilkes Booth: He was an actor involved in theater, to which this very day is a liberal institution. There was no magical "liberal switcheroo", where conservatives and liberals suddenly exchanged places. Anyone who believes that nonsense is a historical-revisionist idiot.
You are con-fused. In the 1860s, the democrats, particularly in the South were very very con-servative. The new party, the republicans were liberals...

Slowly over the next 100+ years, their rolls switched.....particularly in the 1960s and 70s. The con-servatives in the South never forgave the democrats for pushing and passing the Civil Rights Act and gave up the party, switching to the GOP.
False. Back in the days of slavery, "libs" were the progressives who lived primarily in the north. The south was primarily the Bible-thumping Christians in and around the Bible Belt. Today, those are conservatives.

Yet another Blue Anon "liberal switcheroo" conspiracy theorist chimes in. :laughing0301:
I dont have to.

I know what I know.....and it doesn't matter to me if you are wrong.

I mentioned the trolling thing because that is what you do here.

You make a comment, posters see it differently and say so, and you ask them for proof.

They offer their side and you ask for a link. They offer you a link and you disregard it as disinformation and you criticize them for watching Fox News,

And the beat goes on with you.

It is how you operate. You is what you is.

So which ideology resided mostly in the Bible Belt during slavery?
Yet another Blue Anon "liberal switcheroo" conspiracy theorist chimes in. :laughing0301:

Same question to you... which ideology mostly resided in or around the Bible Belt during slavery?
That's where you are wrong. The Democrat party has sold blacks out for decades.

Then why can’t blacks win in the Republican Party?

If Republicans can do so much for blacks, why won’t they campaign in black communities ?
No, it was true. The democrats were and are the party of slavery AND segregation. Make no mistake.

Now you're changing what you said earlier. A clear tell that even you know you were wrong.

Earlier, you said it was Liberals. Now you've changed it to Democrats. Democrats were not Liberals back then.
Same question to you. Maybe you'll answer where your peeps won't...

Which ideology resided mostly in the Bible Belt during slavery?

Same party as the dems today. The party of slavery, segregation and still today they suppress the minorities and offer them trinkets from the treasury as they keep their boots on the neck in exchange for a vote.
Now you're changing what you said earlier. A clear tell that even you know you were wrong.

Earlier, you said it was Liberals. Now you've changed it to Democrats. Democrats were not Liberals back then.

Nope, not at all. Yeah, they're the same. Still trying to suppress minorities to get a vote as the minorities languish in poverty. Sad.

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